News | Hepatitis Central - Part 86

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Research & Treatment News

Taribavirin Showing Lower Anemia Rates than Ribavirin

Mar 20, 2008

When combined with pegylated interferon for Hepatitis C treatment, taribavirin may be a better option than ribavirin. Compared to ribavirin, preliminary results of a Phase IIb trial show that taribavirin is similar in viral load reduction yet superior with fewer incidences of treatment related anemia.

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Fast Food Likely to Accelerate Hepatitis C

Mar 7, 2008

According to new research from Sweden, grabbing a quick burger and fries is just as harmful to the liver as drinking alcohol. Since liver damage carries a graver risk to those living with Hepatitis C, eating low-fat meals is more important to this population than ever.

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Non-Invasive Testing for HCV Fibrosis Progression Improved

Mar 7, 2008

Michigan researchers have found that a new combination of markers may best predict the progression of cirrhosis for people with chronic Hepatitis C. Although requiring additional study for confirmation, these three serum fibrosis markers demonstrated a higher level of accuracy than other non-invasive tests

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6 Tips for Improving HCV Outlook

Feb 28, 2008

As your main environment, make sure that your home serves you best. Six simple feng shui suggestions give people with Hepatitis C some tips for improving the energy flow in their home to benefit their liver's health.

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How Grapefruit Reduces the Spread of HCV

Feb 18, 2008

Massachusetts researchers have found that a compound in grapefruit blocks the Hepatitis C virus from infecting additional cells. Since the Hepatitis C virus depends on cholesterol metabolism to proliferate, future trials may prove that lipid-lowering drugs or supplements, such as that found in grapefruit, may inhibit the virus.

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