Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C | Hepatitis Central

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Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C Virus Infection

table  1.   Alcohol Questionnaire

1.  Have you had more than 10 drinks of alcohol in your life? If yes,
2.  How old were you when you started drinking?
3.  On average, on how many days a month would you have had something to drink?
4.  On average, how many drinks would you have had on any day that you would have been drinking? N.B. 1 drink is equivalent to 10 g alcohol.
5.  What would have been the maximum number of drinks you would have had in any one day?
6.  How would you have rated your usual style of drinking during an average month at that time? 1 = occasional; 2 = weekend; 3 = frequent; 4 = binge.
no. days/month × average drinks/day (g ETOH) × period of time =
7.  Has your drinking behavior changed in any way compared with the above described period of time? If yes,
8.  How old were you when you began drinking in a different manner? Back to Question 3

NOTE. Modified from Skinner and Sheu.19

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