Hepatitis C, table 2, Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy Impairs Daily Functioning | Hepatitis Central

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Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy Impairs Daily Functioning

table  2.   Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Cirrhotic Patients With and Without SHE

SHE+ (n = 48) SHE (n = 131) P

Male/female ratio 36:12 77:54 .35
Age (<60:60 yr) 33:15 97:34 .57
Child-Pugh score (A:B/C ratio)* 25:23 111:20 <.001
Presence of varices (yes:no)* 45:3 56:75 <.001
Etiology of cirrhosis (alcohol:other)* 17:31 21:110 .007

* Selected for multivariate analysis (table 4).

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