Liver Biopsy Information
Pain Experienced During Percutaneous Liver Biopsy
Biopsy Charts
Modified Staging: architectural changes, fibrosis and cirrhosis
(Staging Chart)
Knodell Histological Activity Index
(Grading Chart)
Modified Hepatic Activity Index
(Modified Grading Chart)
Histology Activity Index (HAI – Knodell Score)
(Scoring Chart)
More Information
Guidelines on the use of liver biopsy in clinical practice
Liver biopsy in chronic hepatitis – why do it?
Writen by an International Conference Reporter from the
11th World Congress of Gastroenterology (WCOG)
The Normal Adult Human Liver Biopsy: A Quantitative Reference Standard
Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy
Clinical Sequelae of Hepatitis C Acquired From Injection Drug Use
Liver pathology in fatal drug addiction
Diagnostic necessity of liver biopsy in drug abusers with normal liver function tests
Hepatic puncture biopsy in ambulatory care. Advantages and disadvantages
Percutaneous hepatic puncture biopsy in ambulatory care