News | Hepatitis Central - Part 89

The latest research & treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.

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Research & Treatment News

Invention Offers Sick Livers a Well-Needed Rest

Nov 27, 2007

Potentially giving the liver a chance to rest and recover, Scottish scientists are working to perfect their artificial liver machine. Conceptually similar to kidney dialysis, this invention temporarily gives the liver a break from its constant duty of filtering out toxins.

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Phlebotomy Gaining Acceptance as HCV Treatment

Nov 23, 2007

Most people associate the removal of blood from their veins with donating to the Red Cross or getting tested for some ailment. However, the removal of blood from someone's body can serve many purposes. Learn how the safe ancient practice of bloodletting, or phlebotomy, has proven therapeutic value, and why it is gaining momentum as a treatment of chronic Hepatitis C.

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Extended Interferon Treatment Not Helpful for Hepatitis Delta

Nov 23, 2007

While most cases of chronic viral hepatitis present a treatment challenge, treating the Hepatitis Delta virus is even harder. Soured by its high relapse rate, the only approved treatment for this infection is one year of interferon therapy. In their search for better solutions, Turkish researchers found that doubling the treatment length has no effect on this viral strain's response rates.

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How to Relieve HCV Symptoms

Nov 13, 2007

When you apply pressure to certain points on your body, it is possible to reduce pain and improve your health. Discover how acupressure can be used to relieve some common symptoms associated with Hepatitis C, including liver-area pain and fatigue.

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Eliminating HCV in Previous Non-Responders

Nov 9, 2007

Molecularly different than pegylated interferon, consensus interferon offers hope to non-responders. This retrospective study on U.S. veterans with Hepatitis C demonstrates that those with Hepatitis C RNA remaining after interferon-ribavirin therapy may have another option for future treatment.

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Encouraging HCV Results Issued by Roche

Nov 7, 2007

Delivering encouraging news, pharmaceutical giant Roche shares results of two of its leading HCV drugs. As the result of a Phase IIa trial that combined Pegasys and Copegus with R1626, the Hepatitis C virus was undetectable in 81 percent of the study's participants. In collaboration with Pharmasset, a Phase I study of R7128 also demonstrated great promise against the virus.

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Can Carbs Harm the Liver?

Oct 31, 2007

Researchers have proven carbohydrates with a high glycemic index cause fat to accumulate in the liver. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, suggestions are given to reduce the risk high glycemic foods pose, thus minimizing the growing threat of fatty liver disease.

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MRI Could Replace Liver Biopsy

Oct 31, 2007

Although just a preliminary study, New York researchers have discovered a new use for a well-known diagnostic tool. Useful for evaluating more than just soft tissue injuries, this recent study supports MRI technology as an effective non-invasive method to replace or supplement liver biopsy.

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