Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C | Hepatitis Central

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Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C Virus Infection

table  2.   Risk Factor and Gender Distribution of the Study Population and Mean Age of Different Risk Factor Groups and Whole Study Population

Risk Factors

IDU Transfusion Tattoo Occupational Sporadic

No. 142 36 16 7 33 234
(%) (61) (15) (7) (3) (14) 100
Male 107 23 13 3 20 166
(%) (75) (64) (81) (43) (61) (71)
Mean age 36.4* 48.1* 37.4 41.1 52.3* 40.7
(±SEM) (yr) ±0.4 ±2.3 ±1.2 ±3.7 ±2.4 ±0.7

* P < .001.

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