Abbott Developing Potent Interferon-Free Hep C Regimen
Abbott Announces Positive Data from Mid-Stage Trial of Hepatitis C Therapy
By Lianne Dane
Monday, October 24, 2011
Abbott on Friday announced interim data from mid-stage trials of its experimental hepatitis C drug combination that suggested patients could achieve a viral cure without use of interferon and that the duration of therapy could be about half as long as conventional therapies. Abbott’s Richard Gonzales, who will take over as CEO of the company’s new presecription drug business following its split, commented that the therapy could “dramatically change the treatment landscape” for the disease, adding that “we’re on track to show patient cure rates in the 90 percent range.”
In the trials, 44 previously untreated patients with hepatitis C were given ritonavir with Abbott’s ABT-450 and one of two Abbott polymerase inhibitors, ABT-333 or ABT-072, and ribavirin for 12 weeks. All patients who remained in the studies achieved an early virologic response at 12 weeks, and of the 10 patients to date who were tested 24 weeks after completing the treatment course, nine had achieved a sustained virologic response, the company said. Abbott plans to present more detailed data on these and other trials of the drug regimen next year.
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