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How to Slow Down Liver Fibrosis

Surprising Nutritional Support for Hepatitis C Patients

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Are you ready to streamline your liver health routine?
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There are so many suggestions out there for how you can stay healthy with Hepatitis C. If you listened to every possible source, your day could easily be filled with a dizzying parade of countless vitamins, supplements, alternative treatments, strict dietary guidelines, exercise routines, meditation practices, and so on and so forth.

Wouldn’t it be nice if some type of food product covered a bunch of these bases in one convenient step? UltraNourish, a new nutritional shake, has answered the liver and general health call for simplification. UltraNourish is available in three forms: unflavored, chocolate, and vanilla chai!

Protein Shakes Aren’t Just for Bodybuilders

The whole idea of drinking a protein shake seems to have originated in the world of bodybuilding, where athletes place great value in getting enough protein to build muscle and prevent muscle injury. But shakes aren’t just for bodybuilders. Others have been discovering that nutritional shakes are an easy way to get the raw ingredients your body needs to be as healthy as it can be. This is especially true of modern lifestyles where people don’t always have the time, energy or money to eat organic, home-cooked, low-fat, high-fiber, high-protein meals packed with all of the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, probiotics, etc. needed for optimal health.

Eating a ‘diverse, whole foods diet’ is always best, but it’s not always realistic. Having a busy day usually means coming up short on nutrition, unless you have a personal chef or are extremely organized and prepared. At some point or another, we’ve all found ourselves stopping at Dunkin’ Donuts for a quick bagel for breakfast or picking up pizza for dinner after a long day. Obviously, those days we will be coming up short on the nutrition meter.

Accordingly, most Americans could benefit from a daily shake supplying vitamins, minerals, immune boosters, antioxidants, probiotics, fiber, protein and digestive enzymes. People with Hepatitis C are no exception, but they are likely to have some additional needs such as supporting the liver, helping with energy production, and keeping excessive fat off.

UltraNourish is a nutritional shake that appears to cover nearly every nutritional aspect desired by a person with a chronic liver ailment such as Hepatitis C. This nutritional shake helps the liver in several ways without needing to pop a handful of pills. By mixing one scoop into juice, a smoothie or other drink, many benefits are reaped.

5 Benefits of UltraNourish That Hepatitis C Patients Will Love

  1. Liver Support – Milk thistle, artichoke, chicory, licorice root and turmeric team up here to protect liver cells and help with detoxification. This is the first shake I have seen that includes a high level of liver supportive ingredients.
  2. Digestive Support – Containing many different types of digestive enzymes, the combo of bromelain, papain, pepsin and lipase helps break down food into nutrients to improve digestion and absorption. In addition, UltraNourish contains probiotics for a favorable gut environment and improved immunity.
  3. Weight Management – The protein, greens and fiber packed into this shake are ideal for keeping you satiated, and thus reducing hunger cravings. Without a hankering for unhealthy snacks, feeling full will help ward off excessive eating that can cause weight gain and contribute to a fatty liver.
  4. Serious Antioxidant Power – Including vitamins A, C and E, green tea catechins, grape seed extract, bilberry and spirulina, this shake neutralizes free radicals to prevent cells from getting damaged. A major boon for those with Hepatitis C, cellular damage of the liver is the main reason liver disease gets worse.
  5. Energy Support – Between the protein, bee pollen, greens, royal jelly and astragalus root, this shake addresses fatigue from several different angles – and is highly likely to improve energy levels. This is important because fatigue is a frequent complaint of those with Hepatitis C.

Getting a well-rounded dose of nourishment in a shake helps reduce the pressure to eat a ‘diverse whole-foods diet’ every day. They are so easy; it’s no wonder that health shakes are popping up everywhere. And now, there is one especially designed for those of us who need extra liver support, want to stay healthy and may succumb to the convenience of an occasional (or frequent) bagel or pizza.


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How to Slow Down Liver Fibrosis

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  • Kathleen Dunham says:

    I have been using Ultra-Nourish for a week now.:-) I love its taste and the fact that it is complete in all ways to help my poor sick liver.I will absolutely continue to order it from you.Nothing I have ever found has the effect on my wallet that this product does-I CAN AFFORD IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YIPPIE

  • Helen says:

    I wasn’t all that happy about trying another shake but I did it because a good friend of mine swears by UltraNourish. She said she feels great now after being on treatment and having liver problems – and she only used the shake for about one month. The shake has a good taste and after almost 2 weeks of use I am already feeling better, eating less and have more energy so I am glad I tried it!

  • Susana says:

    A few years back when I had another job I used to have plenty of time to eat right and never needed to stop for a donut. Now, I am
    always on the run and a shake is needed daily to be able to take in the nutrients I need. For me, UltraNourish was a good fit because it’s easy to prepare, has a pleasant taste (not too sweet) and it does the trick – makes me feel full so I am losing weight while still getting the things I need and have plenty of energy.

  • Victoria Garcia says:

    I want to make the switch from all the meds to a more natural approach and this sounds very promising! If I also manage to lose some pounds it would be great; these past months have been very tough on my body and I managed to pile up the pounds.

  • Salina says:

    My liver is at its lowest and I need all the help I can get. I went through most of the diets, supplements and gizmos you can think of but this darn hepatitis has decided to finish my liver. Is this a daily treatment without any pause or I can drink it for a while and then take a break? I know it has a lot of healthy ingredients but I tend to get bored easily and I’m afraid I won’t be able to drink it without a break.

    • Grace Anderson says:

      For best results you should take 1 scoop daily for at least 3 months. That’s what I did and I feel amazing! One bottle will last 30 days which is great for the price it has and you can get more discounts if you order some bottles in advance. I suggest you get a bottle and try it out, see if you like the taste and how you feel. You might start feeling better in the next 2 to 4 weeks. If it works out then you can set up a plan with them and get some discounts.

      • Salina says:

        Thanks for the reply, Grace! I went ahead and ordered my first batch on the 3-rd (I couldn’t wait anymore :)) and I’ve already started using them for the last 6 days and I’m feeling a bit of a change already – can’t wait to see what happens after more time passes. I’ll update ;).

        • Salina says:

          Ok, so it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve started my
          UltraNurish “diet” and like I promised, here is an update. I’m feeling much better than when I started: my liver doesn’t act up so often as it used to, I don’t find myself wanting to lie down anymore and I also seem to be sleeping better which is an unexpected bonus! It must be because I finish all my energy during the day and I am so tired that I just sleep. So, overall, I am very happy to see such awesome results after only 14 days! I will order my second bottle in the next days :).

          • Evelyn Martinez says:

            Thanks for updating, Salina. I’ve been following along with this and I was curious how it would go for you. I think I’ll get myself a bottle as well just to see if it works as well for me.

  • Lily Taylor says:

    I wanted to eat better and have diverse food all the time but I was just kidding myself. I don’t have the time to go shopping all the time for this kind of food as my schedule is packed up. I will give the UltraNourish a try as I’ve heard about it from some friends who say it’s very good. I think I could use this to replace a meal (maybe lunch?) will see how it goes and figure things out from there.

  • Julia Martins says:

    This being the first shake I had in years it required a few days until my stomach and taste buds got used to it. I feel a lot better and I’m no longer bloated; I’ve only had it for two weeks so I can’t say I lost weight but my energy levels are definitely higher and my husband swears I’m less moody. Will order again soon!

  • Grace Anderson says:

    And you can also try their Milk Thistle with Artichoke & Turmeric – it’s great!

  • Samantha Thomas says:

    I think it’s been about 4 months and a half since I started using UltraNourish. I went through the entire winter season (almost over) and never got sick although a lot of my work colleagues were sick, some of them even seriously sick. I do not feel the need to snacks all the time, I don’t feel bloated after I eat like I used to and I have more energy than before. So, a 5 star product that I am going to be using for a long time to come.

    • Pamela S. says:

      Samantha, you’ve made me want to get this. I’m always
      feeling tired and while it would be nice to lose some pounds I just want to get my energy back. Sometimes I feel like I’m 100 years old; it’s so hard to get out of bed sometimes. I really hope this helps me get some of my well-known “spark” back :)!

      I used to be the life of the party at work, but now I’m not even in the mood for it most of the time.

    • Anette Cecilie says:

      No matter how much I bombard my body with honey, lemon and any other natural immunizers I always end up having several colds during any winter. It’s as though my body has reached its lowest point and needs something to restart. Thanks for sharing your experience, I’ll try this and see how I feel.

  • Damika Irving says:

    I’ve been taking UltraNurish for the last 6 months and since I started I lost around 17 pounds! I can’t believe I lost so much because I stopped eating so much (this shake decreased my appetite so I don’t feel the need to eat as much) and I also started drinking twice as much water as I used to.

  • Dominic Kelly says:

    My wife really wants to eat less and better food and also lose some weight but because of her hectic hours at work this seems impossible. I know she would probably like a shake like this one and I’m wondering if any of the women who used this have seen improvements quicker (losing 5+ pounds in 2-3 weeks)? I can see from the comments that many like this shake and just wanted to make sure before I order and surprise my wife. Thank you for any replies.

    • Brooklyn Thompson says:

      You can get UltraNurish for your wife, Dominic – I use it for some time and I remember losing 7 pounds in my first month which was amazing for me (I tend to lose weight quite slowly). I think your wife will love this!

  • Sara Pialla says:

    Didn’t think this will work but once I started taking this along with my Hepatitis C treatment I’ve felt a nice boost. I now have more energy and don’t get tired as easily, so I’m quite happy with this!

  • Samantha Rotterns says:

    My father has NAFLD and unfortunately I inherited it. I’m not overweight but unfortunately, a fatty, unhealthy diet contributed to this as well. I decided to give this a go and my nausea is less of a bother, will continue the treatment!

  • Avery Jackson says:

    Thank you everyone for sharing your experience, I was tempted to try UltraNourish and this is the push I need to get it.

  • Martha says:

    I’ve been diagnosed with Hepatitis C about 2 years ago and I’ve had a lot of ups and downs. My cousin introduced me to UltraNourish; I take it with my morning smoothie and the difference is amazing. I’m not that far away so I didn’t forego my meds but I’m going to do some tests and see how I improved compared to the periods when I relied only on meds.

  • Tami Stevens says:

    Lately, every health article I read is in one way or another related to detox and that’s the reason why I tried this shake. I went through a rough couple of months and my body was exhausted; zero energy and a zillion craves which translated into a slight weight gain. Now my morning routine is somewhat like this: wake up, drink my lemon water, a short morning yoga routine and then finish it up with a shake before hitting the showers. I’m way more energetic and now I don’t dread waking up!!

  • Ellie says:

    Being diagnosed with Hepatitis C isn’t the end of the world but for me was tough. I’m a big foodie and having to restrict from my never ending love for bread is challenging. Surprisingly, this shake helps me cut down on my craves and after a while I got used with the taste – it’s no lava cake but it keeps my health on track.

  • Claire says:

    I take this with my Hepatitis C treatment and after a month I noticed my digestion improved, I was less bloated and my midnight craves reduced also. I highly recommend this!

  • Laura says:

    I stumbled upon this shake by mistake and bought it hoping it will ease my Hepatitis C. The results started to appear after a few days, I started to feel more alive and I want to buy it again.

  • Rebecca says:

    My hepatitis C started to take its toll on my life, I was always tired and my liver wasn’t in the best condition possible. UltraNourish was life changing for me, I can’t believe how many benefits this shape has and it all natural!

    • Carmen says:

      This is exactly how I feel right now! I am always tired! Even after doing small stuff around the house I have to take a break and lie down to catch my breath! It’s very annoying and I really hope UltraNourish will work for me! I’m going to order because I have nothing to lose and maybe it will work in my case as well! I would be happy to just be able to do more things around the house before I feel the need to rest.

  • shatika says:

    even though i do not have this but for the people that do i hope that u can find a cure for this disease.

  • David Pieper says:

    You people are idiots. Can’t you see this is an ad? Milk Thistle has been scientifically investigated and found to have NO IMPACT on hepatitis C. Detox is a false concept – no diet or food can detox your liver. Healthy livers detox by themselves. Sure, eating vegetables is a great thing we should all do more of but it will never cleaar hepatitis C.

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