New Hepatitis C Drugs Coming in 2015 | Hepatitis Central

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Are Treatments for HCV Being Over-Promoted?

New Hepatitis C Drugs Coming in 2015

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Bringing renewed hope for conquering Hepatitis C in 2015, the current drug pipeline is full of possibilities for the next, best, Hepatitis C antiviral combination.
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The scope of chronic Hepatitis C infection seems to be getting the pharmaceutical attention needed to eventually reduce this infectious disease’s burden. Based on the combinations of drugs currently in clinical development, we expect big advances for Hepatitis C treatment in 2015.

Progress seems to be happening rapidly in the Hepatitis C drug treatment arena. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2011, Incivek was a seemingly miraculous new Hepatitis C drug. While it greatly improved the likelihood of beating the Hepatitis C virus in 2011, Incivek has already been discontinued effective October 2014. A breakthrough drug from just three years ago is no longer available because dramatically better options have since been FDA approved. In 2014, major headway in Hepatitis C therapy was made – and much more is in store for us in the New Year.

The end of 2014 finally delivered the long-awaited reality of highly effective, interferon-free, Hepatitis C treatments with Gilead’s Sovaldi, Gilead’s Harvoni and AbbVie’s Veikira Pak. Although they may or may not also require the addition of ribavirin during the course of therapy, these effective, all oral medications come with a high price tag. However, the addition of Hepatitis C drugs to the FDA approved list will greatly benefit Hepatitis C patients by making treatment not just safer and more effective – but also increasing the competition to keep treatment more affordable.

A number of Hepatitis C drugs currently in clinical development have already reached Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials:

  • Phase 2 – At this level, clinical trials investigate dosing, safety and efficacy of an investigational medicine in a small number of patients who have the disease or condition under study.
  • Phase 3 – At this level, clinical trials investigate the safety and efficacy of an investigational medicine in a larger number of patients who have the disease or condition under study. This phase generally crosses over to include the regulatory approval process prior to gaining market approval in the first major market.

As of the last week in December 2014, the following interferon-free, direct-acting antiviral combinations in Phase 3 include:

1.    Daklinza (daclatasvir) – By Bristol-Myers Squibb, this NS5A inhibitor has been approved in Europe to be used in combination with Sovaldi. Daklinza is also being studied in combination with two other Bristol-Myers Squibb contenders, Sunpreva (Asunaprevir) and BMS-791325.

2.    Grazoprevir (MK-5172) – By Merck, this protease inhibitor is being studied along with Merck’s Elbasvir (MK-8742).

3.    Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) – Gilead’s NS5B polymerase inhibitor, Sovaldi is already FDA approved in combination with ribavirin, with the possible addition of pegylated interferon. However, Gilead Sciences is studying Sovaldi along with GS-5816 (their NS5A inhibitor) and ribavirin in an effort to compare the results from treatment with just Sovaldi and ribavirin.

The following drugs are in Phase 2, not far behind the drug combination contenders in Phase 3:

  1. ACH-3102 – Achillion’s NS5A inhibitor, this investigational compound is being evaluated in combination with Sovaldi.
  2. Sovaprevir (ACH-1625) – Previously referred to as ACH-1625, sovaprevir is Achillion’s NS3/4A protease inhibitor. Sovaprevir is being evaluated in combination with Achillion’s ACH-3102 and their NS5B polymerase inhibitor ACH-3422.
  3. Daklinza – This Bristol-Myers Squibb NS5A inhibitor is also in Phase 2 trials with Janssen’s Olysio (simeprevir) and with Vertex’s VX-135.
  4. Olysio – Janssen’s NS3/4A protease inhibitor is currently approved for use with interferon and ribavirin, but is currently in Phase 2 trials to evaluate it with Daklinza, Merck’s Samatasvir (IDS719) and Janssen’s TMC647055 with Ritonavir.

There are a handful of pharmaceutical companies that have taken the lead on Hepatitis C medications. Although Gilead, AbbVie, Merck, Janssen, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Achillion are not the only drug manufacturers working to stamp out Hepatitis C, they are currently the frontrunners. We will be closely watching what comes of these Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials in anticipation of improved Hepatitis C treatment being safer, more effective and more affordable., Hepatitis C Treatments in Current Clinical Development, Retrieved December 21, 2014, Hepatitis C Support Project, 2014., ACH-3102 HCV NS5A Inhibitor, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, 2014., Sovaprevir HCV NS3/4A Protease Inhibitor, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, 2014., In the Pipeline, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, 2014., What is the Recommended Treatment for Hepatitis C?, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Smart + Strong®, 2014., Vertex to Discontinue Sale of Telaprevir (Incivek) for Hepatitis C,, 2014., Pipeline, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Merck & Co, Inc, 2014., Olysio Highlights of Prescribing Information, Retrieved December 27, 2014, Janssen Products, 2014.


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Are Treatments for HCV Being Over-Promoted?

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  • Lynne says:

    My husband has HepC.But his genotype is 2a.The new drugs are only for genotype 1.Will any of the new ones be for him.He already failed with Ribaviron 2x.

    • Brama says:

      Lynn, I’m pretty sure Gileads 5816 is meant for 2s and 3s. I’ve heard good things about it. If you’re not already a part of the community forum which is a link on the left, it is a message board with tons of resources including a list of people goon through upcoming clinical trials with new drugs. Hang in there! Things keep getting better in terms of meds.

      • Susan says:

        I also have Hep C genotype 2 and relapsed after completing the Solvadi – Ribivarin treatment last summer, which was terribly disappointing. My hepatologist thinks Gilead’s GS-5816 may be very promising. I have had Hep C for 39 years and have some cirrohsis. I am encouraged about the new treatments for 2015 – just hope my insurance company feels the same way! Susan

        • Brama says:

          Yeah, Susan. Keep your chin up! New stuff is coming. I also am invested in a small company called Benitec that is currently trailing a one-shot treatment. They just doses their third patient and hopefully will hit therapeutic levels where it actually starts effecting virus levels this summer. Be well! Additionally, although still further down the road, is Aethlon Medical’s Hemopurifier that has the ability to actually filter out Hep C, among other viruses. I hope they can approve trials with the new meds. I bet that would kick butt too.

        • April Felder says:

          I just found out that I have Hep C. I am horrified.

      • JB says:

        yes, Solvaldi/GS5816 is a miracle. I participated in the Ph. 3 trial for this drug. I had type 1a, but this drug will be for 1-5, it is my understanding. One pill a day, only very slight nausea & headache the first 2 weeks and then no problems. Look for my other posts with times and test results. Fantastic results for me.

    • zenseekercu says:

      One of my FB friends’ husband had type 2 virus. He was on Solvaldi and ribavirin, where he achieved remission. He is about a month post-treatment, so we’ll see….My doc says 6 months without detectable virus means you’re considered “cured”, although you will always have antibodies. That simply means you can’t donate blood or organs.

      Rivavirin is a particularly nasty drug with side effects. It can cause hemolytic anemia (happened to me every time I used it), and severe psychological issues. Both my friend’s husband and I developed nasty moods. It almost led to divorce in her case, and it certainly affected my marriage. You might want to wait a while to see if you can forgo the ribavirin meds (if the doctor thinks he is in a position to wait until the newer drugs come out).

      • jl says:

        I n early 2015, I started 12 wks of Sovaldi treatment. It was combined with Ribavirin, which was hellish when I did it 14 yrs ago w/interferon. I had to stop those treatments after 3 weeks I was so ill. Now, after 1 month of Sovaldi & Ribavirin, the Hep C I had for 40 years showed zero virus. This continued for the whole treatment. Last month 12/2014, I again had lab work and again I have zero virus. I was determined cured. I will continue bloodwork until I hit the 2 year mark and then I am assured the is very little to no chance at all that it will ever come back. The treatments were no where near as bad as the ones I had 14 yrs ago. I slept a lot, had to take meds for low hemoglobin for awhile as well as meds for low potassium, But it wasn’t bad. I guess the only question I have is: after 6 months & my blood work showing no more virus, I was then diagnosed with Auto Immune Hepatitis. I was told my body was now rejecting my liver. My question is, is that one side-effect the drug company was not aware of, or, did I have Hep C. for so long my body got used to having it and now with the virus gone my body thinks my liver without the virus ‘is sick’, so it’s rejecting it? It all seems kinda crazy to me, not to mention Very Frustrating and Discouraging. Has anyone else gotten Auto Immune HEPATITIS after Sovaldi & Ribavirin treatment?

        • zenseekercu says:

          Don’t know anything about the autoimmune hepatitis. I see my PA next week and will ask about that, if she has heard of anyone else getting that.

          • johnjonz says:

            Hi jl, are your LFTs showing abnormal? We’re you also taking peg interferon? I read that you can
            Develop auto Immune hep from it.

          • skeptical says:

            stay away any interferon.its poison!I’v taken it 4 times and regret it.

      • Sam says:

        Hi. My wife was diagnosed with hep c in 2010. It was in her body for about 40 years. She has gen2 nod told her liver was stage 4. In 2014 she was given solvadi with ribavirin. She was 8 weeks treatment had severe anemia. At week ten she had a myocardial infarction and passed away. Ribavirin is suspect the side effects re anemia, hemolytic anemia,myocardial infraction and other serious side effects. Did the doctor conduct. Complete medical work up before starting treatment? Oh, she was being treated for heart disease.

        • jt says:

          #1 side effect riba posted in rx is chance of fatal heart attack, that’s malpractice suit

        • Dee says:

          Oh my God, Sam, I am so sorry to hear this.

          They are supposed to do an EKG before treating. There are many tests they are supposed to do. Again, I am sorry

  • zenseekercu says:

    Olysia and Solvaldi in combination therapy worked for me. I was diagnosed in January 2003, and started that combo (my 4th attempt at beating the HCV-type 1) in March of 2014. By April of that year, and since, I have had no detectable virus. No interferon or ribavirin with that treatment, and I feel GREAT! The only negative thing is that I had progressed to stage 3 disease, so my liver will no longer heal itself. I feel like it saved my life, literally. You can’t put a price tag on that.

    • JB says:

      with stage 3 your liver can still heal itself, if not totally, enough. I was stage 3-4 and 6 months after treatment all my liver tests are normal and no detectable virus.

  • Kathleen Dunham says:

    I had a blood transfusion 1-17-1982.In 1993 I was told I had antibodies to HepC and could no longer donate blood.
    In 1995 I was tested and it was found that the virus was active and had done a lot of damage.I am geno 1A,viral load in the many millions.
    Fast forward to the day before thanksgiving,2014.I was seen by a Gastroenterologist in Colorado Springs where I now live.My liver is now WELL into stage 5-as we all know there is no stage 6.I see the Dr. again on Feb.23,2015.My greatest hope is that when he starts me on one of the NEW meds is that he will give me Harvoni.My research so far has shown its major side affect is fatigue.Big deal,I can handle that,as I am fatigued all the time by unexplained anemia.

    This Squirrel is one of a family that lives in the trees outside my bedroom window.My entertainment that never bores me 🙂

    • mizsamiam says:

      this sounds like my history.transfusion following car accident and subsequent miscarriage in 1981 is when I was exposed to hep c. Found out 25 years later. Same geno type also. I have had a transplant and now will start treatment next month. I wish you the best and hope you are a candidate for transplant and are on the list.

    • zenseekercu says:

      As type 1a, you can do the Harvoni or the Solvaldi/Olysio combo. These new drug therapies are awesome. I had mild fatigue & mild headache (not even bad enough to take an ibuprofen!). After about 3 weeks, when the virus died off, I actually had MORE energy and felt better. Insist on these new drugs.

      • unbeliever says:

        finally sovaldi and olysio was cured after completed meds.but came back.told i was in 4% cat.waiting for my 6 treatment

      • serenity1951 says:

        Hello! I finished combo Sovaldi and Olysio treatment Feb. 3rd. I was undetected week 4 of 12 week treatment and still undetected at finish!! I WAS Geno. 1 a. Stage 3-4 fibrosis. I was diagnosed with the virus in 1996. The drugs were a lot easier than the older ones. Success rates are excellent as per support group posts. Harvoni is also excellent for type 1a. I never treated before this. I hope to remain hep c FREE !!

        • zenseekercu says:

          I was still negative at 6 months, and I had failed 3 previous treatments. My one year check comes up in June or July (can’t remember right off), so I will find out then if I’m still virus free. I expect to be; I don’t engage in any risky behaviors or drink/smoke/etc. My starting viral load was 6 million when I took the Sovaldi/Olysio treatment. It definitely works! I hope they will come up with something as good for the other genotypes of HCV. Those folks need some help, too.

          • JB says:

            Oh, they have, it’s coming! I tested positive in 2000, type 1a. Couldn’t/ wouldn’t be treated because I have Crohn’s disease so no interferon, and anemia so no Ribavirin. In 2014 I was stage 3-4 -fibrosis/perhaps, viral load over 6mil, spleen involvement. I just completed a trial for the next Gilead drug (after Harvoni) late last year – 1 pill per day, for 12 weeks, no other meds, very minimal side effects. HCV RNA not detectable after 12, 24 & now 36 weeks. Works for all genotypes, I believe proving type 5 now. Miracle! Last ALT 11, AST 20, Bilirubin 0.8, only issue still is low platelets 83, but the spleen was expected to be the last thing to recover.

          • zenseekercu says:

            Congratulations! My liver enzymes are at the high end of normal now (last December’s blood test). My provider told me my liver would not heal to a normal state, but it would not get worse. They are supposed to do a CT scan to determine permanent damage on my next visit.

          • JB says:

            And to you to! And know this: fibrosis can heal with time, cirrhosis can’t, but you don’t need your whole liver. Do you know what your APRI scores were? Mine were 2.6 and 0.6/F3, severe fibrosis. So have faith in your liver’s healing abilities!

          • zenseekercu says:

            Found out I am cirrhotic. ?

          • JB says:

            By what method? APRI which is a blood test calculation, Fibroscan – which is a special type of ultrasound using sound waves (and probably most accurate), by CT/MRI which can show changes in liver and portal hypertension or by liver biopsy (which doesn’t look at whole liver)? If you have cleared the virus, are not yellow, don’t have ascites and have normal liver function tests, at worst you would have a small amount of cirrhosis.

          • zenseekercu says:

            CT scan followed by an MRI. DR. told me I am fully cirrhotic with a “hot spot” which they will monitor with regular scans. I will also have an endoscopy next visit to check for portal hypertension. He said since I seem to be functioning fairly well, besides limiting sodium intake, and attempting some weight loss, they will leave further treatment for now. I do get some edema if I am not careful about sodium intake, in the lower extremities. Doctor said the damage is irreversible at this point. I do try to take very good care of myself with diet, rest, and lifestyle. The hotspot is a concern as to future liver cancer, although my TNF is within normal range. Doc says he has seen liver cancer occur with TNF values in the normal range, which is why they will monitor closely.

          • JB says:

            Actually they should be able to see portal hypertension (back pressure of blood going into the liver) on a CT scan in the abdomen (I know because I have portal hypertension and I can clearly see on the scan myself as well as the radiologist saying so). However the endoscopy (egd) will show if there are varicies (engorged blood vessels) inside the esophagus, stomach (gastric) or duodenum, but not spleen and if the lining of the stomach any/what degree of hypertensive gastropahty. I’m OK there. Very important as they can cause massive bleeding. I also have splenic varicies and low platelets for the same reason. As for edema, yes I also have had some fluid in left lower ankle/foot, however, the cause was not sodium (I had low sodium & magnesium) whenever given potassium sparing diurectics so I have to take a non-sparing diurectic, plus potassium & magnesium. There is another test you might ask your doctor about called afp which can be a marker for cancer (once again not totally specific just like TNF). My liver enzymes, bilirubin, albumin, total protein, coagulation tests, lipids & electrolytes are now all normal, but CT shows cirrhotic and Fibroscan ( a new test) shows stage F4 fibrosis, but has significantly improved since treatment which means my liver is slowly healing. I don’t know where you are as to whether this test is available to you, but it would really help to judge healing. I went from an average kPa of 27.0 to 17.3 which implies a significant improvement in stiffness of liver. Hoping in another year it will be even better as the liver is miraculous at healing itself provided you do the things you mentioned, no alcohol & no acetaminophen (Tylenol). If your other blood tests are now within normal range you are healing (fibrosis can heal, although cirrhosis supposedly can’t). But if you are doing pretty good in function there is hope.

            I got the disease, most probably, working in the medical field (medical technologist) back in the 70s, but that knowledge has also helped me to deal with and understand the meaning of tests. Hope this helps you.

          • zenseekercu says:

            Thank you! You have given me more information that the doctor’s office. I am supposed to schedule the next scan in April (takes about a month-6 weeks to get in for non-urgent testing). I will ask the doctor about Fibroscan. One thing that is in my favor is that I live very near one of the top 10 medical centers in the U.S. I also have great (expensive) health insurance, which I feel obliged to keep, considering my history. I have had dilemmas with unnecessary tests (in my opinion) because of the inclusive health insurance coverage. Great when you really need it, but I feel like the clinic/med center has taken advantage of that fact as a source of paying income. Unfortunately for me, there are also co-payments that are steep (for me).

            As far as lifestyle, I follow a vegan, mostly organic diet, and avoid junk foods, etc. I don’t drink/smoke/take Tylenol. I limit OTCs to a very occasional ibuprofen or generic Benadryl as needed, perhaps 3-4 times per year each. I also take a good vitamin supplement and monitor and avoid sugars and refined fats.

            You have given me some hope that perhaps there will be some improvement.

          • JB says:

            Glad to help with explanation and information. I wish you the best. Get the upper endoscopy (egd) and hopefully you will get results like I did. So you know the Fibroscan is a relatively new test, cheaper than an MRI & totally non-invasive (not even IV for dye). It uses sound waves similar to an ultrasound and measures the elasticity of the liver. The more elastic the better, the stiffer the worse the liver. It’s almost like getting a liver biopsy, but of all of your liver, not just hit or miss AND MUCH safer. Don’t know where you live but if your doctor doesn’t know where perhaps Gilead can help (makers of Solvaldi) as they require these scans in the drug trial I am doing with them which has follow up for 5 years. You can also search on line for facilities doing this test in your area. Is your doctor a Hepatologist, Gastroenterologist or Infectious Disease Specialist?
            Diet is very important, although I could NEVER do a vegan diet as it would activate the Crohn’s and become anemic. So I eat healthy proteins – lean beef (filets actually) for heme iron (which you can’t get from plants), eggs, shrimp, turkey & lentils along with fresh veggies & fruits (organic if I can and if I will eat the outside) and healthy fats such a real cold-pressed virgin olive oil, avocado, butter & coconut oil. But I have a little bit of a sweet tooth, I admit.
            Good luck. And remember the fact that the virus is gone and your liver tests are good is a very strong positive for healing.

          • chrisculotta says:

            omg!!! im so happy for you!!! i hope i can get that drug. they wont approve me on harvoni, and viekirapak did not work for me. im 1b my fibrosis is 1,2,. my viral load is 400,000, good luck to you

        • zenseekercu says:

          Update on mine, I just had my one year completion of the Sovaldi/Olysio treatment. STILL negative! My liver enzymes & such are now in the normal ranges. One spot on my liver from a CT scan this week, so they have scheduled an MRI next month to investigate further. It may be a patch of scar tissue, but will find out & update in time.

      • Hep c warrior says:

        Hope u get it to, I’ve had hep c for 30 years an I find out my damage an everything else on 20th of April, been nervous…but got to fight this beast.good luck

        • Lynette says:

          Been horrified all I can do is think about death I found out four years ago and was told by my doctor how horrible the meds were and that most people decide to live with it I was never told what all could happen with that being said had a ultra sound said my liver was unremarkable but that was four years ago I hope and pray it’s still the same I have a fifthteen year old daughter I would love to see her go to college and make something of herself wish me luck!

          • Scared64 says:

            Lynette-I was diagnosed and have been plagued with a death obsession since then but now it is 10X worse since my MRI 2 weeks ago which said that I have cirrhosis, portal hypertension, esophageal varices, ascites, enlarged spleen, and the start of a liver tumor. The docs are giving me the run around and it is almost impossible for me to figure out how to get funding for the co-pay of a treatment. I am trying to do research on which tx would be the best and my head is spinning! I need help. I have a daughter too who is engaged and I would like to live to be a grandmother! Two doctors are wanting me to take Interferon but I am 64 with many other health issues and from what I have heard about it, I think it would kill me off and my husband does, too. I guess I have to wait until they find a good tx for my genotype 3 without my having to take Interferon if I live that long.

          • Terri G says:

            Try ultra nourish & milk thistle w/atichoke & tumeric…or harvoni. Harvoni says it’s for genotype 1, but some people say genotype 3 also. Me 30 yrs w/hep c. I’ve tried the Dr’s way & said I’d rather die after using combo drugs, pegintron, interferon & ribaviron! They gave me 2 yrs to live. It’s now been 8 yrs. I would try harvoni or the natural way above. Good luck

          • jenwest says:

            you might want to avoid Herbals. If you’re still hoping for a medication. Many of the new meds cannot be given to those who have used certain herbals. Harvoni says;
            Do not take Harvoni with drugs/herbs that are P-gp inducers rifampin, St. John’s wort, etc.. I’ve read about other newer medications we’ll see in 2016 that also list herbals that interfere. Low stress, healthy diet and moderate exercise. Myself, I’ve been infected more than 25 years having a caring doc who kept me informed, watching my liver/HCV. The stigma associated has not changed much though, if it’s ever going to, AARP’s repeated articles informing baby boomers have been discovered HCV from transfusions, the way things were or weren’t done to protect from infection years ago. With baby boomers who have added to judgments being reported infected might finally impact the stigma. Sad that’s what it might take is millions finding they’re also HCV infected in a way they judged as if they knew a person had to behave in a less than moral way to be infected, that rubbish I hope ends. Today this site sent me an email update of a med for genotype 3, I’m genotype 1a so I cannot recall the name. Search, it should show up. Otherwise let me know if you can’t find it, it’s suppose to be as good as Harvoni, plus new meds being approved helps drive the cost down. I hope everyone gets treatment before it’s too late, the answer I’m waiting for from my blood tests is will I survive? I’ve been infected so long my time is being used up with fatigue, depression, nausea, hair loss and I feel and look elderly, ancient is a better descript. Best of luck for all, Godspeed

      • juju says:

        how long did it take for you to recieve the actual pill? We have been approved, waiting 2 mths …the DR. said it was up to manufacture to send.

        • zenseekercu says:

          It took about a month to go through the rigamarole with the insurance, but once I was approved, I had the meds within a couple of weeks. I had to use a mail service pharmacy as directed by my insurance. Do you have a phone # to contact the manufacturer? Perhaps you can ask the office nurse to find contact information for you so that you can start the treatment. It seems like they should have had all the information they need by now, and have had plenty of time to get through whatever process you need to, in order to get your meds. Are you going through Sky Foundation? Or directly through to the manufacturer?

        • zenseekercu says:

          It took about 2-3 weeks to get approval via an appeal to the insurance company, then another 2-3 weeks to receive the meds. I hope you have them by now. If not, I’d be making some phone calls.

    • jontemple says:


      I live in Colorado Springs as well !!

      I am seeing a doc at Assoc in Gastro and I live on Oak Hills Drive.

      I went through a abdominal ultrasound early in the month and two days ago, I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy, as ordoered by Assoc in Gastro(Dr. Baker) in order to move towards getting the alleged “cure”. I say alleged as I honestly don’t know if this will work or not. I have had Hep C for over 30 years (didn’t know about it for 30 years though).

      It might be great to compare notes and even meet as you are in town.

      I had blood taken from me as well a few weeks ago, all to go toward the path for Harvoni.
      It is hard for me to believe that Harvoni or anything else can cure me of the Hep C and the damage that was done to my poor liver.

      I have diabetes type II as well, an interesting combo. :-).

      Does Harvoni really cure. The $100,000 cure. The cost should be a criminal and sho

    • Dee says:

      Kathleen, so sorry to hear. Your story really struck me. Are you under the care of a Hepatologist who works with a transplant center? I hope all goes well for you

    • es says:

      Kathleen and Jon
      I live in Colorado Springs. And I had blood transfusion in 1978. I was told by the doc after test I have hep C geno 3. I am seeing a doc at G of A . I did the 24 weeks of sofosbuvir and ribavirin . 12 weeks later and did not work. I go back to see the doc in March and see if I can start the Harvoni. I feel good. I sure hit me hard we the doc told me the Hep C load was high. Back to square one. I hope and pray there is cure for this. I have 10 beautiful Grandkids I would like to be a part of for many years. All I ask is we stay strong and push forward in our lives.
      Take care Kathleen and Jon.

      • adam thompson says:

        Hang in there Kathleen!!!I am on Harvoni and was UND at week 8 of my 12 week tx!!!!! ….. My v/l was 18 MILLION!!!!! GT 1b Harvoni is very gentle BUT VERY STRONG in DESTROYING the DRAGON INSIDE US!!! GOD BLESS!!!!

      • dan mahoney says:

        Our best option in Colorado is Dr Everson at University hospital. Since he is world renown it can be difficult to get in, but they’ve seemingly had special access to the newest research and medications for several years.

      • jennifer says:

        I am in the same boat. I have hepatitis c genotype 3. I tooknow the solvodi rib treatment for 24 weeks and it didn’t work. Dr. said today that there are new drugs waiting for approval from the fda for genotype 3. So hopefully they approve it soon.

        • JB says:

          Please see my note above. Yes, I participated in the Phase 3 trial for the next Gilead drug (after Harvoni). It should be coming some time soon!

      • Kathleen Dunham says:

        Hello,I have been taking the Harvoni for 30 days now.I had blood drawn on July one on day 28 of therapy and will get the results on July6 when I see my Gastro doc again.
        Harvoni has not given me any trouble with any of the possible side effects.I feel good most of the time and am very active with my service dog,Shadow.She gets me up and going because she is a young dog and is high energy.A great companion and comfort to me.
        Good luck,Kat

        • zenseekercu says:

          How did you do on the treatment?

          • Kathleen Dunham says:

            I finished the 12 weeks of Harvoni on August 26th.During the treatment my first test on July 1,showed virus undetected.After 28 days on the pill.Wow.
            The second test on July 1 showed virus-but unquantifiable.I kinda got scared maybe the Harvoni wasn’t working,but my doc said it was most likely a lab error.
            The third test on August 27 I got back the no virus detected answer again from my gastro doc. YAHOO.
            I still have 3 more blood tests over the next three months.That is to be absolutely positive that the virus I have carried since Jan 17,1982,is dead and gone.
            I have been doing the Happy Dance for a week and celebrated by boarding an Amtrak in Denver last Friday morning and crossing the Rockies ,the deserts and many more mountain ranges to rejoin my old man in Portland ,Oregon.I got back there yesterday.
            My recommendation to Everyone offered Harvoni is….
            Go for it.
            This is a miracle drug that has already cured thousands of people afflicted with the virus and will save many more.This was the first true success for the researchers.I have been reading on the different sites that 2015 will be a year with even newer drugs coming out .They are getting it right after only 40 yrs of research.I am just grateful I did not have to do Interferon.Yuch.

          • zenseekercu says:

            Congratulations! I wish you continued negative results. This is the new beginning of your life. ☺

      • honey says:

        I have Hep c type 2 and was told could not take the same drug that Hep c 1 was taken I am on solvoldi and ribavirin it seems to be doing ok, no headaches but a lot of upset stomach sometimes it gets bad but I keep saying This Day will Pass and it helps a lot ..I cAN’T wait to get cured I am on my 3rd week of 16.
        Ask for the new drug don’t give up.

    • zenseekercu says:

      Checking in to see how you are doing, K. Please update us.

      • Kathleen Dunham says:

        I am so excited right now 🙂 I begin the Harvoni medication on June 3rd.I see my gastrologist , Dr. Paul Pinto that morning early and we will go over the instructions and possible side effects and I may take my first pill at that time.I have been praying and waiting for this for so long,and now it is really going to happen. 🙂 🙂

  • Rachel Clearfield says:

    I have been on Harvoni now for 6 weeks.It is really wonderful as my viral load is now zero. It was almost 400,000. I feel realy good and only had fatigue slightly for the first month with no other side effects.

    The most amazing gift was that Giliad gave me the drugs (12 weeks worth ) for free. You can get help from them if you can’t afford them by going on their website. There is a ph# which we called and the very sweet lady told us ecxactly how to fill out the form which she then faxed to my doc who faxed it to them and they sent the Harvoni overnight directly to our address.
    So don’t think yoy can’t get help with getting the Harvoni. I have medicareB and no other insurance and the requirement is that you have to have an adjusted yearly income of under $100,00 to qualify and noth ave medicare D to get Harvoni for free.

    So I really hope this information will help many of you! The best of luck to you all!

    WOW!! What a gift to be given god willing a longer healthier life. I had Hep C 1a for 45 years and my liver is stage 4 but the doc thinks it can get to stage 3 now the virus is gone and I am gong to try my best to let it heal as much as possible.

    The liver can mange on 10% capacity I am told which is probably why I am doing well. I also live a healthy lifestyle.

    • I have just started Harvoni 1/11/15 going into my second week. . I have had hep-c for about 30 years stage 1 Fibrosis my viral load is 18 million is it possible that my viral load could drop to “0” when i go for my labs in February???

    • SunRae says:

      Thanks for all the information, you have given me hope. I’m having a biopsy on Monday so the insurance Co. Will have the stage they need to start treatment. It’s scary that they make you wait until you are sicker.

    • Mystery says:

      Can you give me the phone number for Giliad, because I also can’t afford the drugs. Harvoni
      Thank you and best of luck to you!

      • Rachel Clearfield says:

        Havoni made by Gilead. If you do not have insurance and your adjusted gross income is under $100,000 enter the Support Path Program-855 769-7284. Good luck!

    • joann says:

      That’s great as I know my son could not afford that expensive meds

    • Wow’s right! What a wonderful gift Rachel. I recently found I was stage F4 ater being told for years I was F1. Even had blood work and fiberscan a few months back that also said I was F1. Two weeks ago I had laproscopic biopsy that confirmed F4? Do you know how long you were F4 before starting Harvoni? Have you also heard of being F4 but not cirrhotic? I hope to get on harvoni very soon.. Thanks

  • Kerrigan says:

    I was on the Incivek therapy and it almost killed me before FDA Black Labeled it, and then pulled it from the market. After all the suffering from it I ended up non-responder. Now on the Harvoni/Ribavirin therapy hoping for better results.

    • Dee says:

      Hi I had not heard that the FDA had blackballed it. that is interesting. They still sell it outside the US. I had read they stopped selling it because they were beginning to lose money due to better drugs coming out. I took that stuff, it was awful. Good luck

    • pp says:

      Yes same thing happen to me had me on a 48 week therapy 3 weeks after viral load came back. Now I am fighting to get new meds since October. I don’t understand why I have good insurance Incivik almost killed me They pulled it the month I finished. Wow that was rough. I feel your pain. thought I was going to die. This will be round three for me since 2001. My insurance dictates my treatment I have to go with Abbie Vie. but it took all this time tto find out I am type 1 b all this time I was told I was 1 a. At least I don’t have to do the Ribo again,

    • lauren says:

      I was diagnosed after giving birth to my daughter a year ago . I went to the gastrointestinal doctor in 2013 & Said the best thing to do is wait for the new medication &now that it’s here I cant get approved till I’m in stage 4 bc I’m on gov insurance ?????? Come on I.m only 19 need answers on how I can get the new drug I need to know about other insurance companies that will help me I live just n Memphis tn any answers??

      • Lauren you are young and have time on your side.. Just do not drink! I was told for years I was stage F1 and drank like I was invincible, then found they had been wrong all along. Was actually stage 2 or 3 and progressing.. If you take care of yourself you will buy time for a much cheaper drug the our gov will approve. Good luck hon..

  • joyce dykema says:

    I have had Hep C for a long time, probably the 1980’s but wasn’t diagnosed until 1992. In 2010 I was accepted into a clinical trial for what I now know was an NS5A inhibitor. I also know that I did not receive a placebo, but did in fact receive the actual study drug. In the trial I was required to also take the standard of care at the time which was pegylated interferon and ribavirin. During the trial my viral load went from 9 million to undetectable in 2 weeks. Unfortunately once I stopped the drug, I relapsed, and within 2 weeks the virus was detectable again. Fast forward 4 years to the release of Harvoni. My doctor who also happens to head a Hep C research program tells me that from those field trials for the NS5A inhibitor, they learned that it had to be paired with another type of drug in order to be most effective. Enter Harvoni. I am currently waiting approval from my insurance company to start treatment and am told by everyone I talk to about it that there are almost no side affects, truly a breakthrough for us Hep C patients. This is just in the nick of time for me as I am starting stage 3 fibrosis. Sorry for the long post, but good luck to you all, and try to remember if this one doesn’t work there is another one just around the corner. Never give up. You will all be in my prayers.

    • zenseekercu says:

      Be prepared for you & your doctor to fight the insurance company. They tend to deny treatment at first request. You must be persistent. Good luck.

      • juju says:

        We got approved by insurance 2 wks later..BUT..2mths later still do NOT have actual pill. The Dr keeps saying its up to manufact. to send. Any idea how to “rush” them??

    • Joe says:

      Yes. We now have 1) Sovaldi + Olysio 2) Harvoni and 3) Viekira Pak! I went with Sovaldi-Olysio for 12 weeks. The virus was gone after 6 weeks, and again after 12 weeks. Just waiting for the FINAL QUANTS. by PCR, then if still NON-DETECTABLE, I am considered CURED! WONDER DRUGS!

      • Gyver says:

        Does anyone have experience with Veikira Pack? If you look at the cautions it can cause liver damage. I’m like …what? Not sure about that one. Right now my liver is pretty good.

        • rose says:

          hi, i did veikira pack with ribaverin started in march for 12 weeks hep-c genotype 1 gone I was infected in 1977 from a blood tranfusion had to wait till now because I have a bleeding disorder that I also get infusions for twice a week and it was the only treatment the hemophiliac foundation agreed with i also have chirossis now I have energy to burn feeling geat no real side efects from viekira.I still have to get my regular infusions but my blood problem I was born with hep-c unrelated abbvie saved my life.

        • chrisculotta says:

          i took viekirapak no side effects at all, but on the last month my virus came back, im one of the unlucky ones. but like i said no side effects at all!!

      • butterfly says:

        hi, how can I buy it please ? I am from Tunisia

        • juju says:

          these pills cost $1000 lie. Show your DR the pill name . Not sure if other country’s can buy.

        • zenseekercu says:

          It’s extremely expensive. I would contact your health agency and/or social services available in your country, and find out how you can get it. IF you could afford it, you could get a visa and come to the US or perhaps the EU and seek treatment. We are talking meds that cost a small fortune.

        • zenseekercu says:

          Havoni made by Gilead. If you do not have insurance and your adjusted gross income is under $100,000 enter the Support Path Program-855 769-7284. Good luck! (I found this on another post. It is a US toll-free #, but you would probably have to pay for the US connection from Tunisia.)

          • Barbara says:

            I’m curious about costs. I am working full time and have BCBS but I turn 65 in January and will go on Medicare. Anyone know which path is better?

      • Honey says:

        Joe what is new for Hep C 2.I am reading that Sovaldi and Ribavirin I am on my 3rd week . I am having a lot of trouble with upset stomach and vomiting is this normal

  • Lydia Beatty Cottiers says:

    Has anybody here ever looked into Ozone Therapy to treat Hep C?

    • mary says:

      I used to have a few treatments when fatigue and chronic leg cramps became too much, apparently -he said the treatment had cured some people in Cuba where it is used extensively.

      • Lydia Beatty Cottiers says:

        My person was just approved for Harvoni so he is going to go with that. No out of pocket cost. If it were me, I would explore the Ozone Therapy first.

    • TessaC says:

      I’ve heard of it being used for HIV, successfully. It’s not a cure but it lowers the viral level to almost none. I think he did this treatment once a month. He claims life is normal and he doesn’t need to take drugs.
      My Vet uses Ozone on animals with cancer. She claims it gives the animal a longer life…some animals, who had the treatment early enough, live normal lives. She explained to me it might be a means of lowering Hep C viral load, however, it requires an injection, drip method.

  • waterluvr says:

    I have just had an “HCV NOT DETECTED” result after taking Harvoni (Gilead) for just 26 days! After 40+ years of living with HEP C, I am finally cured!

  • Mephibosheth says:

    Just completed 12 weeks on Sovaldi and Olysio. Current RNA Qual. is negative. No side effects. Feeling better than I have in years.

  • Jd says:

    I had completed the 6 month protocol with the ribavarin solvaldi combination and cleared the virus after the 3rd week into treatment I am geno 1 btw. today after 7 months and final bloodwork completed walked into my last app and was told that my virus is back viral load higher than last year and need to get approved to start 6 more months treatment with different combo God help me.

    • Dee says:

      I am so sorry to hear this news! So sorry

    • JB says:

      which genotype do you have? That is important to the success rate and which drug. There is hope with Gilead’s Solvaldi/GS-5816, but it’s not FDA approved yet. See my other posts. I’m 8 months, participated in the Phase 3 trial for the drug.

  • Jorge says:

    I was found to have Hepc 20 years ago. In January 2014, cirrhosis, 37 pKa, AST with 360, etc..I immediately started a full vegetarian diet after reading prof. Colin Campbell book, The China Study. Occasionally, some exercises of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Also took Liv52 during few months.
    2 months after my AST and ALT dropped for half. GGT to normal values. Six months after my fibroscan showed fibrosis dropped to 27 pka.
    One year after, January 2015, fibrosis came down to 21 pKa. Hemoglobin 15,2 – AST 34 – ALT 41 – GGT 47 – Colesterol total 116 – Colesterol HDL 41 – Colesterol LDL 47 – Only ferritin is quite high with 643.
    Now I am going to start Harvoni but I feel generally well, have a normal life
    My strong suggestion. Start immediately a full vegetarian diet. Stop all kinds of animal protein, milk, sugar, and processes processed food. Organic Vegetables, fruits and integral cereals will make a huge, huge difference. Read The China Study Book by Prof. Campbell and take analysis a couple months later…


  • Jorge says:

    For the anemia, take Chlorella and make sure it comes from Sun Chlorella in Japan. The only other suplement you may need it’s B12.

  • Amy says:

    My fiance just found out he has Hepatitis C.
    He just went in for regular blood check and that’s how he found out. Now he is gonna.go to the liver specialist and have all the test.
    I am realy scared for him!

    Is the treatment really expensive? Or the meds?

  • joann says:

    I have a son in prison who gets no treatments he has had hepc for almost 20years he will be home in 4 months what should he do to get help

  • murphycat says:

    I am taking Sovaldi and Ribavirin end of 1st. week . I just feel nausiated
    it helps if I eat a little something I had no problem with insurance paying
    I have stage 4 with cirhossis and am geno type 3a I am praying that its going
    to work I have had this curse for 35 years I want to be cured.Thank God
    for these new drugs.

    • Damon Berryman says:

      I am on Harvoni and feel sick for a few hours every day after taking the pill. I look at it as proof something is going on but I am also tired and just started a new job so I hope the side effects go away. I know they are nothing compared to the old treatment but I have never been fond of feeling off in any way. In fact, I got Hep C due to that attitude.

  • HCV30yrs says:

    I too have HCV and my Doctor requested Harvoni treatment, my insurance Blue Cross/Blue Shield denied the request. They sent a letter indicating I needed to be at a stage 4 or 5 to qualify for the treatment. I was shocked needless to say. We are in the appeal process as I’m writing this. Has anyone else had problems with their insurance refusing to pay for treatment?

    • cazzar says:

      hi I am from GB, have had hep c for 30 yrs and due to start new treatment,i am lucky as the NHS pay for my treatment feel for everyone who has to pay for a Drug to save there lives.

    • My BCBS of nc required stage 2 or higher..

    • Damon Berryman says:

      I had the same problem as they saw me as stage one despite a high viral load. I was turned down both times including their appeal structure but then went to the NYS financial services to register an appeal. They overturned my insurance company’s decision (CDPHP) and even then the insurance company medical director tried to pull a fast one but I am now on the Harvoni for a bit less than two weeks with a 50 dollar co-pay each month. The most important point is to not give up. It is you and your loved ones who must do the work as no one else cares as much as you for your health. Good luck and keep at them.

  • Trip4Care says:

    If you need help looking for HARVONI treatment,
    contact us…

    We work with clinics in Europe that can offer
    this treatment at much more affordable prices than in the US.

  • adam thompson says:

    I am on Harvoni and was UND at week 8 of my 12 week tx!!!!! …..Only 4 more weeks till EOT!!!!!!! My v/l was 18 MILLION!!!!!

    • Adam I have a friend on Harvoni that was not quite under at week 4. They are adding Rebaviron. Were you under at week 4 or did you get 4 week test? Her v/l was high too.

      • ShaSha says:

        Hi, just finish taking the Harvoni treatment for 12 weeks and I will be seeing my GI. Doctor on April 8th and I hope after the blood work I get goodnews.I tell you, I this has been along ride. This disease has been in my body since the early 80’s and I was just diag. in 2009. feeling better now and I have hope. God Bless!

  • Da Bishop G says:

    I probably had Hep-C for 40 years. I must emphasis the word “had.” It seems I might have contracted it from an injection I received while in the Armed Forces. It was diagnosed in 1996. Since I always maintained a healthy lifestyle, my viral load never reached alarming heights, yet it did progressively increase. Talking with my doctor they at first mentioned the Interferon therapy. Being an avid comic book reader, I new about this drug, and based on what it did to characters in the comics, I looked on it as a wonder drug. Wrong assumption. I talked with someone, who knew someone, who had taken this therapy. After they told me about the potential side effects, I decided not to take it. For nineteen years of living with the disease, and 31 years of not knowing I had it, I just lived, being kept from serious symptoms, by what I can only attribute to as being the grace of God. December of 2014, after all those years my doctor convinced me that a drug was available that really could work wonders. I was placed on an 8 week regimen of one pill a day. Harvoni, trade name, produced no side effects, looked like a vitamin, and did not upset my stomach when I took it with nothing but water. My most recent blood test, 3/6/2015, after 4 weeks, viral count…undetectable. I still have 4 weeks to go, but it appears the virus has been evicted. I am finding that I have more energy, a clearer mind, more tolerance for ignorance, and a cheerier attitude toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of understanding that in life whether it’s because of innocence or choice, becoming proactive in what life presents is important no matter how much your quality of life may or may not be impacted. I am a worshiper of God, and I do thank Him for His grace. Harvoni, does seem to be a good thing. And I do believe some even better ones are on the horizon. Get tested, get educated, and get cured. The future generations are depending on you.

    • Love a hep-c story with a wonderfull ending like yours. Congrats and good luck!!

    • JB says:

      Positive attitude always helps and if you see my other posts you will see my story and the drug trial I participated in which is by the same drug company and includes Solvadi and GS-5816 an as yet un-named drug. Just like you I am grateful and I guess cured (non-detectable after 36 wks.)

  • I was in the Declatisvir (bms70052) study back in 2010 and was considered a partial responder. My Doctor recommends Abbvie Veikera pack over Harvoni yet Canadian friend in same study had her Dr recommend Harvoni? Also, blood work and Fiber scan (3 months back) said I was stage F1 yet very recent laproscopic biopsy confirmed stage F4!! I nearly fainted from the horrible news! Any thoughts as to possible resistance from Declatisvir which would make one of new drugs better than other? Has anyone heard of mis diagnosis from fiberscan or scam?

  • George wacuka says:


  • George wacuka says:


  • lilly says:

    why is the medication so expensive? what if I can’t afford to fix something doctors did to me in 1983? In todays world of medicine whom can pay for this and have a good quality in life. Seems I am going to die because I just can’t afford the medication. IF I had that kind of money I would buy a house and a car. SO SAD.

  • penny says:

    I am a 32 year old mother of two. I contracted hep c from a fight I was in. The girl intentionally gave it to me. I found out July 2014 that I had in fact contracted it. My infectious disease doctor tried to get me approved for two of the newest medicines but was denied everytime. My count is only 12000. I really don’t understand why they wont approve me since my count is so low. Instead they want me to wait until I have kidney failure, cirrhosis, or cancer. It’s ridiculous!! I am Geno type 1a and the insurance company said my body would fight the drugs so there is no point! Any percentage of being cured is a very good point to me…sorry folks I’m just so aggregated. Rant over…

  • butterfly says:

    hello, I discovered lately that I have hep c geno 1b , the problem is that in Tunisia we don’t have the new drugs, so I would like to ask you if I can buy sovaldi online or any other way, please help me I am a mother of three children and I want to get better . thanks

  • tina. braden says:

    I’m 54 yrs young and have been pretty healthy most of my life.Recently I was told that I have hep c,and although my best friend died from complications from hep c I’m very hopeful that I can beat this illness with Grace.most of my life I have lived fast and hard raising 6 kids and a husband..I made a few stupid mistakes when I was younger and now am faced with the consequences.The worst part is that I have no one to blame but myself. my biggest worry now is I have no medical coverage and the treatments out there are costly.I’m looking for info on clinical trials that will pay me to try the treatments. Can u direct me to info on that in the Mesa, arizonia

  • Grandma 1 says:

    My husband was just diagnosed with Hep C geno type 1B. We have no medical insurance at this point so we have no clue very little information on how to get the drug process rolling. I must be checked also, i am told , to see where i stand with this problem. I have only 40% of my heart left and have a defibrillator implanted inside my chest and I am looking for a place to get the necessary blood work done to see where i stand too. We got kicked out of medicaid because our income is $79 a month to high to get medical assistance. My husband cannot work as his hands and his body is so sore on a daily basis that he cannot even hold a glass without major pain. Please let me know what options may be available by drug companies and which ones i may contact and also what info they will need to have. It is so frustrating for both of us. Thank you so very much

  • Andi Bayer says:

    I’m HepC positive/40yrs/advanced cirrhosis/ treatment naive/?genotype?- not sure but gonna find out ASAP. I’ve started a case with Support Path for Harvoni, just incase I am Geno1. They cover the meds completely, with or without insurance, with AGI/$100,000 or less. Just have 4pgs/Intake form to fill out and a liver specialist to authorize the med. I’m also looking into a clinical trial for the Abbvie drug ABT-450/r/ABT-267&ABT-333 With or without RBV(one for G/1a & the other for G/1b). I’m in Louisiana, anyone know of a trial that’s recruiting or almost, that’s close to Louisiana? And isn’t there a med that covers all Genotypes?

    • JB says:

      There is a drug on the horizon for all genotypes – 1 pill/day, minimal side-effects, can be used on patients with cirrhosis. It’s the next generation after Harvoni from Giliead. It’s a combination Solvaldi/GS-5816 and is still in trial, but I completed a phase 3 trial late last year. As I understand they have to finish trials with genotype 5. It’s coming and it works. See my other posts.

  • dan mahoney says:

    *Route of administration question* My wife was diagnosed with 1a following nearly a dozen transfusions in 2010. This diagnosis was heaped on top of cystic fibrosis and cvid (a rare, congenital immunodeficiency that makes a common cold a life threat.) She has a host of secondary diagnoses, including severe gastroparesis. which makes taking oral medications all but impossible (I crush and administer all of her PO meds through a J tube.) Based on her co-morbidity, she has already outlived her prognosis.

    We were told that Sovaldi was enteric coated and can not be crushed, making the medication impossible to administer (since she will undoubtedly vomit it up each dose.) Does anyone know if newer treatments have sub cutaneous, IV or non enteric coated oral administration?

  • info.fidelityinvestments@gmail says:

    Dear Sir /Madam,

    Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, lions kidney hospital

    is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ (

    Thanks, MANAGEMENT.

  • Theresa Moseley says:

    My husband has been HepC type 3a for 35 years. Gastro put him on Salvadi/Riboflavin. He’s been on it for the past 6 weeks. Over the weekend he became aggressive, with suicidal thoughts and very depressed. One of the toughest weekends we’ve ever experienced. Went to see the dr today and he took him off of the meds. He’s resting right now and it will take 2 days for the Ribo to be out of his system and a week for the Salvaldi to be gone. I was so hoping this was the cure we’ve been waiting for. Can’t wait for the new drug to be FDA approved. We were told that maybe in August of this year.

  • zenseekercu says:

    Had a call from the nurse today; my blood test from a week ago came back as still HCV negative, and my liver enzymes are back to normal. It’s been a year now since I finished the Olysia/Solvaldi therapy. I had a CT scan yesterday, and that didn’t come back well. I have a lesion on my liver. The doctor’s office is submitting pre-approval with my insurance company for me to have an MRI. 🙁

  • Shannon Smith says:

    I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Aisabu. His email: ..

  • Bev. Lucas says:

    Most likely affected in 1954 at a base hospital. Been treating holistically since 1990. genotype 1B with minimal liver damage. RNA 518137. What is the difference between 1a and 1b? I am tired often and do have nausea on and off. Have osteoporosis and osteo arthritis. Golf, work out and volunteer and will be 80 shortly. Should I consider doing anything.

  • Doug Chaney says:

    I am HCV 1A since blood transfusion in 1980. My last biopsy was interpreted by a very smug gastro as a slightly fatty liver with no fibrosis. This AMAZED me as I had been in line for a drug trial through the VA where that doctor and his biopsy had me at stage 4 fibrosis! And THAT was a few years before the doc saying my liver is just fine …no treatment needed! Fast forward 5 years where I FINALLY saw a new gastro who does not even use the biopsy (old school she says) Through more advanced type of ultra sound and upper GI scoping SHE determined I am confirmed compensated CIRRHOSIS now! (varices seen in upper gi scoping confirmed things I think?)

    At least with THIS verified status and vaving been unsuccessfully treated in combo therapy 15 years ago (twice actually!) I qualify under protocol for full 24 weeks. But I found qualifying does NOT mean your insurance co is not going to fight tooth and nail for fewer weeks of treatment! Anyway of course I went undetected first blood text after start of Harvoni ( YES!!!) and I ASSUMED all was on track for 24 weeks a 99% cure outcome…but coming on the end of 12 weeks I was not contacted for another shipment, it was a Friday when I finally went into full PANIC mode! Could not reach Dr but specialty pharmacy informed me I was through with treatment which I of course came unglued…come monday I am leaving messages everywhere I can at how urgent the matter is and how upset I am! I get a call from pharmacy by a person who assures me matter of factly that “your provider has made the decision that 12 weeks is ample in your case) which I was NOT going to take and just “go away dumb and happy”

    A couple hours later I am speaking with my doctor’s nurse who apologizes up and down for the troubles and promises he WILL get it straightened out even if he has to get Gilead involved…finally he calls back and says the schmucks( convieniently?) did not have every piece of blood work on hand they needed to okay the next 4 weeks! My DOCTOR is NOT who the pharmacy meant by “your provider”! It was the insurance company trying a “wait till the last minute” hail mary attempt to cause me to lapse in treatment!! I THINK anyway! It could not have been any more “last minute” than it was for me! I ALMOST had to miss a day of a meds and as it was they had to “Next Day” my meds to me, causing me to dose several hours late from the daily dosing time! Now I am paranoid they are gonna try this again! Stress can not be good when trying to kill every last copy of a virus…I would think! Well next 4 week approval status? I have 2 weeks left of this round so I better get on the phone tomorrow and start bugging people to MAKE SURE all is on track! At least I have 16 weeks in the bag! Will start to feel pretty good when I get next 4 weeks IN HAND! so that will be 20 weeks of Harvoni “in the bag” Lord willing! 20 weeks seems like it would probably be well into the 90th percentile cure rate??

    But I won’t really relax and rejoice much until I get the final 4 week supply at my front door and signed for! Then I can revel in the fantastic expectation of 99% Cure rate!! Does not get much better than that! Then onward to the finish line(s) ! That is blood work hopefully showing “virus undetected” at post 6 months treatment and then post 12 month treatment (Lord willing?!) THEN I can sigh relief of dodging one more bullet in my life! (not that another can’t come zipping in at any time) Good luck to all of you! STAY ON TOP OF YOUR OWN HEALTH! No one cares like YOU can!! Stay FOCUSSED Do not ASSUME people are doing their job or acting in your best interest …there is a lot of money at stake and something tells me “providers” love it when brain fogged heppers fall asleep at the switch! So don’t help THEM by being lethargic and unmotivated! Be a LOUD squeaking wheel if need be!

  • katperson55 says:

    I have had hepatitis C for many years, but have not developed cirrhosis or any major symptoms. For this reason, my insurance will not cover Harvoni for me. Basically, I have to be already dying from HCV in order to be covered. Instead, they want me to take a regime of 12 pills per day for 12 weeks, on a combination of Viekira Pak and Ribosphere. My doctor told me that there was virtually no difference; however, the information that I have read tells me a very different story. First of all, there are medications that I take that would have a strong (and possibly deadly) contraindication with the Viekira Pak and secondly, “common” side affects are fatigue, muscle weakness and nausea, which I already get regularly and am terrified of having these symptoms get worse. I asked the doctor if I could get disability if things got really bad and he had his receptionist call me back to tell me that “no disability without being disabled”. Just like that! First of all, I am switching doctors. I do not need to have a physician who will put a patient on a medication regime that he is not thoroughly familiar with and hasn’t cross-checked the contraindications on. That infuriates me that he is that lax about this! Does anyone know any great hep-C doctors in the South Jersey area?

  • FATIMA says:

    I would always be thankful to a Medical Dr Williams Mckane, who gave me a new life financially as he bought one of my kidneys for he’s patients in his hospital and since then over 5months now i and my family have not known poverty again.
    i came across his advert on internet via one LOPEZ from PERU who he bought her kidney was every where sharing her nice information and i saw his email contact as
    and i did the needful and followed all the rules and regulations, i got half of the kidney money as approved by National Kidney Foundation ever before the transplant took place. I am using this medium to tell any one out there with financial challenges to take a bold step and contact this wonderful doctor on your life would never remain the same i bet you.

  • FATIMA says:

    I want to thank an awesome medical Doctor in the person of Dr Williams Mckane who has made my family and i proud in trust and urgency, he bought off one of my kidneys for his patient with awesome amount of money in dollars, i came across his email address on the internet as published by one Michel and Lopez thanking him and telling the world on how he came to their rescue financially as a result of buying their kidneys without stress, i quickly applied via the email and i was given all the attentions i needed by Doctor in less than a week i met all the requirements started by National kidney Foundation body, and my half money was like a dream when it came into my bank account before the transplant, i urge you to contact Mckane on for your financial awesomeness to come through like mine few months ago. I promised to do this when i eventually scale through.
    I am Fatima M. Roland.
    From Manila Philippines.

  • Doctor Afis Kura says:

    Hi friends greeting from Global Specialist Hospital (Dr. Afis Kura).
    Specialist hospital that buy human kidney.If you are Interested in Selling or buying Kidney Please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Phone number : +919916119712
    Email :
    Dr.Afis Kura

  • Save A Life India says:

    URGENT REQUIREMENT FOR A+, O+, and B+ Blood group donors

    Greeting from St.Anthony’s Medical Facility (Dr. Juan Pedrosa). As we have a

    lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant, Are you seeking

    for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial

    break down and we shall offer you between $30,000 to $250,000 USD for your Kidney. My

    name is Dr. Juan Pedrosa, i am a Nephrologist in India Surgical Hospital.

    Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other

    organ treatment, we also deal with buying and transplantation of

    kidneys with a living and healthy donor. We are located in India. If

    you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to

    contact us via
    TEL: (+91)8940-780512

  • Bill Ewing says:

    I was treated for Hepatitis C on December 14, 2014 to March 8, 2014. My Hepatitis C relapsed June 9th 2014.

    I was diagnosed with stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma B cell in October, 2014.

    I am Hepatitis C 2b positive, Viral Load 15.32 million, 3 Month Remission from Lg B cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I carry a high risk of Lymphoma relapse due to constant exposure to the hepatitis C virus.

    In order for me to have the maximum chance of a cure from my Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma the Hepatitis C must be treated in a timely manner or my life hangs in jeopardy.

    Blue Shield of California has denied my treatment for Hepatitis C for reason of medical necessity

    The objective of treatment of hepatitis C is based not only on the current standard of therapy to cure patients of this infection, but to improve the overall health by preventing other potentially life threatening conditions associated with chronic hepatitis C (Like Lymphoma). In my case, the history of lymphoma is critical in determining the importance of treating hepatitis C now and to prevent relapse of lymphoma which has dire consequences. In this regard, the association of hepatitis C and lymphoma has been clearly reported in studies in the late 1990S and is well documented. The risk of relapse of lymphoma in my case by not treating hepatitis C in a timely manner is risky, unacceptable, considered below the standard of care and places my future health in jeopardy.

    Blue Shield in their decision to deny treatment has disregarded my history provided in my clinical records. To deny treatment because I do not have more advanced liver disease and on the basis of the criteria developed by Blue Shield to contain costs is also unconscionable and inappropriate.

  • St. Nicholas Hospital Lagos says:

    My name is Dr. Nicholas of St.Nicholas Hospital Lagos, I am a specialist in organ Surgery, and we deal with the buying if organ from human who want to sell, and we are located in Nigeria, USA and in Malaysia, but our head office is in Nigeria. if you are Interested in Selling your Kidney Please do not hesitate to Get back to us so we can That Proceed further.
    And this is our Email if you are interested:

  • Kamarudin says:

    I got Hep C during a kidney transplant. Any latest medication/treatment for Hep C without sufferring rejection of the transplanted kidney.??

  • Glen says:

    I am not computer savvy,maybe someone has info they could relay onto me.I have Hep c,geno 1a stage 4.I cleared on Harvoni only to immediately relapse after treatment ended.I will not get any insurance coverage as a 2 time relapse.Does anybody know of a trial being conducted for Harvoni relapsers.

  • chrisculotta says:

    viekira pak did not work for me, no side effects, first2 test no virus on the last month virus came back. now i was denied the harvoni so upsetting.

  • Linda Paul says:

    Hi everybody,I won Lottery of $150,000 two weeks ago in Nsw 6 pool from
    38 lottery play now i have my car i know this Christmas will be sweet
    for me.I was introduced to a spell caster called Dr Ogumen his email is (
    a month ago by a colleague who he helped with marriage and financial
    issues.All what he said and what he promised to do really happened.I
    guess never believed in magic or spells because i thought they were
    mostly scam acts or tricksters until i met him,everything changed,it
    exists but only in the right hands and with it everything is possible.I
    don’t know how to pay him for this but i really hope i can do something
    important and special for him by telling other people how i i became
    rich now, his good in love spell, get your ex back, HIV spell, Pregnancy
    Spell And other spell if you are in need of any help contact him here

  • fred saint says:

    My name is fred, i was diagnosed with hepatitis b for 3years ago i lived in

    pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i

    contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of

    money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life

    back so one day i saw mr Brown post on how Dr Bongani from south

    Africa saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Bongani on his email address we spoke on the issue i told him all

    that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be

    fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest man on earth now ,,pls try is real ..thanks to Dr Bongani …God bless u

  • Orewele Goodluck says:

    Just wanna express my moment of joy for been cured from the deadly HEPATITIS B..
    i have been infected with the Disease over 3 years and already lost hope cos i have already tried so many ANTI VIRAL treatment…. one day while making more research online, i came across a tesimony of a patients Dr Lamano cured from GENITAL HERPES. and i decided to give the said DR a call cos he information was online too..
    We both talked and he agreed on helping me out… He prepared the CURE in portion and requires my Home Address for the D.H.L to deliver the medicine to me and i recieved the Portion after 4 Working Days….
    The cure was prepared from Herbs and he instructed me on how to take it…
    well, henced im cured now i decided to write a review on this so others with similar issues can also give a trial.
    his email is or call him on +2349054870144

  • Ruth Shaw says:

    I was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal product via courier service, when i received the herbal product, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 14 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email or call +27611734184

  • Ruth Lucas says:

    was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal product via courier service, when i received the herbal product, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 14 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email

  • Ruth Lucas says:

    was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal product via courier service, when i received the herbal product, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 14 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email

  • Ruth Lucas says:

    was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal product via courier service, when i received the herbal product, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 14 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email

  • Ruth Lucas says:

    I was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal product via courier service, when i received the herbal product, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 14 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email

  • Truther says:

    I gave up on the drug cartel 16 years ago.been hep c since 1999 ..I receive vitamin c therapy annually..lab work shows only a (trace) viral load count .ton of energy as a side effect..

  • Ambreen Naveed says:


    My name is Mrs Ambreen Naveed,from Toronto, I was married to my husband for 5 years, we were living happily together this years and not until he traveled to Germany for a business trip where he met this lady and since then he hated me and the kids and love her only. so when my husband came back from the trip he said he doesn’t want to see me and my kids ever again, he drove us out of the house and he was now going to Germany to see that other woman. so i and my kids were so frustrated I had to move in with my mum and i was not treated good because my mother married another man after the death of my father so the man she got married to was not treating her well, i and my kids were so confuse and i was searching for a way to get my husband back home because i love and cherish him so much so one day as i was browsing on my computer i saw a testimony about this spell caster BABA ODION BABATUNDE a testimony shared on the internet by a lady and it impress me so much i also think of giving it a try. At first i was scared but when i think of what I and my kids where going through, I had no other choice but to contact him and he told me to stay calm for just 24 hours that my husband will come back to me and to my best surprise i received a call from my husband on the second day asking after the kids and i called BABA ODION BABATUNDE and he said your problems is solved my child. this was how i get back my family after a long stress of breakup by an evil lady so with all this help from BABA ODION BABATUNDE, i want you all on this forum to join me to say a huge thanks to BABA ODION BABATUNDE and i will also advice any one in such or similar problems or any kind of problems to contact him on his email:ODIBABATUNDE11@GMAIL.COM Call or Whatsapp (+2348059594128) he is the solution to all your problems and predicament
















    Once again when faced with similar situation, contact him through his email address:- ODIBABATUNDE11@GMAIL.COM Call or Whatsapp (+2348059594128) contact him today and be glad you did


  • Ambreen Naveed says:


    My name is Mrs Ambreen Naveed,from Toronto, I was married to my husband for 5 years, we were living happily together this years and not until he traveled to Germany for a business trip where he met this lady and since then he hated me and the kids and love her only. so when my husband came back from the trip he said he doesn’t want to see me and my kids ever again, he drove us out of the house and he was now going to Germany to see that other woman. so i and my kids were so frustrated I had to move in with my mum and i was not treated good because my mother married another man after the death of my father so the man she got married to was not treating her well, i and my kids were so confuse and i was searching for a way to get my husband back home because i love and cherish him so much so one day as i was browsing on my computer i saw a testimony about this spell caster BABA ODION BABATUNDE a testimony shared on the internet by a lady and it impress me so much i also think of giving it a try. At first i was scared but when i think of what I and my kids where going through, I had no other choice but to contact him and he told me to stay calm for just 24 hours that my husband will come back to me and to my best surprise i received a call from my husband on the second day asking after the kids and i called BABA ODION BABATUNDE and he said your problems is solved my child. this was how i get back my family after a long stress of breakup by an evil lady so with all this help from BABA ODION BABATUNDE, i want you all on this forum to join me to say a huge thanks to BABA ODION BABATUNDE and i will also advice any one in such or similar problems or any kind of problems to contact him on his email:ODIBABATUNDE11@GMAIL.COM Call or Whatsapp (+2348059594128) he is the solution to all your problems and predicament
















    Once again when faced with similar situation, contact him through his email address:- ODIBABATUNDE11@GMAIL.COM Call or Whatsapp (+2348059594128) contact him today and be glad you did.

  • Greetings to the general public, i want to tell the hole world about how i was cured of Hepatitis B disease by a Doctor called Dr. Sabi. i have spend a lot of dollars of medication and there was no solution, I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on (Hepatitis disease) and i saw a comment of people talking about how Doctor Sabi cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i was having no hope of been cured of Hapatitis so i decided to contact him with his email that was listed on the comment ( ) when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my Hapatiis result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Sabi God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and grate men. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you are also suffering from any deadly disease Email: or call him: +2348168257144.

  • Dave Gray Hospital Delhi says:

    Give one kidney and be rewarded as we need Organ donor urgently in New Delhi for patients who face life time dialysis problem unless they under go Kidney Transplant. Contact e-mail (

  • Sarte Escobal says:

    Am writing this article to thank Dr.Oduduwa for the wondrous miracle that he did for me because he helped me recently to bring back my Ex husband. Thank you sir for your genuine spells. This is really incredible,I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Before i met you Sir, i have tried every probable means that i could to get my husband back, but i actually came to realize that nothing was working out for me, and that my husband had developed lot of hatred for me.. I thought there was no hope to reunite with my husband. But when i read good reviews about how Dr.Trust help others get back there ex lovers, make others to win big on lottery, cure of any sickness. I decided to give it a try and i did everything that he instructed me and i Trusted him and followed his instructions just as he guaranteed me in 48 hours, and that was exactly when my husband called me and come back to me.. I’m so happy for the good work you did for me. We are more contented now than ever. Everything looks perfect and so natural! Thank you so much Sir for your authentic and indisputable spells. Email him now for help {} call +2349070830046 Thanks Sir for your help.

  • Dave Gray says:

    Contact him today on:(

    IF YOU NEED A REAL SPELL CASTER PLEASE CONTACT DR UDABOR TEMPLES HE IS A GREAT MAN He brought back my ex within 24 hrs when others spell casters failed just using this post as a testimony and to tell people that there are still Real spell caster out there . if you need his help in any way be it LOVE SPELL …SPELL REMOVAL……..GOOD LUCK……do contact him directly on E-mail: Thank you all.

  • Malla Reddy says:

    Welcome To Rockland Hospitals That Buy’s Kidney’S
    Do You Wish To Sell Or Exchange Your Kidney For an
    Amount Of Money If Yes Kindly Contact On The Bellow
    Mentioned Docter Dr. K.K Pandey Asap For Good And
    Genuine Transaction Of Money All Interested Parties
    Should Contact Rockland Mangement Via Email As Soon
    Thank You
    And Best Regards
    Dr. K.K Pandey

  • Christal willey says:

    Am Christal willey de Vodafone, estoy testificando acerca de un gran hombre Hebal que curó a mi esposa de la hepatitis B, su nombre es Dr. Olushola. Mi esposa fue a diagnosticar de hepatities hace dos años, casi me pasé todo lo que tenía entonces, hasta que vi la recomendación del Dr. Olushola en línea, y lo llamo, entonces él me dijo cómo llegar las hierbas. Se le puede pedir a 2349024103606 o por correo electrónico a

  • May Dawson says:


    I’m Mrs May Dawson,and i have come to return all the glory to this great spell caster called Ewan Magic, for the breakthrough he showered on me.I have been married for the the past 11years and 6months. When i got married,i thought i will give birth quickly but i didn’t know it would be a different story.A friend told me about this great man and how he had helped a lot of persons. Then i said to myself i have gone to so many places for help and back but no solution but will not let go of this great man until i give birth to my own child.Then i contacted him ,i told him my situation,he laughed and told me that all my tears and worries are over now that i have found him.Then i knew my testimony had come,he then told me what to bring for him,which i did and he cast me spell and that was it.I have come to this forum with my own beautiful baby girl and to let everyone know that Ewan Magic is too faithful to fail,Thank you Ewan Magic. Do contact Ewan magic today on email ( OR text and call him on +1(562)372-0292,for Your own encounter awaits you too.

  • Jasmine Jennifer says:

    I have heard of him before, but after watching his documentary “healing spell” I was turned on to the full story

    about Dr uwa. He is a man who has the Cure for AIDS,Cancer, Sickle Cell, Herpes,warts,HPV,ALS Diabetes and every kind of

    illness, through a whole foods vegetarian diet and natural herbs, what he calls Electric Foods. He went to herbal school college,

    and has thousands of testimonials of healing people with Herpes, HIV AIDS, and HPV several other

    illnesses. Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes of TLC was cured of Herpes by him and she was so moved by his knowledge that she went on

    to spread the word about him in every way she could. She also opened a Cultural/Healing Center for Children in USA

    before she passed away tragically. This all inspired me that i had to contact Dr uwa, because i was having Herpes

    which could not be cure but was only managed, when i contacted Dr. uwa, he sent me some herbs which i took, and now i can tell you, i have be totally cured of Herpes, My Name is Jasmine, I am from the South Carolina, Please if you have any form

    of illness especially STD,Infertility,HIV etc. you can contact him immediately through his Email Address

    Name: Jasmine Jennifer


    PHONE/WHATS APP : +2348063930531

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