Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy | Hepatitis Central

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Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy Table 5

Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy

table 5

table  5.   Results of the Decision Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis: Best-, Intermediate- (Baseline), and Worst-Case Scenarios from Payer’s Perspective for Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy

Variable Best Intermediate Worst

  Frequency of major complication with “blind” biopsy 3% 2% 1%
  Percent reduction of major complications by ultrasound 75% 60% 45%
  Additional cost of ultrasound-guided biopsy $50 $100 $150
  Cost of major complication $10,000 $5,000 $1,000
  Average cost of complications/patient
    “Blind” liver biopsy $329 $129 $39
    US-guided liver biopsy $97 $62 $27
  Threshold value of cost of ultrasonography $232 $67 $12
  Additional cost or cost savings per patient with ultrasound-guided biopsies ($182) $33 $138
  Incremental cost per case of major complication prevented by the use of ultrasound guidance ($8,099) $2,731 $30,728

NOTE. Values in parentheses represent cost savings.

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