New Herbal Compound Inhibits the Hepatitis C Virus | Hepatitis Central

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Hepatitis Testing Day: May 19th

New Herbal Compound Inhibits the Hepatitis C Virus

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SBEL1 is a Chinese herbal extract showing great potency against the Hepatitis C virus. In addition, this compound may be paving the way for integrative Hepatitis C treatment.

With an estimated 150 million people chronically infected with the Hepatitis C virus, the stakes for developing a cure are high. In hopes of being first to defeat the Hepatitis C virus, most pharmaceutical companies have ignored the potential of herbal medicine. However, a presentation at the International Liver Congress in April 2014 put Chinese Herbal Medicine in the spotlight for having a chance of successfully treating Hepatitis C.

Evolved over thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete system of healthcare that includes a complex, highly evolved, therapeutic herbal component. In TCM theory, the Hepatitis C virus is traditionally considered to be a hot, toxic pathogen. As such, the Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment approach focuses on herbs known to clear heat and toxins. Although several Chinese herbal formulas have been used by TCM practitioners to help clients with Hepatitis C, the general population has not recognized the antiviral potential of Chinese herbs.

The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) attracts the foremost hepatology experts as members and has an impressive track record in promoting research in liver disease, supporting education and promoting changes in liver health policy. At the April 2014 EASL meeting in London, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chairman at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Medizinische Universität Wien (MedUniWien) in Austria presented a study that a Chinese herbal extract demonstrated great potential for treating the Hepatitis C virus.

According to the Austrian researchers, SBEL1, a compound derived from a plant used in Chinese Herbal Medicine demonstrated activity against Hepatitis C viral replication in human liver cells. Based on their data:

  • SBEL1 inhibited Hepatitis C activity at several different points in the virus’ lifecycle.
  • SBEL1 was found to inhibit Hepatitis C activity by approximately 90 percent.

Unfortunately, the etiology of SBEL1 has not yet been revealed, except that it is a compound isolated from a Chinese herb:

  • Found in certain regions of Taiwan and Southern China.
  • Traditionally used to treat sore throats and inflammation.

In the Austrian study, scientists pre-treated human liver cells in vitro with SBEL1 prior to Hepatitis C infection. They found that SBEL1 pre-treated cells contained 23 percent less Hepatitis C protein than the control, suggesting that SBEL1 blocks virus entry. This indicates the herb contains a protective property. In addition:

  • SBEL1 was also found to inhibit IRES-mediated translation, a critical process for Hepatitis C viral protein production.
  • SBEL1 also impairs the viral RNA replication process.

As we hope for further research with this Chinese herbal constituent and eagerly await finding out what herb contains SBEL1, we are left with incomplete – yet encouraging news. Nonetheless, the capacity demonstrated by SBEL1 is on par with some of the most hopeful Hepatitis C drugs.

Finding out an herb that clears heat and toxins inhibits Hepatitis C viral replication in lab tests is not surprising to practitioners of TCM, but this research could be the beginning of greater acceptance of Chinese Herbal Medicine into the mainstream. Taking this information one step further, Peck-Radosavljevic’s poster may even convince a major pharmaceutical company to incorporate a potent herbal extract into an antiviral medication for a first-of-its-kind, integrative medicine Hepatitis C trial., About EASL, Retrieved April 20, 2014, EASL, 2014.,632-hcv-alternative-complementary-therapy/4630-easl-2014-chinese-herbal-compound-inhibits-hepatitis-c-virus-replication, EASL 2014: Chinese Herbal Compound Inhibits Hepatitis C, Retrieved April 20, 2014,, 2014.


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Hepatitis Testing Day: May 19th

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  • sejn says:

    I contacted EASL, asking about the name of the herb and they could only refer me to the email address of a Dr. Lin who reported this study. Dr. Lin did not respond to my request for information on what herb or herbs constitutes SBEL1. I am afraid Big Pharma is obstructing any chance for its revelation and use.
    Maybe it will help if more of us email Dr. Lin.

    “The lead investigator of the study Mr Lin, may be able to help you further and he can be contacted at”

  • Sanja says:

    It could be Huang Qin or Andrographis, I am only guessing.
    I studied herbs for a long time.
    It is more beneficial and better, in so many ways to use a whole herb, than to isolate just one active compound and make it into medicine.
    That is what Big Pharma will do to make more money.

  • BluePeach says:

    Possible derived from oyster mushrooms Dr Lin did published study years back sounds similar

    • jj says:

      maybe it is a herb Rhodiola Kirilowii?

    • Epiphany FiberSong says:

      Interesting you would say that… I live in rural southern Oregon. I’ve been diagnosed with Hep C now for 5 years… and refuse interfeuron treatments. I am searching for alternatives now, since a year ago my numbers were extremely high, and I was encouraged to see a GI specialist.

      Prior to being tested positive, I often hunted and consumed local, wild mushrooms, to my delight…. as mushrooms are one of my favorite foods. About a year ago, my roomate and I found a huge cache of oysters on a tree in the forest, and I made a big pot of soup.. cream of oyster mushroom… and it probably contained upwards of 5# of them, so highly concentrated. It made me really ill, or so I thought. Ill as in, gastrointestinal detox type symptoms. This year, I also made a soup from Bolete, and Matsutake mushrooms harvested in the forest and had a similar, but less intense reaction.

      After being positive of the identification of these fungi, I did more research, and found that many experts suggest taking only a small amount of a newly found mushroom until you test your sensitivity.

  • New dawn says:

    In times gone by, this discovery would have been heralded, not hidden and forbidden in a disgraceful manner by big pharma. Remember the amount of money riding on new drugs (cure). Big Pharma seems to have everyone in their pocket. The Chinese might blow the whistle here as they are very annoyed about the way the west (particularly the EU) has restricted the gift of Chinese herbal medicine with red tape.

  • Julie says:


  • Billioniers Clubs says:

    I AM VANESSA, i got married to a man [JEROME],who had a wife [JOSEPHINE] already,then i was made the second wife,and this JOSEPHINE has a daughter for my husband,called CHRISTABEL,JOSEPHINE was suffering from leg pain,that later took her life. so Christabel was left to live with me,and my two kids,PATIENCE AND GLORY,Christabel was the eldest of them, so i was misusing CHRISTABEL,SHE is the only one doing all the house work,anytime she dose some thing wrong,i wouldn’t give her food to eat all through the day,and beat her up with anything close to me,but she never worry,or insult me.or report to my husband.because i told her if she did i will kill her,i did this to some extent that,one day,she was on her menstruation period, she was afraid to tell me, she was not having enough cloth,so the only cloth she had she put it into her pant,so that, the cloth would soak the bleeding,and the cloth,i was the one that brought it for her,that the only cloth i ever brought for her,then the following morning i saw her cloth on the ground,with blood stain,i called her,and ask her what is this, she told me every thing, but i beat her up, and force the blood in the cloth into her mouth,i over heard her,as she was crying,cursing me,but never bother to listen to the word she was using,but now my two daughters and my son are yet to give birth,PATIENCE,GLORY AND EXCEL,AT their age[37,34 and 31]but they are married no children,i had gone to many places to know the cause of the problem,and CHRISTABEL WAS LIVING HAPPILY with her husband and four kids, three boys and a girl.i don’t know how my children,came to know about this HIOYA TEMPLE,when they got there, they told them i was the curse of their, problem,so one morning they all came home,and ask me what have i done to disturb their lives,the question sound,funny.i told them i had done nothing to hold their lives back,they cried me,down to this Hioya temple,i saw the man.he ask me what,did i do to some one,over 19 year ago,i forgot everything.i said nothing,HE EXPLAIN WHAT I DID TO ME,and this CHRISTABEL was helping my children with their needs and always come and pay me a visit and she always called me mummy,so this MAN HIOYA told me to go and apologize to her,once she accept the apology,then he will cast a pregnancy spell on my children,we all went to CHRISTABEL’S house and apologize,she forgives me,so they went back to the spell caster, for the pregnancy spell,TODAY PATIENCE CALL ME AND TOLD ME SHE IS PREGNANT,but I haven’t heard anything from the others,maybe they are still angry.with me that’s why they haven’t called me,..THANKS TO DOCTOR HIOYA FOR EVERY THING, IF YOU ARE FACINGS ANY PROBLEM,VISIT THIS GREAT HIOYA VIA [GREATHIOYATEMPLE@GMAIL.COM]]

  • jesussavesrepenrt says:

    oxymatraine ? i think thats how u spell it ?

  • samreen says:

    I have this herbal Taiwanese medicine for hepatitis c .If some one interested in buy reach me at

  • samreen says:

    Taiwanese herbal medicine for complete cure of hepatitis B and C. It’s main ingredient in Taiwanese mushrooms. It’s Long being used in Taiwan for hepatitis c authentic cure and it’s also effective in cancer.
    One course six bottles of small 80 tablets.which should be finished in twelve days by taking 40 tabs daily.

  • logic says:

    the failure of pharmaceutical is the mere isolation of the active compound, close but no cigars, pharmaceuticals will always fall short of the real thing!!!

  • kelvin west says:

    All thanks to Dr chima who lives in south africa, I am here to share a good testimony and give hope to the hopeless who think there is no cure for ,herpes ,hepatitis,als,etc all deadly diseases .. i appreciate everyone for taken their precious time to read my testimony, 3 months ago i was diagnosed with Hepatitis b , it means that 3months ago i was diagnosed with hepatitis b, when i saw someone post on facebook,who write about how DR CHIMA brought him back to life,i thought it was a scam ,then i research on the internet more,then i found out that DR CHIMA has cured so many people and my friend said that she has come across a lot about him and said that he is a real herbalist remedy to all kinds of deadly disease and he lives in south africa , i was really surprised on this and confused as well, I was so speechless and quickly i contact him on this email.DRCHIMAHERBALCURE@GMAIL.COM to help me and he replied and said i must not worry that he will cure me, and i purchased the herbal medicine ,then he sent it across to me and he told me the way i was going to be taken the medicine which i did, and in the next 2 weeks i went to the hospital and the doctor test me and said that i am now negative, i am very happy about this, i pray everybody out there will read this and try him and see the good work of doctor chima.

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