Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy | Hepatitis Central

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Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy Table 2

Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy

table 2

table  2.   Summary of Outcomes in Studies Using Ultrasound-Guided Outpatient Liver Biopsies

Study Year n Design Major Complication n (%)

Ultrasound Guided “Blind”

Smith and Desmond7 1995  175* Uncontrolled 3 (1.7)
Colombo et al.9 1988 1192 Uncontrolled 7 (0.6)
Papini et al.5 1991 170/170 RCT 1 (0.6) 4 (2.4)dagger
Lindor et al.8 1996 413/423 RCT 2 (0.5) 9 (2.2)

Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial.
* Outpatient biopsies, 175; 3/175 (1.7%) required unplanned admission.
dagger Complications that would require hospitalization 1/170 (0.6%); 4/170 (2.4%).

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