News | Hepatitis Central - Part 80

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Research & Treatment News

Combined Hepatitis Vaccine for Extra Protection

Oct 9, 2008

People with chronic Hepatitis C are more vulnerable to worsening of liver disease when burdened by an additional form of viral hepatitis. HCV patients will learn more about the Hepatitis A/B combination vaccine and possible side effects in this article.

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Hepatitis C Transmission from Botox and Other Spa Treatments

Oct 9, 2008

Since medical spas are offering more treatments involving the use of needles, sometimes without the supervision of a medical physician or properly sterilized equipment, the potential for Hepatitis C transmission is rising. Learn about some of the spa treatment techniques that pose hepatitis transmission dangers, as well as five ways to increase your safety in a medical spa.

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Hepatitis B Treatment May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Oct 8, 2008

While several theories are attempting to explain the connection, scientists are unsure why those with Hepatitis B appear to have 2 ½ times increased risk for developing pancreatic cancer. In this article you will learn more about the link and why treatment for viral Hepatitis B may reduce the occurrence of pancreatic cancer.

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How Fatty Acid Metabolism May Stop the Hepatitis C Virus

Oct 7, 2008

On September 28, 2008, researchers announced study results showing a new way to reduce viral replication (the progression of viral infection). The liver disease Hepatitis C may be chosen as a candidate for further exploration in this new technique to inhibit viral replication. For their study, the scientists had experimented with the herpes virus and fatty acid metabolism, and believe they can use existing drugs to inhibit viral replication in a number of diseases, including Hepatitis C. To learn why scientists are considering Hepatitis C as one of the candidates for further exploration of this unique way of metabolically blocking viral replication, read this article.

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Hepatitis C Study Increases Interest in SCV-07

Sep 26, 2008

Trial results show SciClone's SCV-07 effectively reduces Hepatitis C viral load in previous non-responders with genotype 1. Based on these encouraging results, a follow-up study to evaluate SCV-07's potential to replace or improve the current Hepatitis C standard treatment will unfold next year.

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New Hope for HCV

Sep 22, 2008

Funded by Pfizer, Tacere's licensed RNAi technology could change the way Hepatitis C is treated. A mechanism that inhibits genes from transferring information and creating new genetic material, RNAi-based drugs may be able to silence the genes that cause disease.

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Hepatitis C and Supporting Lymphatic Health

Sep 16, 2008 1 Comment

Because lymph problems abound in people with Hepatitis C, those with the virus have every reason to make their lymphatic health a priority. Discover four helpful suggestions for encouraging lymphatic circulation - by practicing them, maintaining lymphatic health is within anyone's reach.

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