Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C | Hepatitis Central

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Role of Alcohol in the Progression of Liver Disease Caused By Hepatitis C Virus Infection

table  3.   Summary of Breakdown of Variables According to Fibrosis Score on Liver Biopsy

Variable Fibrosis Score

0 (n = 15) 1 (n = 119) 2 (n = 35) 3 (n = 11) 4 (cirrhosis) (n = 50)

Age (yr) 33.5 37.4 39.1 39.1 51.6*
Male sex (%) (31) (75) (77) (78) (68)
HCV Duration (yr) 15.6 15.7 16.2 24.0 20.1dagger
HCV RNA titre (×105copies/mL) 3.6 1.6 1.6 4.1 1.9
HCV genotype 1 (%) (100) (54) (62) (22) (52)
Lifetime total alcohol (kg) 101 200 185 243 289
Lifetime average daily alcohol (g) 16 27 26 38 27

NOTE. All values expressed as mean except for “male sex” and “genotype 1,” which are expressed as percentages.
* P = .0001; dagger P = .0002.

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