FixHepC Buyers Club Started for Those in Need

Real life Dallas Buyers Club operation helps hepatitis C patients with free drugs
November 30, 2015
By Richard Woolveridge
Nearly a quarter of a million Australians carry hepatitis C, a “viral time bomb” that kills half a million people worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization.
Yet a simple lifesaving fix – a course of one pill a day for 12 weeks – has been priced beyond the reach of all but the wealthy by giant pharmaceutical company and patent owner Gilead Sciences, which charges patients in the United States $US84,000 ($117,000) … or $1000 a pill.
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when will this madness end , $1000 a pill is insane. Hop on a flight to India and get the same pills for $1000 for complete 12 week course. USA and other nations are held to ransom by BIG PHARMA. If governments / Insurance companies did not play their little game the price would be down to $1000 worldwide very quickly.
If this, no pharma company would like to put money for R&D.
Does it always have to be about money what about for the good of mankind.
Yes, and no. Big risks need big rewards, but historically much of the basic R&D is done by small private companies which are then swallowed up by big Pharma once much of the risk has be taken.
Absolute rubbish. Pharma prices are supported by subsidies and inefficient government purchasing polcies. Most newly approved drugs are low risk sequels (we have for example 9 different statins and even more if you include combination products) rather than true investments in high risk breakthrough drugs. The development cost for Sofosbuvir is clearly documented in the deficit on the Pharmasset balance sheet at the time they were purchased. It was $324 million. There has been over 100 x return on that to date which allows for 99% total failures if you spend that much on R&D and of course you fail much faster for things that don’t stack up. In every other non subsidised industry a manufacturer needs to make products people can afford to buy.
you can get the hepc drugs free by going to the top liver specialist in your and find out where to join a cllinical trials. I know people cured in two weeks by joining clinical trials. They have to stay in the 12 week program though. The drugs are free.
If I don’t have money to buy food, may I rob bank and/or other rich people?
Is it morally wrong to hit somebody over the head with a baseball bat? Yes, of course, unless they are holding a gun to somebody’s head about to kill them in which case most of us would agree it is justifiable in the circumstances. Gilead’s behaviour on pricing is the worst case of Pharma price gouging ever seen. Massive market, low development cost ($324 million) and returning the entire $11 billion Pharmasset buy price every 6 months. Hep C is one of the 5 big infectious disease killers in the world along with Hep B, HIV, TB and Malaria. We should be rejoicing that cure has been invented yet only 613,000 of 185,000,000 have been treated during a period when over 1,000,000 have died. At the rate we are going by the time the patent expires Gilead will have presided over more preventable deaths than Hitler and the Nazis.
To complain is of no use. Try to figure out better mediation than Gilead Sciences Co. and /or othe big Pharma. What’s about cirrhosis? What’s about dementia caused by hcv? I can tell you the fact nano-mediation is based on:
God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.
During past five decades, U.S.A., Russia, France, Germany have made great efforts to unravel nano-medication unsuccessfully. I’ve made such breakthrough. Nano-medication is God’s greatest mercy to humans. Do you believe that chronic hep c can be cured within three weeks? Cirrhosis can be reversed? Of course, nano-medication can breach bbb (blood-brain barrier)? Hence, hep c patients, treated by nano-medication, can be free from dementia. Of course, nano-medication is effetive for all genotypes of hcv. Definitely, sooner or later those big Pharma will lower prices for hep c significantly if they know nano-medication will be in the market.
Please note nano-medication is scientifically confirmed able to polymerize human rna. Hence, nano-mediation won’t cause any side effects to humans. Besides, nano-medication is real stem cell therapy. Cirrhosis can be reversed according to human experience already..
God blew into the nostrils of people he made from dirt? Sounds like Mark Twain’s story The Mysterious Stranger! When people start talking about God on a forum like this I stop listening. Look, I know nano medication is not currently available for hcv so saying we ought to forget Sofosbuvir etc is pointless at this juncture.
It’s too pity because you’re innocent regarding stem cell therapy. God formed man out of dirt from the ground. Do you know the meaning? You know nano-medication? forget. What’s basic materials for nano-medication? Nano-medication is not nano-medicine. Nano-medication is based on real nanoclay. What’s definition of real nanoclay? What’s meaning out of dirt? I can tell you I’m treating hep c patients every day. When God allow to me to reveal HIS greatest mercy to humans, nano-medication will be completely presented to the world. Dr. David Ho who invents so-called cocktail treatment for hiv-1/aids has known me for decade. He knows so well that compared to nano-medication, cocktail treatment, i.e. HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therpay), is bullshit. Nano-medication is also the last-ditch treatment for global AIDS patients. How many medical professors told me that nano-medication to global medical and biopharmaceutical society is SUPER A BOMB, not tsunami. Innocence and arrogance is always together.
I am not innocent nor arrogant. This is my last reply to you: if you can cure us all now then give this gift to everyone now. If not then stop babbling.
My best to you.
I agree, this is a serious issue, this guy needs to stop his babbling
Thanks! Am so happy as at last after years waiting UK NHS agreed to fund Harvoni treatment for my hep c next month. At same time I moved home couple miles and local health authority refused to continue a prescription I got from old GP so I have to go private for it. Swings and roundabouts – we call it postcode (zipcode) lottery here. At least I don’t have to fund £35k for Harvoni. Yay!
Eh? I’m nearly 63, had hep c for decades, but the uk socialised healthcare won’t yet give me Sofosbuvir cos cost forces them to restrict it to those in direst circumstances. If something exists that can cure people it’s morally indefensible that it’s not given. I’m not saying everyone deserves free sports cars or mansions, but this is about life and death. The uk ought to import cheap generics from India and give the finger to Big Pharma.
What’s about cirrhosis? If you’ve hep c for decades, most likely, hcv can be inside of your brain already. Besides, cirrhosis can be developed too. Sofosbuvir cos can do nothing for cirrhosis .
The virus does not go to your brain. It will cause elevated ammonia levels that can effect your brain, but there is medication to treat it. You can live a full life with cirrhosis if you stop the attack from HCV and you have even a small portion of undamaged liver.
I don’t think you have much knowledge about hep c, no offence. I have had liver biopsy and scans that show I only have fibrosis, no cirrhosis or suggestions of cancer. I don’t drink alcohol, eat healthily as I can and so on. Obviously I’m not happy about not being treated now rather than when my liver gets worse but I’m not about to die of hcv right away.
PS: and yes, Sofosbuvir doesn’t cure cirrhosis, but when hcv is gone the liver has a great capacity for repairing itself, or so I’m told.
If this is true, no osteoarthritis will happen. Because you don’t have any idea regarding nano-medication. Nano-medication is based on:
God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.
Nano-medication is effective for all kinds of virues, hiv-1, hcv, hbv, ebv, cmv, hpv, etc.
U.S.A., Russia, France, Germany have made great efforts to unravel nano-medication during past five decades unsuccessfully. Frankly speaking, nano-medication does look down upon western medication because humans can’t compete against God. I don’t know hep c but I know how to
cure hep c patients. Do you believe that hep c patient who contracts hcv four decades can get cured by nano-medication within one month? How many years American NASA has been studying nano-medication? Alas, NASA doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of nano-medication because she’s not God’s messenger. God bless your family and you!
Yes, I know it’s been researched, but it isn’t available!!! So one can only use the current medications – if one can get them. End of.
This is not true. Cirrhosis can be reversed by turn on the switch of adult stem cells, inside of body, for repair. If the switch of adult stem cells of liver can’t be turned on for repair, it’s impossible to reverse cirrhosis. Autologous and/or allogeneic setm cells transplantation are completely wrong.
If you are cured of hep c, as I have just been at long last via 8 weeks of Harvoni, the liver can get better. Obviously if you have serious cirrhosis that can’t be erased, but with fibrosis as I have the prognosis is good.
Cirrhosis only can be reversed by real stem cell therapy. Harvoni is not effective for all hep c. Liver has adult stem cells (ASCs). Why those ASCs can’t turn on the switch for repair? I don’t know the reason; however, nano-medication can help those ASCs to turn on the switch for repair. Besides, osteoarthritis, hydrocephalus, osteonecrosis, etc. can be reversed by nano-medication according to human experience already. It’s impossible to have animal model for stem cell therapy. Hence, the best way is through human trials.
Nano-medication is effective for all kinds of viruses, including hcv. Prof. Huang of Johns Hopkins University did apply nano-medication to test hiv. The result is so shocking. Nano-medication can kill and inhibit hiv-1 replication completely. This is for your reference. God bless! David Lo
I hear you, but Harvoni has cured my hep c and I don’t have cirrhosis. I have no access to nano or stem cell treatment and I guess virtually no one on this forum has. Even if you have cirrhosis it’s a better prognosis for your liver once you cure the virus obviously. I’m sure nobody would dispute that.
Cirrhosis can be reversed? Parkinson’s Disease can be reversed? Osteonecrosis patients can be treated back to normal, i.e. new bone and cartilage. I can tell you the fact I’m the first one in the world to know nano-medication because I’m God’s messenger. In the very near future, nano-medication will be presented to humans and it’s also God’s final warning to humans. Your liver fibrosis can be reversed or not? Of course, it’s said fibrosis and cirrhosis can not be reversed? God’s mercy can reverse cirrhosis. Real successful human experience, from osteonecrosis, cirrhosis, brain tumour, cerebral stroke, osteoarthritis, etc. can be treated back to normal.
Fibrosis can be reversed
Cirrhosis cannot
There are trials going on but no luck yet
You are very fortunate to have not developed cirrhosis
Happy for you
I was cured last year with vikiera but unfortunately the HepC had already advanced to cirrhosis
It only took 15 years and I am disabled now
You don’t know stem cell therpay. Do you believe that stage 5 Parkinson’s Disease patients can be reversed, i.e. dopaminergic neurons regenerated? Real stem cell therapy is to turn on the switch of those adult stem cells, inside of human body, for repair. Autologous and/or allogeneic stem cells transplantation is completely wrong. I informed prof. Shinya Yamanaka who was awarded by Nobel Prize of Physiology in 2012 for his iPS cells the fact that his breakthrough is garbage that can’t be industralized. During past years, through human trials, from osteonecrosis, hydrocephalus, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s Disease, etc. are entirely successful by so-called nano-medication. Nano-medication is based on: God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. Frankly speaking, in the world, I’m the first one and only one to make breakthrough of stem cell therapy. My e-mail: I really don’t know why you declare that cirrhosis can’t be reversed???
no i dont know stem cell therapy but its not being used so how would i know
i have cirrhosis and only know what my dr tells me and some research ive done on my own
you are probably correct but if its unavailable what good is it?
In God’s name.
I’m God’s messenger. American Johns Hopkins Unviersity, School of Medicine was so shocked when they applied nano-medication from my side to test HIV-1. This is not joke. I don’t know which country you live now. In Taiwan, China, I’m quite famous at medical as well as biopharmaceutical societies.
Stem cell therapy is based on God’s clay. American NASA has made great efforts to unravel God’s clay during past five decades unsuccessfully. Do you believe that MD (macular degeneration) can be reversed, dry-form as well as wet-form? If you’ve MD, I can send you some nano-grade eyes drop free. You must believe God.
All glory does belong to God!
God bless you !
I am very much opposed to censorship, but unless “God’s messenger” can direct us where to access nano-meds NOW, can somebody please stop him wasting time on this forum?
I have a bottle of harvoni. It con
tains 27 pills because I took only one. I was diagnosed with genotype 4 spent 48 wks on pegintron & ribi. 3 mos after tx I relapsed. I swore I would never go on that again then har
I have a bottle of Harvoni. 27 pills. I took one and as soon as I did My Dr’s office called and told me not to take anymore because I was not genotype 4 as I was previously diagnosed and treated for. 11 yrs ago on Peg/ribi. No wonder it didn’t work. I thought Harvoni was the answer to my prayers as it treated geno’s 1,4,5 &6. Well after blood work I have been diagnosed with geno 3…of course the one Harvoni wont cure. I am waiting for the June 28th approval of the all genotype once a day pill from Gilead. Any how to make a long story longer. I have 27 pills. I will give them to anyone who wants them. I swear they are legitimate and will provide any proof you may want from My Dr. number to the specialty pharmacy that they came from. I know it would be a 12 wk TX. and this would only cover 4 weeks less 1 day but it could help someone. just let me know and they are yours. As I rarely go on to this website. It would be best to contact me through email. Good Luck to you and God save us all.
Hello everybody……….
, I’m TOM MILLER LIVE IN USA ,. , I was diagnosed of Coronary artery disease (CAD) 2013,while my wife was diagnosed of Parkinson,s ,(CAD)is the most common type of heart disease and causes of heart attacks., I was told by my private doctor that I have only 4 months to live on planet earth, I was highly devastated , i was living my life in fear,so one day my friend told me about dr mapipa who cured her of emphysema.i thought she was joking ,then she told i must relax that’s she is not joking is for real ,i was so shocked ,so me and my wife decided to give it a try,so we contacted Dr mapipa via his email;drmapipaherbalmedicinehome(at)gmail(dot)com.he replied and told me he will cure me and my wife within 4 weeks,we believed and had faith ,then i gave my wife the money to purchase the herbal medicine .after purchasing ,he sent the herbal medicine to me through courier service,which we received within 2days .we don’t really spend much ,so after 4 weeks of usage ,we went back to our private doctor he confirmed that am (CAD) FREE and my wife was Parkinson’s free too.It was like a dreams, we were so shocked and happy as well ..thanks to Dr mapipa GOD will continue to bless you and your good works ..please don’t ignore this post is real ,is my true life story ..if you want to know more about dr mapipa check his website ,www(dot)drmapipaherbal(dot)weebly(dot)com …