Hepatitis C, An Appraisal of Percutaneous Treatment of Liver Metastases, Current Information On Hepatitis C & treatments for the medical professional and patient. | Hepatitis Central

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Hepatitis C, An Appraisal of Percutaneous Treatment of Liver Metastases, Current Information On Hepatitis C & treatments for the medical professional and patient.

An Appraisal of Percutaneous Treatment of Liver Metastases

table  1.   Data Summary of the Study Patients

Patient No. Histotype Total Diameter at Presentation (cm) Ablation Treatment No. of Sessions Surgery Delay (mo) Total Diameter at Surgery (cm) Operation Tumoral Necrosis Follow-up, A/D (mo)

1 Colonic carcinoma 2 PEI 4 5 5 RH + DR ND D (14)
2 Leiomyosarcoma 3 PEI 2 8 8 RH ND A (19)
3 Colonic carcinoma 3.5 PEI 3 4 8 LL ND A (15)
4 Colonic carcinoma 2 + 2 PEI 4 7 5 RH + DR ND D (13)
5 Carcinoid 2.5* PEI/RF 21 18 2 2-Stage hepat   + DR 80% A (8)
6 Colonic carcinoma 2 RF 2 3 5 Bisegm + DR <20% A (8)
7 Carcinoid 2 RF 3 2 3 Wedge 50% A (5)
8 Colonic carcinoma 3 RF 2 6 5 Wedge <20% A (3)

Abbreviations: RH, right hepatectomy; LH, left lobectomy;
DR, diaphragmatic; ND, not determinable; A/D, alive/dead; 2-Stage
hepat, right hepatectomy (plus diaphragmatic excision) followed by
a left lobectomy 40 days later; Bisegm, bisegmentectomy.
* Value expressed as mean.

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