Hepatitis C Recommended Doctors | Hepatitis Central

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Patient Referred Physicians Treating Hepatitis

Richmond, VA

Mitchell Shiffman, MD FACP


Liver Institute of Virginia
Bon Secours St Mary's Hospital of Richmond, Inc.
Richmond VA 23226


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Richard Sterling, MD


Medical College of Virginia
Box 980341
Richmond VA 23298


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Velimir Luketic M.D., FACG, FACP.


VCU Gastroenterolgy Hepatology
1200 E Marshall St Fl 7
Richmond VA 23298


Comments: Dr. Luletik is very knowledgeable and professional all while exuding an atmosphere of "everything is going to be okay"; if you know what i mean. His specialties are General Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and Nutrition at VCU Medical Center (MCV). He has made me feel at such ease dealing with my new case of hep c. dr. luketik is croatian and his accent is thick, quite charming, and cool!!

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*The physicians included in this website are those who received personal recommendations submitted by fellow hepatitis patients. The author of this website cannot assure the accuracy of information provided them by third parties, since opinions are subjective and may be incomplete. The omission from this website of particular physicians does not mean that they are not competent or reputable. To include your own physician recommendation, please click on the following e-mail form and submit your referral to us for inclusion on the website.