Hepatitis C Recommended Doctors | Hepatitis Central

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Patient Referred Physicians Treating Hepatitis

Kauai, HI

Stephen DeNigris, MD


Kauai Medical Group 3 3420 Kuhio Highway Suite B
Kauai HI 96796


Comments: My wife has geno type 1a hep c, and does not want, nor qualifies for a liver transplant. Though her current doctor says that she cannot survive the new treatment for hep c we would like to try. I am willing to move back to Kauai for my wife to get the help she wants, and not the forced and lacking care she gets now. I can send her numbers to you and we can talk if you have the time. I am in serious need here sir, and my wife is everything to me. So if you can just look at what we ask for a moment you may decide to chance it. My wife is finishing her P.H.D. in Trans-personal psychology from ITP as we speak, and we both agree that you are a good candidate for this, if you think you can help. My name is C.W., my wife's name is M. She has full disability and medicaid and medicare. I lived in the Islands for a long time and work is available to me there, so money can be taken care of. Please give me a chance here to help her get the care she wants. Thank you for your time sir, and Mahalo.

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*The physicians included in this website are those who received personal recommendations submitted by fellow hepatitis patients. The author of this website cannot assure the accuracy of information provided them by third parties, since opinions are subjective and may be incomplete. The omission from this website of particular physicians does not mean that they are not competent or reputable. To include your own physician recommendation, please click on the following e-mail form and submit your referral to us for inclusion on the website.