Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy | Hepatitis Central

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Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy Table 1

table 1

table  1.   Complication Rates of “Blind” Liver Biopsy

Study Year n Complications n (%)

  Terry10 1952 10,600 24* (0.32)
  Thaler12 1964 23,382 27 (0.12)
  Lindner13 1967 79,381 273 (0.34)
  Knauer1 1978 1,067 5 (0.47)
  Sherlock et al.14 1984 6,379 40 (0.63)
  Piccinino et al.11 1986 68,276 147 (0.22)
189,085 516 (0.27)
Outpatient liver biopsy
  Rosson et al.15 1972 63 0 (0)
  Ali et al.16 1978 67 2 (3)
  Knauer1 1978 107 1 (0.9)
  Perrault et al.2 1978 829 44 (5.4)
  Westaby et al.17 1980 200 6 (3)
  Sherlock et al.14 1984 55 1 (1.8)
  Wright18 1991 94 1 (1.1)
  Janes and Lindor4 1993 405 13 (3.2)
  Garcia-Tsao and Boyer19 1993 346 5 (1.4)
  Lindor et al.8 1996 413 9 (2.2)
2579 82 (3.2)

* Among 7532 cases.

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