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Herbal Products for Liver Diseases:
A Therapeutic Challenge for the New Millennium

table 2. History of the Milk Thistle as a Liver Remedy

Century/Year Use/Indication Source

4th Century B.C. General medicinal herb Theophrastus
1st Century A.D. Emetic, general medicinal herb Dioskurides
11th Century A.D. Ulcers, shingles Hildegard von Bingen, Causae et curae
1564 Stitch in the side, astringent A. Lonicerus, Kreuterbuch, Frankfurt
1626 Stitch in the side, pestilence, renal calculi P.A. Matthiolus, Neues Kreuterbuch, Prague
1755 Liver disease, liver pain A. von Haller, Medicinisches Lexikon, Frankfurt
1846/1951 Liver disease, icterus, biliary colic J.G. Rademacher, Erfahrungsheillehre, Berlin

Hepato-cholangiopathies, chronic leg ulcers

G. Madaus, Lehrbuch der biologischen Heilmittel, Leipzig


Characterization/First Clinical Studies

Source (reference)

1968-1974 Characterization of active compounds Wagner et al.25 and Sonnenbichler et al.26
1971 First animal experimental studies on liver protection Platt et al.27
Antidote for Amanita phalloides intoxication in the rat Schriewer et al.28
1976-1988 Elucidation of molecular actions of silibinin Sonnenbichler et al.26
1977/1978 First controlled clinical studies in acute viral hepatitis Bode et al.29 and Magliulo et al.30
1980 First controlled study in alcoholic cirrhosis Benda et al.31
1980-1981 Amanita phalloides antidote in clinical studies Hruby et al.32


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