FDA Approved: Epclusa Pill Treats All Strains of HCV | Hepatitis Central

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FDA Approved: Epclusa Pill Treats All Strains of HCV

The Editors at Hepatitis Central
June 29, 2016

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Learn more about Gilead’s new FDA-approved drug that is reshaping treatment for Hepatitis C.
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FDA approves first pill to treat all forms of hepatitis C

Federal health officials on Tuesday approved the first pill to treat all major forms of hepatitis C, the latest in a series of drug approvals that have reshaped treatment of the liver-destroying virus.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the combination pill, Epclusa, from Gilead Sciences, for patients with and without liver damage. The new drug’s broad indication could make it easier to use than five other hepatitis drugs recently approved by the FDA, which are each tailored to different viral strains or stages of liver disease.

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  • Mir Ahmed Ali says:

    Amazing news, hope for HCV patients, When this drug will be available to PAKISTANIS Please help. Svaldi is available in Pakistan Feroze Sons Laboratories has done a tremendous job, made available Sovaldi RS.33000/-($330-) for 28 tablets,a month’s course.Now in Pakistan pharmaceutical Companies (Genix Pharma etc) are manufacturing generically and is available on more lower price,$50/- for 28 tablets ”Gilead Sciences” are the PIONEERS,GOD bless them for their efforts and dedication.All my appreciation to them and other like PHARMAS.Your efforts are also commendable.

  • ahmed umar says:

    I have been suffering from the infection for long, I thank God who has kept me this far,now that there is a new drug, the challenge is when will the drug be available in third world countries like ours ie Nigeria? please help us , wising and hoping for your response

    • trotter says:

      With the other treatments, Gilead made them available quite soon in numerous countries and at a much lower price than here in U.S. I’m sure it will not be too long for you. This is the first good tx for ALL genotypes. Hang on.

  • minhas says:

    Please mention the price/cost and duration of the treatment required.

  • LJ says:

    Why do the pills have to cost $890.00 a piece nearly $75,000.00 for 12 weeks!!! If you are on Medicare you are not eligible for the drug company assistance program.
    There is something wrong here!
    I have had Hep C for over 25 years and have never taken any prescription meds…..I can not afford them. I try to eat healthy, no alcohol, no smoking and just take supplements.
    It is so sad that these companies profit off of sick people.

    • cadillacrich says:

      If you are on SS, over 65, have Medicare A&B, have Hep C and liver damage (at least stage 3) YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET APPROVED FOR EPCLUSA through Medicare. If you also have an annual income less that $40K, you will also get your deductible ($3600) paid for by a new grant program.
      I just had ALL OF THIS HAPPEN TO ME, last week. I am awaiting my prescription to be delivered in 3 days. If your doctor cannot get you this medicine, GET ANOTHER DOCTOR!

  • KS says:

    I qualified for a program from Gilead,(855)769-7284. You have to be low income (not sure how low), and not have any kind of insurance to qualify. If you qualify, they give you the drugs for free. They called today to arrange for my first months shipment. I hope this helps someone!

  • cadillacrich says:

    I am a 66 year old male, in generally good heath, retired and on SS. I just got approved by Medicare for EPCLUSA. (12 week treatment program) Because I also have stage 3 liver disease, and moderate retirement income, I was approved for having a co-pay taken care of as well. So, I am getting treatment for FREE.

    My Hep C genotype 2b, was diagnosed 6 weeks ago, and apparently I’ve had it for 30-40 years. I knew nothing about it all these years, since my annual ALT blood readings were normal, and I had NO symptoms. When my last ALT test reading was 810 (up from 50 the previous year), then all of this started. The first thing my doctor said was to IMMEDIATELY STOP TAKING LIPITOR (and drinking). Came to find out that Lipitor has been linked to DIABETES and Liver Damage…who knew? I sought and found a specialist in HEP C to get treatment.

    My doctor said that my RNA quantity TMA level of 5million, was kinda low, and Medicare might not pay for the treatment…but when my liver disease was diagnosed to be stage 3, that was the determining factor to have Medicare authorize treatment (my guess). My doctor put in my paperwork, health record and request to Medicare on a Monday. She said it could be a few weeks to have a response…3 DAYS LATER, I received a phone call that my request was approved, and my pills would be delivered next Tuesday (that’s only 8 days from request to delivery of medicine!). I immediately called my doctors office to tell them the news, and they said that was pretty fast…I’m elated.

    I am posting this for all of you to know that if this can happen to me, it can happen to you!! I found this doctor by going online through Hep C physicians, and EPCLUSA providers… If you’re not getting access to this “miracle drug” then just keep trying. I will continue to post my results and treatment with you all, as it happens. God bless you.

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