Hepatitis C Recommended Doctors | Hepatitis Central

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Patient Referred Physicians Treating Hepatitis

Las Vegas, NV

Dr. Vishvinder Sharma, MD

Internal Medicine / Gastroenterology

5380 South Rainbow Blvd., Ste. 210
Las Vegas NV 89118


Comments: Is very well versed on all the latest info regarding HCV. I bounced around from Gastro to Gastro. None of them knew the latest info about HCV. I, of course, did. I had a list of test questions for them all & none of them (3-4) had a clue. Dr. Vish Sharma knew Everything! He passed all my test questions. Hepatitis Central had posted an article about a study just released a few weeks earlier and he knew about it. Very classy guy also. I'd recommend him highly.

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Joseph Fayad, MD


3150 N. Tenaya Way
Suite 630
Las Vegas NV 89128


Comments: I feel very fortunate to be his patient. He takes the time to listen and he treats very aggressively.

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Frank Faris, MD


609 Canyon Greens Dr
Las Vegas NV 89144


Comments: Doctor Faris recommends any treatment such as Rebetron that may actually help, regardless of the percentage. In my opinion, he is genuinely interested in the well being of his patients. To me, that is a vivid sign of a true doctor. He is really on top of his game. I highly recommend him also because he returns your calls!

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*The physicians included in this website are those who received personal recommendations submitted by fellow hepatitis patients. The author of this website cannot assure the accuracy of information provided them by third parties, since opinions are subjective and may be incomplete. The omission from this website of particular physicians does not mean that they are not competent or reputable. To include your own physician recommendation, please click on the following e-mail form and submit your referral to us for inclusion on the website.