Hepatitis C, The Normal Adult Human Liver Biopsy: A Quantitative Reference Standard | Hepatitis Central

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The Normal Adult Human Liver Biopsy: A Quantitative Reference Standard

Fig. 3. Portal tract profiles (A) Conventional portal triad, containing 1 bile duct (BD1, arrowhead), 3 hepatic arteries (*; top right, middle, and lower left), 1 portal vein, and 1 probable canal of Hering (BD2, arrow). (B) Conventional portal triad containing 1 bile duct, 1 hepatic artery, and 3 portal veins. Portal tracts with: (C) bile duct (BD1) and hepatic artery; (D) bile duct (BD1) and portal vein; and (E) hepatic artery and portal vein. (F) Portal tract with two hepatic arteries. (G) Solitary bile duct (BD1). (H) Terminal hepatic vein. (Original magnifications: [A,H] ×400, bar = 20 µm; [B-G]: ×1,000, bar = 10 µm.)


Portal Tract Profiles, etc

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