How Can Chronic Pain Lead to Hepatitis C?

Contracted via blood-to-blood contact, Hepatitis C is an infectious virus of the liver that is easily passed on by sharing intravenous drug needles. At first consideration, Hepatitis C’s mode of transmission appears to have no relationship with chronic muscle, joint, nerve or other type of pain. However, chronic pain that leads to Hepatitis C infection is an alarming pattern that is emerging across the U.S.
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a major public health dilemma. While acute pain is a normal sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert someone of a possible injury, chronic pain is different. Going far beyond acting as an alert system, chronic pain persists by continually firing pain signals in the nervous system. Chronic pain can have many different origins including:
- Traumatic injury
- Arthritis
- Infection
- Cancer
- Surgery
- Nervous system problems
- Metabolic or hormone problems
The prevalence of chronic pain is staggering. According to a 2011 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report commissioned by Congress, more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain at a cost of around $600 billion a year in medical treatments and lost productivity.
IOM committee member and chief of pain management at Stanford School of Medicine, Sean Mackey, MD, PhD, noted that about a third of the population is affected by chronic pain. That means that more people live with chronic pain than are affected by heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined. The two main drug treatments for pain are:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS)– such as Excedrin, Advil, Motrin or Aleve
- Opioids – such as the fentanyl patch, Percocet, Vicodin or OxyContin
The Danger of Narcotics
NSAIDS are effective for many types of mild pain, but they are not always strong enough for pain of a higher intensity level. A type of narcotic pain medication, opioids are frequently prescribed for those with more severe types of pain that is not relieved by NSAIDS. Blocking messages of pain sent to the brain, opioids bind to opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord and other areas of the body.
Unfortunately, narcotics have a formidable dark side; they have a high potential for abuse, which can lead to physical dependence, addiction, overdose and even death. Claiming a surprising percentage of users in chronic pain, opioid addiction has proven to be a slippery slope:
- A prescription for a narcotic drug may finally ease a person’s pain.
- In addition to pain relief, that person may experience euphoria.
- After some time, tolerance to the narcotic may build, requiring a higher quantity of the drug to achieve the same result.
- In addition, raising the dosage can lead to an even greater level of pain relief and magnified euphoria.
- Not keeping up with the increased narcotic dosage may lead to terrible withdrawal symptoms and fuel the addiction.
- Overdosing on narcotics can be deadly.
The Crossover from Narcotics to Heroin
Despite the risks involved, there are plenty of physicians willing to prescribe opioids to people in chronic pain. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an estimated 14 million people in the United States abuse painkillers and more than 17,000 die each year after overdosing on them.
While acknowledging that some opiate use is legitimate, officials are cracking down on doctors who prescribe to addicts with little regard for symptoms or treatment. Physicians who prescribe these pain-relieving drugs must jump through more hoops for their patients in need – and patients seeking opioid refills are increasingly challenged to keep their pain at bay. In August of 2014, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration sought to curb widespread opioid use even further by placing greater restrictions on the most commonly used narcotic painkillers in the U.S.
If someone’s opioid addiction begins to spiral out of control while getting a prescription renewal gets harder, they will look for alternatives. Heroin fits the bill. Opioid pain relievers are in the same chemical class as heroin, except heroin is easier and cheaper to get. According to Steve Pasierb, CEO for Partnership at, “Somebody who was abusing a prescription opiate who can no longer abuse it or afford it switches to heroin because there isn’t a big difference between dirty street heroin and pure pharmaceutical opiates.”
By comparing statistics from 2007 to 2011, an annual survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration clearly demonstrates a growing heroin problem. Based on this survey, the number of people who reported using heroin within the past year rose from 373,000 in 2007 to 620,000 in 2011 – a 66 percent increase in just four years.
Heroin Raises Hepatitis C Risk
Many healthcare professionals have little doubt that the boom in heroin use is a result of the emerging prescription pain pill epidemic. While there are several ways to use heroin, injecting the drug frequently triumphs. Based on a discussion of heroin, Dr. Joseph Lee, medical director for Hazelden’s youth services (a part of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation in Hazelden, Minnesota) says, “You can take it orally, you can snort it, you can smoke it or you can inject it…but when people get desperate enough, they want the biggest bang for their buck, so they usually graduate to injecting.”
Sadly, the following chain of events can lead to Hepatitis C:
- Seeking a doctor’s help to treat chronic pain
- Taking pain-relieving medications
- Getting relief from opioids
- Building a tolerance to opioids
- Becoming addicted to opioids
- Unable to afford or continue to get opioids
- Switching to heroin
- Injecting heroin
- Becoming infected with Hepatitis C
The most common risk factor for acquiring Hepatitis C is injection drug use.
While the number of new Hepatitis C infections had appeared to slow down, that is no longer the case. “We’ve always thought that the Hepatitis C epidemic was something that had already peaked,” said Dr. Bennet Cecil of the Hepatitis C Treatment Center in Louisville, Kentucky. “But now we’re seeing all these patients, young patients who are getting infected from injecting heroin.”
- In 2001, only about five percent of new Hepatitis C cases were people under age 30.
- In 2012, about 13.5 percent of new Hepatitis C cases were people under age 30.
Spread via blood-to-blood contact, sharing intravenous drug needles presents the largest risk for transmitting the Hepatitis C infection. Unfortunately, a growing number of people trying to manage chronic pain are ending up with far larger problems – like a raging opioid addiction and Hepatitis C.
The scope of this problematic chain of events is so large; the medical community has a lot of ground to cover before this ‘emerging epidemic’ can be addressed. With more than 100 million Americans suffering with chronic pain, something must be done to stop those who are trying to recover from a car accident, a surgery or cancer treatment, from slipping into a downhill race towards addiction, injection drug use and Hepatitis C., Spike in Hep C Cases Blamed on Heroin Use, Dirty Needles, Retrieved September 12, 2014, CBS Local Media 2014., DEA Restricts Narcotic Pain Drug Prescriptions, Louise Radnofsky, Joseph Walker, Retrieved September 13, 2014, Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 2014., Hepatitis C testing continues as NKY rate soars, Terry DeMio, Retrieved September 12, 2014,, 2014., Joseph Lee, MD, ABAM, Retrieved September 13, 2014, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, 2014., Opiate overdoses: Painkillers' toll steadily rising in Bay Area, Karina Ioffee, Retrieved September 13, 2014, San Jose Mercury News, 2014., More People Hooked on Heroin, Sherri Ly, Received September 13, 2014, Fox Television Stations, Inc., 2014., Snapshot of heroin use, deaths in 26 states, including Louisiana, Retrieved September 12, 2014, The Associated Press, 2014., AAPM Facts and Figures on Chronic Pain, Retrieved September 13, 2014, The American Academy of Pain Medicine, 2014., Cases of hepatitis C & Heroin Use Rising, Natalia Martinez, Retrieved September 12, 2014, Worldnow and WAVE, 2014., Opiod (Narcotic) Pain Medications, Retrieved September 13, 2014, WebMD, LLC, 2014., 100 Million Americans Have Chronic Pain, Salynn Boyles, Retrieved September 13, 2014, WebMD, LLC, 2014.
If the Government and Police are cracking down on doctors prescriptions, then people will turn to street drugs. The Government has failed in it’s policy of making criminals out of people for using substances. The same thing happened when Alcohol was not legal. When Alcohol was made legal, it eliminated much of the deaths and crime which was associated with it’s “illegal” sale and use. Politicians are oppressive and stupid.
Alcohol Kills more people Now than it ever has and the
Government keeps things MJ from becoming legal when
hurts no one!!!
According to the logical conclusion from this to prevent chronic pain from becoming Hepatitis C one needs to bar people with chronic pain from “seeking a doctor’s help to treat chronic pain.” If one is unable to get, from a doctor, “pain-relieving medications” then the whole issue of chronic pain becoming HCV goes away; no step 1 therefore no step 2, 3…9 as listed above.
Perhaps a better solution would be to not force people with chronic pain to switch to “street” drug and provide them instead with legal and affordable means to get their medications as required.
I hope you have an ice bag, you’ll need it, that was quite a stretch you took.
Perfect example of a slippery slope fallacy.
So the answer is to let people suffer with their pain so they won’t become heroin addicts and catch Hepatitis C? I don’t know where this sort of hysteria comes from but seriously suspect Big Pharm has a hand in it. I realize that sounds like a contradiction but who else stands to benefit from taking opiate pain meds away from those in pain? Do this and Big Pharm can get people hooked on some new drug that causes far greater problems to a body than opiates and make even more money. Face it, they’re not making much off of opiates that have been around forever.
Perhaps if research is done on what appears to be a direct correlation with the epidemic of chronic pain patients, and the introduction of opioids to the US market, public health safety will be restored.
I’m a recovering Heroin addict and have seen many many people slip into street drug use to self medicate their chronic pain. These people have VERY legitimate needs for opiate use in a controlled setting with a dr.’s supervision! What is so Difficult to understand about this?! The “War on Drugs” has gone too far and has done a lot more harm to society than many may realize. Im not saying to Legalize Heroin like alcohol, but lets stop making it a serious crime to use it and focus on rehabilitation… Not Prison… And Lets keep the Government a little farther away from the dr.’s office. This is ridiculous. People with chronic pain should not be sent to the streets to fend for them selves.. Bottom Line….
What isn’t being stated here in any of the reports from the so called Doctors, is the fact that the ingredients in the opioids that are provided to people with cronic pain will and do cause HCV. In my case, I had NO use with any needles, drug use or blood to blood contact with anyone who could have been infected. The pain meds I received for treating my cronic pain for 25 years has resulted in HCV. This should be recognized as a cause as well as the other resons given by the Doctors…
So you are saying the pain medication you took gave you Hep C?Then that would mean Hep C comes from the pharmacy in pill form? I don’t think so.
So she is saying that people are needing/getting addicted to narcotics because of pain, and they are using contaminated needles to ingest them? And that is how they are becoming infected with Hep C?
Thats my story to the t
Someone needs to sue the DEA.Also when you start using illegal drugs as substitute the judicial system takes a toll as well on you.The legal drugs doctors give is stronger than the methadone is toxic synthetic garbage that has such a long half life but the system pushes it on the lowlife you become cause heroin clinics like ones in Switzerland are more costly and Natural intelligence suggests morphine ,opium, and even heroin plus medical Marijuana for nausea.The synthetics like dilaudid (hydromorphine), fentanyl, hydrocodone (vicodin, norco, lortab, lorcet,etc), oxycodone(oxycontin, percocet, roxicodone, roxicet, etc. ) all get approved by fda and companies capitalize in the pharmaceutical industry off synthetics. I AM GOING Paralyzed from spine problems with pain that shoots into face, ears, eyes, and shoulders among my back supplemented to my list of problems from all the beatings in jail and dea along with drug war plus even more hampered health care in custody.I didn’t sign up for all this when I snapped my neck plus the dilaudid transitioned me from oral use of oxycodone to iv because crackdown dea did limiting on prescriptions a few years ago on Roxicodone 30mg tabs(oxycodone hcl 30mg tabs) so Drs supplemented those scripts with all others mentioned above on top of capacity for oxycodone and opana which is oxymorphone the metabolized result of oxycontin.Now the nation wide restrictions also make it harder to find legit care along with hospital s labeling you and last but not least the hepatitis cure is also getting constantly deflected and evaded by health care providers to the point i dont have genotype or viral load six months after hep c diagnosis. Im sober just for today and no illegal drugs or opiates since diagnosis. As long as im clean ill sue everyone till they stop evading liability if i dont have heart attack from high blood pressure from pain and anxiety. ONE Day i will get my medical mmj, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and benzos plus latest gilead cure and a ps4.Im in Colorado so hopefully someone can help me.Oxycodone has best non iv bioavailability along with opana ir 10mg (oxymorphone) Dea should be sued and fda
I have Hep C and I didnt get it from Shooting up. I got it from being knocked around from my ex.. who had been using and I didnt know.. Long story short.. He beat me bloody then raped me Hence the blood to blood cuzI was preggers and didnt know… Lost the baby ..but blood was the way I got Hep.. I have had 3 back fusions and take pain meds.. But Drs are getting really hard to get meds from cuz ppl who dont have real pain issues Get them some how… My opinion…. If Drs would screen ppl with real legit pain… we wouldnt have such a problem with those ppl that cant and dont have legit pain.