Can I Drink Alcohol After Beating Hep C?

If I’m Cured of Hepatitis C, When Is It Safe to Drink Again?
Written by David Heitz
Doctors say the answer lies in whether a patient is honest about their alcohol use and how much damage the liver sustained before treatment.
For some people, a glass of wine with dinner is one of life’s simple pleasures. For others, however, it’s more of a problem.
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Curious about marijuana use after clearing the HCV. I have seen only one study in 10 years regarding this. Doesn’t seem to be any real significant research regarding marijuana’s effects on the liver.
Try cocaine, heroin, and other hard drugs , you will feel way better , than after stupid pot 🙂
I started drinking wine, but a lot of it, my hep c is back, m viral load is 200 million, does this warrant treatment again
That warrants stupidity to me, you take the time of the Dr., your family an friends for a selfishness of alcohol, and now wonders if you can get the treatment AGAIN…..There are people who wish just to be able for one treatment, and you abused yours!
piss off