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Hepatitis C, Liver Fibrosis and Marijuana

The Editors at Hepatitis Central
January 14, 2008

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According to a recently published California study, daily use of marijuana may increase the risk of fibrosis in people with Hepatitis C.

Chronic Marijuana Use May Increase Fibrosis for Hep C Patients

Sunday, January 06 2008 @ 11:05 PM EST
Edited by: Michael Hess

Daily cannabis use increases the risk of liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C

BBSNews 2008-01-06 — (IACM) According to research at the University of California at San Francisco daily cannabis use was associated with moderate to severe liver fibrosis in 204 patients with hepatitis C. Between 2001 and 2004, participants underwent interviews to assess demographic data, risk factors for HCV, and use of cannabis and alcohol. In addition, virologic testing and liver biopsy was performed.

The median age of the group was 46.8 years, 69 per cent were male, 49 per cent were white. Cannabis use frequency within prior 12 months was daily in 13.7 per cent, occasional in 45.1 per cent, and never in 41.2 per cent. There was no fibrosis in 27.5 per cent, mild fibrosis in 55.4 per cent and moderate to severe fibrosis in 17.2 per cent of subjects.

Current daily cannabis use increased the odds of moderate to severe fibrosis by nearly 7-fold. There was no association between current daily cannabis use and mild fibrosis. A major limitation of the study is the method, since only one examination was performed, which limits the ability to establish a temporal relationship between cannabis use and fibrosis stage.

However, the study confirms an earlier French study of 2004, in which daily cannabis use was also associated with an increased risk for liver fibrosis. Authors conclude that “HCV-infected individuals should be counseled to reduce or abstain from cannabis use.”

(Source: Ishida JH, Peters MG, Jin C, Louie K, Tan V, Bacchetti P, Terrault NA. Influence of cannabis use on severity of hepatitis C disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008;6(1):69- 75)


ANA598 Shows Potential as an HCV Anti-Viral Drug

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  • cousin jim says:

    This is dated information. At least 4 years, and granted, HCV changes things, but it’s odd that other studies, this one from 
    Department of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY   suggest the opposite: 
     We propose that CBD, by selectively inducing death of activated HSCs, represents a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of liver fibrosis.

    • hunkabarry1 says:

      Just finding out I have it and in order to uptain treatment they are telling me no marijuana,I told them no treatment then

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