News | Hepatitis Central - Part 88

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Research & Treatment News

ANA598 Shows Potential as an HCV Anti-Viral Drug

Jan 14, 2008

Animal studies of Anadys Pharmaceutical's new non-nucleoside Hepatitis C inhibitor have delivered some hopeful results. Although the subjects were primates, ANA598's demonstration of rapid viral load decline, favorable pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability profiles support its continued development.

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Weight-Based Ribavirin Dosing = Superior Hepatitis C Treatment

Jan 2, 2008

A substantial, five-year study confirms that when it comes to treating Hepatitis C, one size does not fit all. When combined with pegylated interferon, researchers discovered basing the dosage of ribavirin on a patient's weight could yield better results than giving all participants a flat dosage of ribavirin. In addition, the weight-based ribavirin dosage demonstrated a clear advantage to African Americans with Hepatitis C, whose outcomes has previously lagged behind those of Caucasian patients.

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Cirrhosis to Liver Cancer: Progression May be Genetic

Jan 2, 2008

Collaboration between French and American researchers has uncovered a possible genetic link among those who progress from cirrhosis to liver cancer. If this genetic variation is confirmed to be behind the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, this gene will be evaluated in cirrhotic patients and may be the basis for future therapies.

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Twelve More Finkelstein Patients Test Positive for Hepatitis

Dec 26, 2007

While most doctors are vigilant about disease transmission prevention, Long Island physician Dr. Harvey Finkelstein violated this vigilance when he reused syringes on his clientele. Although nearly impossible to determine where the infection originated, twelve more of Finkelstein's patients have just tested positive for Hepatitis.

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Antibody Isolation May Prevent or Slow HCV

Dec 12, 2007

American and Canadian scientists unite in studying a novel approach for reducing the scope of Hepatitis C infection. Their isolation and injection of specific antibodies into liver tissue demonstrates potential in preventing or slowing the Hepatitis C virus.

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HCV Treatment Aided by New Platelet-Boosting Drug

Nov 29, 2007

In collaboration with health centers across the globe, researchers at Duke University Medical Center are excited about a once daily pill for increasing blood platelet counts. To help patients complete antiviral therapy, the researchers found that eltrombopag effectively raises blood platelets in those with low platelet counts and cirrhosis of the liver due to Hepatitis C.

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