News | Hepatitis Central - Part 70

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Research & Treatment News

The Not-So-Sweet Truth: Sugar Worsens Hep C

Oct 7, 2009 1 Comment

For some, not being able to get rid of Hepatitis C can leave them feeling helpless over the course of their illness. However, there are many everyday choices that can either fan the flames or reduce the impact of this virus. Sugar consumption is a prime example of how food selection can affect the progression of Hepatitis C.

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Should Those With Hepatitis C Get a Swine Flu Shot?

Sep 28, 2009

Just in time for flu season, swine flu vaccines will be distributed and administered. If you think having Hepatitis C is cause for receiving this vaccination, become familiar with who is at highest risk from swine flu complications - and why you may want to think twice about this injection.

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Smoking Pipes May Transmit HCV

Sep 9, 2009

In an effort to circumvent the spread of Hepatitis C, many drug users assume they are safe from viral acquisition if using a non-injection drug delivery system. However, new research shows that a pipe passed between people is capable of transmitting the Hepatitis C infection.

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Four More Key Benefits of Milk Thistle

Aug 28, 2009

Justifying its use to protect the liver, many of us know that milk thistle is a potent antioxidant and liver detoxifier. However, find out four more compelling reasons why milk thistle helps in the battle against Hepatitis C.

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