Liver Care After Successful Hepatitis C Treatment

Updated November 11, 2019
One of your most precious internal organs, the liver takes a beating from the Hepatitis C virus. Those who are on the path to recovering from Hepatitis C after antiviral therapy can be left with various degrees of liver damage. Several studies indicate that clearing the Hepatitis C virus from the bloodstream bodes well for liver rejuvenation, but many agree that relying on this trend without support is a gamble. Maintaining the liver’s health with a high quality milk thistle supplement has helped thousands of people with chronic Hepatitis C before and during treatment; however, few realize the important role milk thistle plays after successful antiviral treatment.
Hepatitis C is often regarded as the silent killer because this virus can progressively damage the liver for decades before any symptoms are noticed. As such, many are finally tested for and diagnosed with Hepatitis C after years of liver damage have accumulated. In general, liver damage can be reversed if the cause is eliminated prior to the development of cirrhosis – the permanent hardening and fibrosis (excessive scarring) of liver tissue.
Thankfully, Hepatitis C antiviral therapy has dramatically improved over the past few years. As long as a person is eligible for the treatment (and can finance it), today’s drug regimens for Hepatitis C have a very high cure rate. Being cured of Hepatitis C is defined as achieving SVR (sustained virologic response). SVR is when there is no detectable Hepatitis C RNA in the person’s bloodstream six months after completing antiviral treatment. By the time a person successfully completes treatment, the amount of liver fibrosis usually has regressed. In fact, one Swedish study demonstrated that the vast majority of the trial patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis prior to treatment improved their fibrosis during long-term follow up after SVR.
Measured in stages, levels of liver scarring or fibrosis are measured between 0 (no fibrosis) and 4 (cirrhosis/advanced fibrosis). A patient who successfully completes the treatment typically improves by one or two stages during the course of treatment. Despite cirrhosis typically being regarded as permanent liver injury, liver scarring can improve and liver failure risk is reduced when antiviral therapy is successful. However, people with cirrhosis prior to Hepatitis C treatment remain at an elevated risk for liver cancer even when SVR is achieved.
While effective Hepatitis C treatment appears to cure this infection, treatment given in the latter stages of Hepatitis C disease does not wholly reverse the damage that has occurred to the liver. So although Hepatitis C may be cured, some degree of liver damage and consequent liver disease remains. Specialists in Sweden conducted a study to examine the consequences of liver damage after successful antiviral treatment. They found that while SVR markedly reduced liver-related complications and liver cancer, some long-term risks for liver cancer remained in those who were cured of Hepatitis C. Older patients, patients with cirrhosis prior to treatment, and patients with high BMI (body mass index) were all found to be risk factors for continued advanced fibrosis after SVR.
The chance of developing liver cancer after being cured of Hepatitis C means there is still a liver vulnerability after antiviral treatment. Thus, fully recovering and returning to health is best achieved when making a proactive effort to care for the recovering liver. Besides avoiding alcohol and other known liver toxins, one of the best ways to care for the liver is by supplementing with a high quality milk thistle extract. Believed to be the most biologically active form of milk thistle, silybin phytosome contains the most potent component of the milk thistle plant and delivers it in a form that is up to ten times more absorbable than a standard milk thistle extract. Hundreds of clinical studies have demonstrated milk thistle’s ability to protect liver cells from damage and aid in regeneration of new, healthy liver cells.
Some doubt has been cast on milk thistle’s influence on the Hepatitis C virus by a study published in the July 2012 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. This study aimed to determine the effect of milk thistle on liver disease activity in patients with chronic Hepatitis C. The authors concluded that milk thistle did not significantly reduce liver enzyme levels more than placebo and, thus, milk thistle has little impact on the Hepatitis C virus.
Those familiar with the chemistry of milk thistle are not surprised at all about these results because the investigators in this study did not use milk thistle extract in the phytosome form. The molecular composition of milk thistle makes it difficult to be absorbed into liver cells. However, the phytosome form solves this problem by making the supplement easily miscible into cells.
Caring for the liver’s well-being should not stop – even after successfully completing Hepatitis C treatment. Even though the liver no longer must battle daily inflammation from Hepatitis C, the damage that has already occurred in the liver must be monitored by a physician and can be mitigated by the patient. Achieving SVR is cause for celebration, but continuing alcohol abstinence and silybin phytosome supplementation will help guarantee a long-term future without liver cancer or other liver-related complications.
After treatment ends. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from
Fried, M. W. (2012). Effect of Silymarin (Milk Thistle) on Liver Disease in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Unsuccessfully Treated With Interferon Therapy. Jama, 308(3), 274. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.8265
Hedenstierna, M., Nangarhari, A., El-Sabini, A., Weiland, O., & Aleman, S. (2018). Cirrhosis, high age and high body mass index are risk factors for persisting advanced fibrosis after sustained virological response in chronic hepatitis C. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25(7), 802-810. doi:10.1111/jvh.12879
Hepatitis C medication: An overview for patients. (2018, October 29). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from
Hosein, S. R. (2013, June 11). Exploring the Risks of Liver Cancer After Successful Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from
Lillis, C. (2018, November 13). What to know about late-stage Hepatitis C. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from
Managing Hepatitis C as a chronic condition. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from
stop with the advertising this stuff thats all this site is!
Really Linda – there is so much good info on this site. You can’t hold it against them for writing about a good product when it could help us.
The Natural Wellness products allow the site to exist. This is one instance when I don’t mind the ads because I use the products and have for a long time. Maximum Milk Thistle, for instance, is wonderful and I credit it with helping me avoid too much liver damage before I found a cure.
I believe in the products offered by Natural Wellness so I don’t mind hearing about them. I was cured of HCV however I still have low platelets a year and a half later which is concerning. I continue to take the Maximum Milk Thistle even though my doctor says it is a waste of my money.
how low are your platelets,what have doctors said about this, my platelets have not gonr to normal range yet finished treatment 18 months ago
Mine are at 94 with a slighly high PT time. It has been about 18 mos for me too. Doc does not seem overly concerned at this but he did say it’s a sign of liver damage. I would never stop taking milk thistle.
Regardless of what the Western Medical professionals say, don’t stop the supplements. I was diagnosed in 2010. I had Hep C 26 years before they caught it. I have cirrhosis. I started treatment in Spring 2010 and finished Spring 2011. I had one of the highest viral loads my doctor had ever seen. She did not think I would ever get cleared. I did!!! I have been clear for three years now and my liver functions normal. Ultrasounds indicate that my liver is doing great. During my treatment, I took Milk Thistle, NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) and a couple other supplements. I truly believe that these helped the treatment drugs. My doc was condescending about the supplements but I kept them up. Western medical professionals don’t understand the power of herbal medicines, etc. so they think it is worthless. I’m proof they are wrong. Find a person that studies Eastern medicines. If Cancer Centers of America believe that East and West can fix cancer, who are we to dismiss this view? Good luck with your healing.
Hi Ramona, good for you keep on takng the herbal medicines, my doctor said the same, I have not had treatment I don’t believe in taken toxins into your body, My Hepascore was 90 last year 38 this year, what a drop, thanks to Milk thistle. To everyone believe in yourself, eat right, don’t drink or smoke. God bless you all.
I also had low platelets, low white count, VERY low neutrophils (591). I started taking a protein shake (Visalus, but you could take any good shake) and added 1000 to 2000
mg vitamin C. 2 weeks after I added the Vitamin C, my counts, neutrophils especially, were up. The neutrophils were up to 1048 and continued to rise. I worked 9 hrs a day 4 days a week while I was on treatment and my doc said I was a poster child on what to do. I approached treatment like waging a war and enlisted the help of a dietitian who was also well-informed on natural medicine. This dietitian now gives lectures at the seminars my doc puts on. After treatment, I take 1000 mg Omega 3s, 400 iu vitamin E, 1000 units Vitamin D every day, and milk thistle morning and night. My doctor did NOT tell me that milk thistle was a waste of money.
Was wondering if before starting treatment as I have yet to be approved HepC G2a/c. Does anyone know if it is safe to still take my Milk Thistle and Live52 supplements I still have here up until I start treatment? I also take a tbsp. of coconut oil 30 min after my morning concoction of turmeric powder and lemon juice upon awakining. My hemo doc also says to help platelets, low white count 2000 B-12 and 1000 Folic Acid. Anyone have any thoughts?
I was on the fence about the supplements during treatment, but ultimately decided to take them. I wanted the treatment to work, so thought deeply about what I was taking. Basically, it boils down to looking at what is going on and what the supplement will affect. The treatment bombards your body with chemicals that will “kill” the Hep C. You need to use supplements that will help boost the parts of your body in particular that you are trying to help. I don’t know about Liv.52, as they don’t say what exactly is in it. If it has licorice root that is unprocessed, it will raise your blood pressure, as will the Hep C drugs, which could create a problem. I can say that I took milk thistle during treatment because I know that it is specific for liver. According to my own experience and the advice of my dietitian and physician (a liver and Hep C specialist – NOT a gastro), the essentials are Vitamin E, Omega-3s, Vitamin D3, and she concurred with milk thistle during treatment. Add in the vitamins that will help whatever is going on with your labs, like the low neutrophils – add vitamin C. Also, on the B12, you should try to get some liquid methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin. Your body has to convert the cyano- to methyl- and, especially during treatment, it is hard for a non-fully-functioning body to do so; therefore, get your vitamins in the form that it is easiest for your body to absorb and use. Hope this helps. I had Hep C for 28 years and am a little over 3 years cleared, 62 yrs old.
Hi everyone! I’m happy to say that tomorrow is my last day of Hep C treatment. I’ve been taking viekira pack and ribovirin for 6 months now. Blood tests show that Hep C is no longer detected. I’m wondering what to expect now after completing treatment and any suggestions for getting my liver healthy again. Thank you and blessings to all….
4 months (2001) after taking the meds I was told that ” I was responsive to the meds” I have done all the usual regime for my liver, juicing, milk thistle, etc. Few years ago my dr said he knew after 10 yrs of yearly blood work that my cirhossis had improved by at least one or two stages, I had stage 4 in 2001……. hepatitis c there is no cure from what I understand BUT it can be non-detectible in your blood which is where I am now. At 66 a baby boomer & had a blood transfusion in 1969 while having a C-Section. It took til 2001 for it to surface and be diagnosed. I urge everyone no matter if you know someone with this virus or not Everyone should have yearly CBC done……….. Thanks.
Peggy we pray for you and hope you recover soon. my mother has been detected with cirrhosis however hasnt started antiviral medication yet because of other complications. We are speaking to doctors to see if oral medication can cure her hepatitis and help regress cirrhosis. If cirrhosis is not cleared then we ll go for transplant.
Zee, I pray fo your mother’s speedy recovery. I do believe a raw food diet, with plenty of juices and zero salt and zero refined sugar will help. Also, if she is in a position to do some yoga and breathing exercises, it might help.
Hi Peggy, if the treatment is successfull you will infact be cured. I have gone through the treatment myself about 7 years ago. Thankfully it was a success without too much side effects. I did a blood test 1 year after completing treatment and did not have any virus in my system, doctor said I was cured. Just did another recent test 7 years after treatment for peace of mind and everything is good, no virus. For anyone else out there thinking to go for treatment please do it! I traveled all over the country looking for natural treatments with no success. They all say they can cure it but it’s just stories that don’t have any basis to them and from my personal experience were all a waste of precious time and money. I believe there is also a new drug that was developed by Gilead Sciences Inc that cured helc now also, just google it.
Best of luck to you Peggy and everyone else reading this post. Stay strong you will be cured!!!
Just been cured by the Gilead
treatment it works three months of taking their pills and Cured.Thank you Gilead.
Hepatitis C is a disease of the blood affecting the liver. A liver transplant, treatment that lowers the viral load, no more what, a person will have Hepatitis C their entire life. Those things simply give the liver a little reprieve that allows you to live longer, but you must get lab done regularly. Drug companies want to sugar-coat it and make the public think they have a “cure”, but sadly they don’t.
This virus is a very deadly one, killing 4Xs as many Americans as the disease the public dreads, HIV-AIDS.
I was diagnosed with Hep C in 1992 and had done treatment in 2005 because even though I was only at Stage 1 then, my viral load was very high (6mil). I was only able to do 8wks of treatment because of extremely low WBC, but my viral load was reduced after treatment. I started taking milk thistle and other supplements after the treatment and will probably never do treatment again because of the toxins and side effects but my viral load went back up in the next few years. I started working with a nutritionist 4yrs ago and have also been taking 1 Tbsp of coconut oil daily for the past year or so. Dr’s won’t credit any of this, but I think that better nutrition has helped me to keep from being at a Stage 3 or 4 by now — I’m still at a Stage 1 — and the Coconut oil (a great antiviral) has helped to bring my viral load back down from the 1 million to 100 thousand.
Milk Thistle is great for the Liver but anyone who has had Breast Cancer or has Breast Cancer must not take it!
what if you had estrogen receptor positive breast cancer and are now taking Tamoxifen, but you hep C now has to have treatment. I have an extremely high viral load.. I wanted to help my liver before I start treatment in Sept. It is may now. Don’t know what to do , would it really hurt to take it for awhile, a few months?
Why? What is the connection between Breast cancer and this herb? I was planning to start intense treatment with milk thistle. I’m female 55 y.o.
I live in USA.This is a testimony i want to make.I was an Hepatitis C for 8 years taking anti retrovirus.As i was reading online some 5 months ago i saw a testimony on cure of Hepatitis C decided to give a try.Now as am telling you am very cured tested 4 times in 5 months after finishing me cure.The cure is a pure herbs is was send to me through DHL.My cure took 4 day.Dear brothers and sisters if you are out there, please the cure is out and rush to have yours.If you are interested,email the researcher using I will encourage every person who come across this mail to cure yourself if you are Hepatitis C, any disease you have hiv this man is here to help you i which you the best lucky
I have been suffering hardship from HIV/AIDS since 7yrs now, and i happen to have 2 kids for my husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another kids all because of my disease and now i have do all what a human like i and my husband can do just to get my disease healed, i havewent to several places to seek for help not even one person could ever help, until i melt a comment on the daily news paper that was commented by Desmond about how this powerful doctor help him get curedof the disease (HIV-AIDS) ” my fellow beloved” i firstly taught having a help from a African doctor was a wrong idea, but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these disease all day when i havesomeone to help me save my life?” so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email address at , so after i have mailed him of helping get my disease cured, he respond to me fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor which ifirstly claimed him to be. So after all set has been done, he promise me that i will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some items and obeyed all he said. I did all by accepting his Words fact and only to see that after some weeks of taking his herbal medicine i notice some changes in my body system and i went for check up the day he ask me to go for check up to confirm if the sickness was still there,to my greatest surprise i could not find any sickness in my body i was first shocked and later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that i am now HIV- Negative. My papers for check are with me and now i am happy and glad for his miraculous help and power. With these i must tell everyone who might seek for any help, either for HIV cure or much more to contact him now at these following email now, Email: sir thank you so much for your immediate cure of my disease, i must say a big thanks for curing my disease, i owe you in return. Thanks and be blessed sir olivia
I have been suffering hardship from HIV/AIDS since 7yrs now, and i happen to have 2 kids for my husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another kids all because of my disease and now i have do all what a human like i and my husband can do just to get my disease healed, i havewent to several places to seek for help not even one person could ever help, until i melt a comment on the daily news paper that was commented by Desmond about how this powerful doctor help him get curedof the disease (HIV-AIDS) ” my fellow beloved” i firstly taught having a help from a African doctor was a wrong idea, but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these disease all day when i havesomeone to help me save my life?” so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email address at , so after i have mailed him of helping get my disease cured, he respond to me fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor which ifirstly claimed him to be. So after all set has been done, he promise me that i will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some items and obeyed all he said. I did all by accepting his Words fact and only to see that after some weeks of taking his herbal medicine i notice some changes in my body system and i went for check up the day he ask me to go for check up to confirm if the sickness was still there,to my greatest surprise i could not find any sickness in my body i was first shocked and later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that i am now HIV- Negative. My papers for check are with me and now i am happy and glad for his miraculous help and power. With these i must tell everyone who might seek for any help, either for HIV cure or much more to contact him now at these following email now, Email: “sir thank you so much for your immediate cure of my disease, i must say a big thanks for curing my disease, i owe you in return. Thanks and be blessed sir olivia
I Never believed i was ever going to be HIV Negative again,Dr Ohehe has given me reasons to be happy, i was HIV positive for 2years and all the means i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about Dr on how he was able to cure someone from HIV, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that Dr Ohehe can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by Dr Ohehe, i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HIV Negative, friends you can reach Dr Ohehe on any treatment for any Disease he is the one only i can show you all up to, reach him on ( or call him on +2347031362391 ..
I Never believed i was ever going to be HIV Negative again,Dr Ohehe has given me reasons to be happy, i was HIV positive for 2years and all the means i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about Dr on how he was able to cure someone from HIV, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that Dr Ohehe can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by Dr Ohehe, i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HIV Negative, friends you can reach Dr Ohehe on any treatment for any Disease he is the one only i can show you all up to, reach him on ( or call him on +2347031362391
HIV is a terrible disease, if not for my Husband and the help of the great Dr. EHOHO my life would have been a mess! I was diagnosed with HIV in 2005, my husband encouraged me, and told me not to lose hope, I manage to give birth to a baby Boy who was free from the disease, and my Husband was always there for me! One day he came to me and told me that he have found a man who can cure me. Base on scientist, they said there is no cure for HIV; he told me that he has seen many testimonies about him on the internet. We decided to contact him, we filled his Herbal home form, and he asked us to buy some items which we did! Three days later he asked me to go for HIV test, faithfully I went to do the Test, Lo and Behold, I was cured, the virus was not found in my Body… My Dear Husband and my Father Dr. EHOHO, God will surely bless the both of you, till the end of time, in Jesus name.. If you have any problem kindly contact he on or you can reach him via
This is another Testimony on how Dr Ariba cured My HIV Disease Do you need cure to your HIV disease? Do you want to be cure from your cancer disease? Or you want to be free from any type of disease you have kindly contact Dr. Ariba on or, he just cured my HIV disease and I’m very grateful to him, he is the only herbalist that can cure you. Or you can contact me on so that I can put you through on how he did it. Thank you all for reading,
God bless”
This is another Testimony on how Dr Ariba cured My HIV Disease Do you need cure to your HIV disease? Do you want to be cure from your cancer disease? Or you want to be free from any type of disease you have kindly contact Dr. Ariba on or, he just cured my HIV disease and I’m very grateful to him, he is the only herbalist that can cure you. Or you can contact me on so that I can put you through on how he did it. Thank you all for reading,
God bless”….
The 2012 study was bunk. I lowered my viral load by 66% using milk thistle and other natural alternatives.. after the 12 week treatment with sovaldi, ribavirin, and interferon, I am virus free.
I have been HIV positive for 6 years and long for the day to be free of this disease. I would love to be part of any trial that helped find the cure, i have an undetectable viral load and CD4 count of around 1100.
I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of this great powerful healing spell doctor ,I wonder why he is called the great Dr, ADUWAWA, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do,He ask me to buy some herbs and which I did for my cure,only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing doctor ADUWAWA gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too on his email: ( ) or call him on +2348131195952,………………. I thank Dr, ADUWAWA.
I have been told that i have Chrinic Hep C liver deamge and i don’t know what to make of it not sure what this even means the doctor has put in to my insurance company about getting me started on the Hep C meds they say i have 3A Hep C and now they did a Bios. of my liver just this past week and said my livers damaged and show Chronic HEP C can someone please break this down for me cause I don’t understand it and my doctors does talk in lames terms so that i understand Please
I was diagnosed with hep c in 2004 at stage 2. My primary Dr. Sent me to Gastro… Dr. who is a specialist. I was started on interferon and ribavirin. Gave myself injection once a week with the interferon. I could no longer tolerate the side effects ( retained huge amounts of fluids) after about 2 months and stopped. I was not satisfied with the local Gastro Dr. And requested to be sent to Seattle U.W. Hospital in 2013. My liver speciality Dr. there prescribed the new meds for hep c treatment; Sovadi, Harvoni and riboviron. I was at stage 4 and going through the process of preparing for liver transplant. However, I did very well on these new meds and eradicated the virus in 3 months. My Seattle Dr. Kept me on the Savaldi and Ribaviron for an extra month just to be sure my viral load stayed at non detetectable level. The meds are VERY expensive! Hopefully your insurance will cover it. I am feeling so much better a year later! I credit my primary Dr. and especially my Seattle Specialty Dr. (And GOD) for getting rid of that liver killing virus! Lastly, I urge anyone going through this to seek care from a big city SPECIALIST not your local Gastro Dr.
Shelly: Your health care provider/s SHOULD ALWAYS EXPLAIN..! Don’t feel funny asking/ so not feel “stupid” !! Rest assured, like everyone else, they,too do not know about things outside of their areas of expertise either~ best wishes.
Good Day Everyone, My Name is Stacey Wathan from usa,four years ago i was suffering from Hepatitis B Virus, till this very good Month of August that i came across this great herbal man, who cure my hepatitis B virus, please my advice is for you if you are suffering for any kind of disease contact him and he will help you out. his email.(
hi everyone you can contact DR LONGO for your herbal treatments…only in south africa +27784276062.for all kinds of veneral diseases ….
i am A doctor who has help a lot of persons off their problem and health challenges like Anxiety and Hepatitis, low blood pressure and high blood as well and cancer and liver problem and i must tell you my source and method of curing all this …its from my Temple HERBALS Medication
hello everybody ,please dont think this testimony is a scam ,is real right there in
south africa ,am a very honest man ,i can never post false testimony on social media
,so let me go straight to the point .i was diagnosed with hepatitis b for two
years,living a life of fear for two good years .until one i saw a post about a good
herbalist in south africa curing people from a deadly disease,such
herpes,hepatitis,Als,cancer,with his herbal medicine and he is also a spell caster, i
thought it was not true,then i said let me try ,because am used to trying ,i have been
trying for two years,till that day GOD wipe my tears,with DR CHIMA ,He his gifted ,and
he is so honest ,so easy to get along with ,so after i contacted him via his
email.drchimaherbalcure(at)gmailcom,so he replied and said my problem is solved that i
must stop thinking,so i believed and have faith that i will be cured ,so i purchased
the herbal medicine and he sent the herbal medicine to me through courier service
,when i received it ,he told me how to use it ,so i followed exactly the way he said i
must use it,he said i will be totally cured after two weeks ,so after two week i went
to see our family doctor he tested me and said am negative ,i was so happy i thought i
was dreaming ,pls dont ignore this post ,if u think is not real try ,and u wil testify
just like me ….thanks to DR CHIMA ,GOD BLESS U …
how to get cured
hello to you all, my name is Adams Kate , i am from Vegas here in
united state, i wish to tell you all, how i find a doctor that cure me
from HIV , which i had for three years with his natural herbal medicine
he gave to me , it all went this way, i was internet that very day when i
saw a comment of a woman called MARIA KATRINA from united kingdom
sharing her testimony about how this very doctor cured her of HIV, and
he also cured AIDS,CANCER, DIABETES, STROKE too, but i never really
believed but i just decided to give it a try and i contacted Dr Aloma ,
so he told me everything i needed to know and what to do to get cured
and free from my HIV issue, so i went straight and make provisions for
the herbs which he used to prepare medicine for me,i applied the
medicine and just to see that the exact day which Dr Aloma said i we
be cured i was felling good and healthy at once, my strength was
regained i went for check up in the hospital and my family doctor told
me i am free from HIV my body came back to normal, this was the
greatest miracle that has happened to me in my life, and i promise Dr
Aloma that i we share his good work to the world, these are few i can
say about this Dr Aloma , i went with my family to thank him for his
great work and solution in my life, wish i never expected this was
possible, I we like you to contact him on his email Address: or if you have
any health issue i
believe this doctor can help you out as well
I’ve had Hep-C for 50 years now and have had two treatments prior, one informed me that I was cured but by the newer testing system I still showed residual . The second treatment was had on me and I stopped after 5 weeks. Now I’ve been put on Harvoni and Ribavirin for two weeks, the results are positive. Its suppose to be a 12 week treatment. However my cirrhosis stage 4 will remain and hope my liver will regenerate on its own, but my age is pressing being 76 years old. I am hopeful and pray to a higher being hoping He / She will have heard my prays.
Gene- I just wanted to add to your prayers and also to say that the ‘new’ medications available; yes sometimes expensive, may be covered by Medicare/Medicaid- my parent went to the County Hospital system and received the meds on a compassionate program for almost free! She has been non-detective for almost a year now. So although it doesn’t reverse the damaged liver (Stage 4) she will not deteriorate as rapidly as she would have with the Hep C virus in her system. Good luck– From my thoughts to God’s ears!! Kam
I heard them n I will pray for u Gene Snr n ur family, sending healing light n love to u sir
Thanks for this valuable information
I’m just starting harvoni treatment. I don’t have cirrhosis but my fibrosis is on the borders of becoming cirrhosis. During my 8 week course to treat genotype 1 hep c I’ve been told to stop taking milk thistle. Is that wrong? I note you advise taking it during treatment is okay.
After been in pain and sorrow for 5years, Doctor Iyabiyetayese was able to restore my life back with his herbal medicine, my good friends i have been diagnosed of cirrhosis disease for 3years and everyday of my life i cry to God as i was a mother of 2 cute kids who were looking up to me, I was taking my medication from the hospital, I also did some prayers to God that he should do some miracle in my life, my friends this is a life touching story i am sharing with you all on internet today, Few Months ago i was browsing on net when i found some good testimonials about Doctor Iyabiyetayese Herbs, and someone recommended that he has been cured of different disease and virus by Doctor Iyabiyetayese, i always had faith that God could use someone to heal me, i contacted Doctor Iyabiyetayese and i told him concerning my problem he told me not to worry that with God all things are possible and also that he is going to prepare me some herbal herbs which i am to take and he is going to send the medicine to me through the delivery company to my country, well after all the guidance and medication from Doctor Iyabiyetayese he advice that i go for check again to see my status result and he assured me of good result, i was afraid at this point cause i never wanted someone to tell me again that am still diagnosed of cirrhosis disease, after 2days i went to the Hospital for check up and they said the result was to come out by Friday, at 12:00am on Friday the hospital Doctor called me and told me that the result was out and am free of cirrhosis disease, i was shocked and could not believe it, i immediately called Doctor Iyabiyetayese and told him about the good news he told me to rejoice and make sure i share my testimony with my friends and that is why i am doing this right now, friends you can contact Doctor Iyabiyetayese today on ( ) cell phone number (+2347052619450), friends Doctor Iyabiyetayese can help you solve any problem contact him now.
After been in pain and sorrow for 5years, Doctor EHIDIAMEN was able to restore my life back with his herbal medicine, my good friends i have been diagnosed of cirrhosis disease for 3years and everyday of my life i cry to God as i was a father of 2 cute kids who were looking up to me, I was taking my medication from the hospital, I also did some prayers to God that he should do some miracle in my life, my friends this is a life touching story i am sharing with you all on internet today, Few Months ago i was browsing on net when i found some good testimonials about Doctor EHIDIAMEN Herbs, and someone recommended that he has been cured of different disease and virus by Doctor EHIDIAMEN, i always had faith that God could use someone to heal me, i contacted Doctor EHIDIAMEN and i told him concerning my problem he told me not to worry that with God all things are possible and also that he is going to prepare me some herbal herbs which i am to take and he is going to send the medicine to me through the delivery company to my country, well after all the guidance and medication from Doctor EHIDIAMEN he advice that i go for check again to see my status result and he assured me of good result, i was afraid at this point cause i never wanted someone to tell me again that am still diagnosed of cirrhosis disease, after 2days i went to the Hospital for check up and they said the result was to come out by Friday, at 12:00am on Friday the hospital Doctor called me and told me that the result was out and am free of cirrhosis disease, i was shocked and could not believe it, i immediately called Doctor EHIDIAMEN and told him about the good news he told me to rejoice and make sure i share my testimony with my friends and that is why i am doing this right now, friends you can contact Doctor EHIDIAMEN today on ( ) cell phone number (+2348102802949), friends Doctor EHIDIAMEN can help you solve any problem contact him now
I recently found out I have hep c and cirrhosis I think chronic I’m at stage 4 and the dr is trying to get me approved for the medicine epclusa he said I was genotype 3 and it’s the most aggressive I’m swelling in my feet legs and stomach I have to go for a biopsy in 2 days and I’m really worried and as wimpy as it sounds I’m scared I’ve looked up everything I can on this subject and I’ve been taking milk thistle and selieum does anyone have any advice for me and I was also wondering if I’m lucky enough to get the medicine and hopefully it works does the swelling go down a little after that or am I on a path to having a transplant. Thanks and I’m sorry for poor punctuation just an ol hillbilly here lol
I am finishing Epclusa treatment and started with a 9 mil VR, after 30 days 60 days BW normal, There were no detectable virus which amazed me.I still had to go the 12 weeks and I am not as advanced as you but the medicine is a miracle and possibly with a combination in your case your liver may still have a chance depending on your Biopsy. Keep faith and prayers going your way.
Hope u r doing ok-best wishes.. just make sure you always follow up w/ dr; ask all questions.
Hi. Three years “undetected”, which Gastro dr. has said =considered cured. I didn’t go for follow-up exams after the 1st year( So yukked out by the med (peg-intron, ribavirin & telaprevir (Incivek), experience, though grateful of course for the results.) Gastro dr says must go back to check to see if any liver damage- Guess this is standard protocol, – I just want to go to tthat appointment as knowledgable as possible.. thanks in advance for any feedback here. best wishes, all.