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Possible 8-Week Cure for Patients with Hepatitis C

The 9 Truths About Hepatitis C Treatment Success

The Editors at Hepatitis Central
February 1, 2017

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Does Hepatitis C go into remission? Is Hepatitis C curable? Can Hepatitis C reemerge? Let’s delve into these questions!
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Last Reviewed November 11, 2019

As the medications for Hepatitis C have significantly improved, greater numbers of people are relishing in their successful treatment outcomes. Despite finally being free of the Hepatitis C virus, most physicians refrain from telling their patients they are cured. The reason for avoiding this terminology is uncertainty regarding the implications of successful Hepatitis C treatment.

Many Hepatitis C drug regimens now boast a 95 percent or higher success rate. Successful treatment is defined as achieving a sustained viral response (SVR). SVR is considered attained when Hepatitis C is not detectable in the blood for at least six months after the last treatment dose. The hesitancy about SVR being the same as a cure has to do with whether or not it is permanent. Some healthcare practitioners will use the word “cure” because SVR is as close as we can get to curing Hepatitis C. Meanwhile, others will use the word “remission” because of doubts as to the permanence of SVR. Neither is entirely accurate.

In an effort to clarify Hepatitis C treatment success facts and Hepatitis C treatment success unknowns, below is a list of what we know to be true:

  1. Studies report that once patients have achieved SVR, they have a 99.2 to 100 percent chance of remaining free of Hepatitis C. In other words, less than 1 percent of people who achieve SVR experience a return of Hepatitis C infection.
  2. If Hepatitis C does return after achieving SVR, there is a good chance it is due to re-exposure, and being infected again with the virus.
  3. Some studies suggest that there are two groups at higher risk of Hepatitis C returning after SVR: injection drug users or prisoners, and those co-infected with HIV.
  4. Different from several other diseases, having Hepatitis C once does not provide immunity from getting it again.
  5. Even with SVR, there will still be Hepatitis C antibodies. This does not mean you are still infected. If there is no detectable Hepatitis C virus in the blood, there is nothing to transmit to others. Antibodies are your immune system’s response to a pathogen and are not infectious.
  6. After achieving SVR, routine Hepatitis C screening is typically advised to make sure you remain free of the virus and to catch any reemergence right away should it occur. A quantitative Hepatitis C RNA test that detects viral load is appropriate, not a Hepatitis C antibody test.
  7. After achieving SVR, doctors are hesitant to give patients permission to drink alcohol. This is due to many complicating factors. For example, drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous for those with liver cirrhosis – even if Hepatitis C has been eradicated.
  8. After achieving SVR, liver health almost always improves. This includes improved liver histology, reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, and improved overall survival.
  9. With adherence to lifestyle choices that promote liver health, fibrosis has shown the capability of reversing after achieving SVR.

Compared to most other infectious diseases, the treatment and eradication of Hepatitis C is still in its relative infancy. The medical community is continuously learning and evolving, working hard to eliminate this viral infection of the liver.

The nine truths listed above are based on what we know to be true. There are still several unknowns, and until those unknowns are clarified, most physicians abstain from calling SVR a cure.

There is one thing for certain, achieving SVR is the closest we have to Hepatitis C eradication – and the likelihood of SVR being permanent is very, very high.

After the Hepatitis C Cure: Post-treatment care. (2016, August 12). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from

If I'm cured of hepatitis c, when is it safe to drink again? (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from

Kolonko, C. (2016, January 22). Recurrence of Hepatitis C after treatment studied. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from

Porter, L. K., RN. (n.d.). HCV negative: A guide to healthy living without Hepatitis C. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from

Welch, C. (2018, July 25). 3 common questions about Hep C recurrence and steps to avoid Hep C reinfection. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from


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Possible 8-Week Cure for Patients with Hepatitis C

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  • Steve Ellis says:

    Epclusa and RIBA. I was very close to Cirrotic……F4. After 5 weeks, I am “Undetectable.”, Albumin if headed back up, and Platelets are in Normal Range.

  • Doddy Suhono says:

    I got Hep C in early 2013, treated with Interferon + Ribavirin for 24 weeks and got undetected result, until mid of 2016, when it relapsed, then I took Sovosbuvir + Daklata

    • Teri Gottlieb says:

      After 3 years that’s not a relapse, its a new infection.

      • Bama Dan says:

        Sweetie you are so misinformed for saying that! I do wish those who chose to give medical advice have at least a little info about what they are talking about. With that being said i went thru a year of Interferon and also 6 months of Pegasyst and now and still SVR. You can have hep. c return at any time.I know i was a bit harsh but i do get tired of people making statements that are 100% untrue…

        • Teri Gottlieb says:

          That information came from multiple doctors and scientists who have developed HCV drugs. After 2 years, it’s no longer a relapse. It’s a new infection.

          • trotter says:

            Teri, please listen, it’s a relapse. And people w/Cirrhosis especially need to go in every 6 months to make sure they’re not on the road to Liver Cancer. So, please let us all let people know they can relapse.

          • Teri Gottlieb says:

            You need to do more research.

          • trotter says:

            I read official newsletters from roughly 10 reputable medical outlets, every day, every month, etc. and take it for truth if almost all of them agree. This site is the only site that on occasion disagrees with every other place about Cirrhosis being NOT reversible at this time.
            Teri, YOU are wrong to disagree with that. You might look at all the comments, realize everybody else disagrees, and go back and check other sources out.
            Unless you’re paid by this site!?

          • Teri Gottlieb says:

            So you’re saying cirrhosis is NOT reversible? Tell that to my liver which has healed from cirrhosis!

          • trotter says:

            TERI, let me guess…something they sell on this site cleared u all up, right!?

            U are on this site 24 hrs. a day, every day. Are u possibly a shill for hepcentral?

            People with Cirrhosis must go and get checked every 6 months.
            Please people need to know to keep checking to live.

            Why not put any article that says Cirrhosis is reversible. Proof it to me!

            Do u REALLY have Hep C or are u paid to spread garbage her? Proof it or don’t keep putting falsehoods in here.

            I getting tired of going back and forth with u, But, I do in case 1 person listens to u.

          • Teri Gottlieb says:

            Okay, I’m going to answer your questions because that’s the type of person I am not because you asked in any way that was deserving of a response.

            NO. Nothing they sell on this site cleared me of anything. I went thru 48 weeks of Peg-Interferon and Ribavirin in 2005-2006. I believe that milk thistle and dandelion tea are bullshit. I have maintained that stance for many, many years.

            I am hardly ever on this site, something we cannot say for you. In my lifetime on this site I have commented 10 times… You, have commented 151 times. It appears YOU are living on this site. I am NOT a schill for HepCentral… I have my own website, thank you very much. I do, however believe that HepCentral is a credible site for Hepatitis C information.

            When I was diagnosed, my liver was so bad that if treatment didn’t work for me within the first 8 weeks, I would have needed to be placed on the transplant list… Because I was so critical, I was given double the recommended dosages of both Peg-Interferon and Ribavirin. I took 14, 200mg Ribavirins a day. I did this for a full 48 weeks. I was treated by one of the top Hepatologists in the United States. I am grateful to him for saving my life. At the 5 year, post treatment appointment, I was informed that my liver was clean again. It had regenerated itself. See, your liver, is the only organ that regenerates. Once you have cleared HCV your liver starts to regenerate. Not everyone who clears will have a complete regeneration but many will. At my 5 year follow up appointment, I was told I no longer have to worry about HCV. Unless I somehow get reinfected, which I don’t plan on, I am going to be fine. I no longer needed follow up by the Hepatologist.

            I am a Certified Hepatitis C Educator. I spent 2 years traveling in the U.S. speaking to groups of doctors, nurses, social workers and patient care professionals about Hepatitis C treatment. I told them the TRUTH about treatment with Peg-Interferon and Ribavirin. I told them the things the drug companies didn’t want them to know. I opened a lot of eyes.

            I have met and spoke with at length the doctors and scientists who were on the cutting edge of the new drugs… this is before Harvoni. I asked every one of them about relapse versus reinfection. Their answers were on the generous side… If it occurs after 18 months, it is a re-infection.

            I noticed that you are also arguing the use of the word “cured”. For the new drugs that have come out, I agree, the word “cured” is a stretch because there isn’t enough data. However, for those who treated on the old Standard of Care, they have more than 20 years of data to prove the cure holds.

            I know you are reading the information that you can but I believe you are incredibly misinformed. You have just enough information to be dangerous on a site like this. I really think you should speak to more people who are experts in the field and rely less on what you are reading. The problem with getting information from articles is that it can be easily misconstrued.

            I have yet to put any falsehood on any website. I can back everything I say up with facts.

          • Silvia Price says:

            Teri, you need to read this.
            “Risk of Late Relapse or Reinfection With Hepatitis C Virus After Achieving a Sustained Virological Response”

          • trotter says:

            And since Hep C is a BLOOD disease, to completely get every drop of Hep C out of a person, they would have to have every drop of that blood drained out. Not possible.

          • Silvia Price says:

            There are relapses after two years Teri. There are several cases of people that took immunosuppressant meds and relapsed years after obtaining SVR.

          • Teri Gottlieb says:

            But only when immunosuppressants were involved… Most HCV patients aren’t on those drugs… Unless they’ve had a transplant or have one of the handful of diseases that require those drugs.

          • Bama Dan says:

            That information came from multiple doctors and scientists who have DEVELOPED HCV DRUGS…..See what i’m trying to say now? If you developed drugs for sale would you say no my drugs do not always work as planned? I underwent Interferon treatment back in 2001 and am still living in hell with perm. side effects…ask me i’ll tell you about drugs,and if they was so great why are they no longer using them? O right new new drugs have come into play…Pharmacy Company’s will tell you anything to buy there drug!

          • trotter says:

            I’ve taken 2 yr.-long courses of Interferon/Ribaviran and 12 weeks of a DAA. The DAAs put me in remission without me even feeling much.
            The Interferon was horrible, every day with it. It affected by body long-term and took a part of my brain long-term.
            I would recommend any DAA a doctor tells a person to take. Finally, a good, effective medicine for Hepatitis C.

        • David Pieper says:

          Mate, you are the one who is misinformed and unnecessarily condescending and, it seems, confused. If you have SVR, you are cured. If the treatment doesn’t work, you still have HCV. Pegasys IS interferon. Relapse, if it occurs, is within 6 months, usually much less. And BTW I don’t work for “Big Pharma” and you are not the only one who has been through hell on interferon.

        • trotter says:

          Bama, please don’t call me “sweetie” and you can’t tell how much info. I have on Hepatitis C. I don’t know it all, but anything I post anywhere online is after reading the info. from numerous, official sources. Now, we don’t need to argue about what to call it – it’s some unfortunate person getting Hep C once again – and it’s sad.

      • trotter says:

        No, people relapse all the time, most don’t though.

  • Doddy Suhono says:

    The I took Sovosbuvir + daklatasvir for 24 weeks, now am checking if am in SVR position, question : can it be relapsed again after sovos + dakla for 24 weeks ?

  • Jim says:

    After contracting Hepatitis C at age 14 from a blood transfusion (1962) and being diagnosed with non-A/B hepatitis 15 years later, and, finally, hepatitis C years after that, I suffered many side effects of the disease throughout the years (memory impairment, auto-immune disease symptoms, arthritis, chronic fatigue and, ultimately, liver cirrhosis). Finally at age 68 I became SVR as a result of the latest wonder drugs. Although the financial cost was staggering, to be viral free and, maybe “cured”, my only regret is that more couldn’t have been done for me at an earlier age. I may, or may not still get liver cancer and may, or may not, need a liver transplant. EVERYONE should be tested for this silent disease regularly throughout their lives, starting with the teen years.

    • trotter says:

      I can relate to a lot of what u have been through. The old tx.s w/interferon were horrible. And I go in each 6 months to check for liver cancer. You aren’t alone. I’ll be thinking of you. Take care.

      • Virginia Morrissey says:

        Why does everyone compare to Interferon. Harvoni sucked and gave me long lasting side effects so it is not a cake walk for many. If you can wait for better meds or go for Zepatheir by Merke. I swear most of these sites are funded by Gilead/Harvoni.

        • trotter says:

          I wouldn’t doubt it. Gilead has a big advertising budget and Harvoni seems to have the worst side effects of all the newer txs. There’s plenty of others. Sorry all you went through.

        • myfauna says:

          savaldi worked for, 3 years ago. very little sides.

        • La Llorona says:

          I’m sorry that you are struggling with long term side effects. I am am going into my second month of treatment with Harvoni and have ZERO side effects. I make sure to drink about twelve 8oz glasses of water a day and I’ve been completely fine.I’m also vegan, so maybe that helps. I’ve had Hep C for at least 11 years, but I am relatively healthy otherwise (I never ever get sick…like, not even so much as a cold).
          I think it’s hard to know who will get side effects and who will not without hearing a detailed medical history of each person. Every person who I personally know who has gone through this treatment hasn’t had any side effects, yet I have read some testimonials online where people have spoken about long term side effects (headaches, foggy brain, joint pain, etc). I wonder if maybe the people with the long term side effects have other medical issues that were somehow caused to flare up due to treatment… Or perhaps it is related to age (I’m 35 and I’ve noticed that the people complaining of side effects are quite a bit older than I)..

          • Virginia Morrissey says:

            Yes their were little to no side effects while I was on it but the first 12 week finishing up they all started. I blog with a couple hundred people who took it and they are not all old and the identical long lasting side effects are more then coincidental or unrelated to tx. I wish you lick but there are many out there that have not treated yet and should weigh their options. There is and will be better meds then Harvoni. And by the way Gilead has screwed over HIV community for decades – so it is by no means an honerable company.

          • La Llorona says:

            I do not believe Gilead to be an honorable company. I think all pharmaceutical companies are fu**ed up. I am by no means a fan of big pharma. I turned down treatment with interferon because I wanted to wait for something better. I am getting my medicine free of charge through a prescription assistance program. Donald Trump is doing away with the program beginning in 2018, so I jumped on it while I could.
            However, what do you say to someone like me who is a month into treatment, has had zero side effects, and then someone like you comes along and says that Harvoni causes terrible, long term side effects? Would you recommend that I discontinue treatment? It’s just very confusing for me because the many people who I know in real life who have done treatment with Harvoni are doing great a year or more post treatment…But then I go online and the majority of the testimonials I read from people are complaining of long term side effects such as joint pain, fatigue, or gastrointestinal problems. So, I wonder, is it that people with bad experiences are more likely to go online and talk about them that the people who’ve had good experiences.
            Like I said, the people I know in real life have done great, but the people whose testimonials I read online have a completely different thing to say about treatment. I have noticed that the people who are speaking about bad long term side effects have had hep c for quite a bit longer than I and are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, so I wonder if that is a factor?
            I’m not trying to be rude or facetious, I really am asking you: What would you do if you were me and you were 35, only having had the disease for 11 years, and you were one month into treatment? Would you stop treatment?
            I literally have zero side effects and have more energy than I did pre treatment. I don’t know if the energy is psychological effect of knowing that I may soon be rid of this dark cloud that has been hanging over me for 11 years, or if it is a side effect of the med (I have read that the med has made some people manic while making others fatigued).

          • Robert Mincin says:

            I have found sides seem to be relative to previous conditions..i.e: if suffered from migraines before, meds may give headaches, etc. liver damage seems correlated to liver disease I read somewhere? too many things to know about med history

        • Robert Mincin says:

          I had bad sides from mayvret..but compared to what I heard about interferon, I guess not as bad..but still sucked. but gave me svr

  • Patricia M Burckhardt says:

    You are right Jim about the drugs, I’m one of the fortunate ones with Hep C that finally got the “latest wonder drugs” and was “cured” after a liver transplant. My story is similar to yours, blood transfusion, disease, symptoms of arthritis, fatigue, and end stage liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and transplant at age 69, finally free of Hep C but still afraid of any other problems down the road. However at my age, my road is not that long anymore. I went through 2 treatments for the Hep C before the transplant and boy these new drugs and I’m here to tell you you are lucky you had these new drugs. Between interferon and ribavirin, they try to kill you and these new drugs are very expensive but much easier on your system than those previously used. Even chemo was easier that those drugs. Just be thankful you’re free of those symptoms and go on with the life you have right now, no point in regretting what might have been. And yes, everyone should be tested, especially baby boomers.

    • priscilla j. hagopian says:

      My husband took Harvoni and it worked! The first appt. showed no traces left of the virus. That was 6 wks after finishing the pills. Now, he goes back in feb. to have it checked again, so we’ll see.

    • trotter says:

      Interferon/Ribavirin made me feel like a MAC truck ran over me. And the 2nd time through, it took my mind (at least a part of it). And you also went through the transplant. And I’m 62 and probably like you, feel about 80 sometimes. I keep hoping somebody will research Cirrhosis and SOON. Take care Patricia, may u have some good days coming.

      • Diana E Saenz says:

        Cirrhosis is bad and I have been diagnosed with it as a result of the HepC. It doesn’t appear to be too far gone, but I am still talking to doctors. I am also going to a Traditional Chinese Doctor. There is an herbal drug called Fuzheng Huayu which is effective in treating fibrosis with positive impact on cirrhosis. NO YOU CANNOT ROLL BACK your cirrhosis, but if you’re not too far gone, it will help.

        • Roberta 5 says:

          Hello, I am contacting you to find out how to obtain Fuzheng Huayu.

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            Fuzheng Huayu is a mixture of herbs. I went to a doctor of Chinese Traditional Medicine. The medication cost me about $150 and the doctor visits vary by doctor.

        • trotter says:

          PLEASE check further about this herb. Many herbs are toxic to our livers. I know the Chinese and others have some good ideas and medicines, but there are some herbs, injections, roots, berries, other supplements that will DAMAGE our livers badly. Please, just check further with your doctor, the American Liver Foundation, something just to be safe.

    • Diana E Saenz says:

      I was diagnosed last October and ordered the $74k drug from Beacon Pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh where I paid less than $1000. I am currently taking Epclusa and just went in for the 4 week test. Wish me luck. I did careful research on Indian company and they are supposedly the company Gilead have the rights to Beacon to reproduce the drug for their Indian population. it is legal for individuals to buy this drug in America. I will try to get back to you in a few days with great results.

      • Patricia M Burckhardt says:

        Good luck Diana.

        • Diana E Saenz says:

          I was tested and found to be HepC free. So for anyone who cannot afford the hefty $74k price tag, Go to Beacon Pharmaceuticals.

          • Momo says:

            Hi I want to know that did u get hepatitis C drugs from beacon pharmaceutical.I am also interested to buy from other country because in canada it is so expensive.Do I need doctor prescription for getting meds from beacon

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            I did get a prescription, because I wanted to make sure that’s what the doctor recommended Epclusa. Beacon did not ask me for it though, but I sent it anyway.

          • Sometimes people have pills left over. A friend of mine was on Harvoni & she had to get off of it. She now has a one-month prescription of namebrand harvoni pills still in the bottles, everything legit, etc.
            I know it’s not legal but I’ve heard of people helping other people out.
            Of course anything is a risk.
            She was thinking about donating the pills to a place in San Francisco that treats LGBTQ people who cannot afford meds

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            A one month supply is not enough. Also, take care to check the expiration date of the Harvoni.

          • MER 1949 says:

            Hi Diana, just diagnosed with hep c 1a probably had it 40 yrs. My gastro send in to special pharmacy for approval I have medicare. bcbs and aarp rx. When I called my rx plan they said co pay was $48000 a month. Yikes When I told my Gastro md he said he deals with other pharmacies. If I am turned ddown does this company also send Harvoni, which is what my dr. recommended. Did your dr. go along with getting drugs from India? Is the procedure easily done to get the drug. I have to wail 2-4 wks for approval going crazy!! Did you have side effects from these new drugs? Thanks

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            Hello, Yes they are expensive. They are expensive. I had absolutely no effects from Epclusa. It is the best so far of the drugs they have developed for HEPC. Depending on your Genotype, Harvoni is not as effective if you are other than Genotype 1. Company is pushing for Harvoni because they want to get rid of it since it is being usurped by a better drug. Harvoni does have more side effects on more people. From what I have researched, Epclusa has a day or two of side-effects on few people and none on many.

            Also, like you I had HepC for at least 40 years since that was the only time I received blood, and blood exchange or sharing a straw while snorting drugs are the only ways it can be transmitted. As a result I have been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. Apparently it is at an early stage, but I can never drink again, and have a higher risk for liver cancer and must be monitored for the rest of my life. Make sure you get a FibroSure test.

            Epclusa is for all Genotypes, and particularly for people with two genotypes who are more prone to recurrence, because the medication may cure HepC in one of your genotypes and not the other. I actually got a prescription for Epclusa from my American doctor and told her about my intentions to import from Inda. She was fine with that and continues to monitor me. My tests three months later also show no HepC. I highly recommend that you take advantage of Beacon Pharmaceuticals. They are efficient and highly responsive. Please see my original email for details on contact. Follow their recommendations for delivery as it is efficient. The full treatment will cost you less than $1,000. Beacon did not ask me for a prescription but I sent one anyway. It will take 2 to 3 weeks from the time you wire money to Beacon to the time the drug comes to the door. USE BEACON AND ONLY BEACON AND THEIR METHOD OF SHIPMENT. There are a lot of scams out there, and I promised myself if Beacon was genuine, I would do my best to help others.

            Don’t wait for the system to get around to helping you for them you are just another number.

            If your Beacon point-person is Saeed, give him my regards and tell I sent you. I don’t get anything for recommending them other than the satisfaction that another HepC victim is cured without paying the ridiculous prices they cost in the USA. Do it soon, because there is talk in Washington to place a ban on imported drugs.

            Good luck!

          • MER 1949 says:

            Hi Diane I am genotype 1a I did get a fibroscan fibrosis F1-F2 fibroscore 0.36. My gastero wants to put me on harvone. I called my rx and co-pay was 48000 per month!! But my gastro said he goes through a special pharmacy and the co-pay would not be that much. I am waiting 2 wks to see if is approved. I don’t know whether he would write me a script for these drugs to go through India. I don’t know how most American doctors feel about that. I have been reading so much about scams that I am quite confused and just plain scared. If my co-pay here is low I will stick with US but if hi I will talk to him about writing me a script to send to India. I just want to get rid of this virus because now I am getting a lot of itching. I think symptoms just started coming out about a year ago. I was diagnosed with autoimmune problems but I have a feeling it was really hep c causing problems found out through rheumy testing for prolia shot for osterporosis had antibodies for hep c showed up so my journey to gastro started with tons of tests. These specialists hardly discuss a lot when I called office girl who handles everything said they put in a scrips for Harvoni Diane I am totally sared. Did you contact India phone or e-mail? Your doctor sounds great if he had no problems with India. I guess my gastro thought Harvoni was better for my genotype I found out my genotype through computer on test results. I guess I should have insisted on an appointment. Girl who handles everything said I don ‘t have to see him and they sent in a script. I guess I am worried If I go through India he won’t care for me and he is a good gastro guy. I live in NJ US.

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            I contacted Beacon via email.

            At least your liver is not too bad. You can improve your liver fibrosis through cleansing, but only via Chinese Traditional and only after you have been cleared of Hepatitis. The doctor should warn you that you are not to take any other medication or supplements until you are cured as they can effect the effectiveness of taking the cure. If you are committed to western medicine, then go with it. I, as a Regulatory Specialist, worked in the medical device/pharmaceutical for many years and am familiar with FDA regulations and worked closely with China and the Chinese FDA (CMD) so I was comfortable looking elsewhere for HepC medicine. Beacon originally caught my attention by their website and correspondence and it had the feel of authenticity by their business layout as I have worked with many foreign companies during my career. I worked in Massachusetts during my career in Medical Device. It sounds indeed that you are suffering from other effects of the HepC. So far, I have had no other symptoms from my 40 years of living with HepC other than the cirrhosis–which is bad enough. I feel completely normal, energetic and active.

            You seem to need to start taking the drug asap, and you seem to have other issues that you’ll want to continue monitoring. I can only speak for Epclusa. Harvoni is an earlier version of HepC and is particularly directed at Geneotype Ones.

            I wish you the best. Let me know when you are cured. BTW, what is your first name? I don’t even know if you male or female. 🙂

          • MER 1949 says:

            I Diane My name is Margot I am 68 yrs old and have hepc probably 40+ yrs. Last year I started having synmptoms of swelling of ankles thought it was RA went to rheumy very light side of RA but antibodies for shogren’s disease. Went to Dr. Keistin Lee at NYU Langone in NYC She thought I had a form of vasculitis. I had blood and protein in urine. I was working long hours as a dog groomer had myown business. I retired in January. I went to rheumy for prolia shot and she found hepc antibodies in blood so no shot. That my started my “affair” with gastro doc. Oh and my urine was fine. I have a hunch that my so called autoimmune problems were really this hep c surfacing after all these years. Thought the fatigue was autoimmune. Right now feeling great. No itching lets see how long this lasts. If I cannot get drugs from doc reasonable co-pay I will go through India and talk to my doc about monitoring me if I go that route, but I will rid myself of the virus no matter what. I have bean eating all right things for liver care. No more glass of wine for me at night!!! I will go to a different rheumy once I am cured as this one waited 3 wks when I went in for prolia shot to tell me about hepc antibodies and no prolia. that was so unacceptable she should have called my immediately. I am not going to get stressed about this as I know it stress worsens condition.
            I am single and have told just one person about hepc. I can’t thank you enough for communicating with me and caring. I feel very isolated at times. It does not matter how yougot this there is still a stigma attatched to this disease I think.
            Diane, I will contact you when I am hepc clear.
            Take care
            Margot Risberg from NJ

          • trotter says:

            There is no reason not to take new treatments here. We now have Mayret (?) that costs much less than other txs. Many insurances will pay for this. Please, talk with your Gastro. about the new txs. that put Hepatitis C in remission for about 95% ot the people and have few side effects. Find out your viral load. These problems all indicate Hepatitis C. Good luck. Get more info.

          • MER 1949 says:

            Hi Diane, Well here I go I got approved for Harvoni. My co-pay was high, but the special pharmacy applied to foundation with my income tax of last year and now my co-pay is zero. I pick up meds tomorrow I am excited and scared. If I have side effects so be it. I want to rid myself of this virus. Wish me luck I will keep you posted if I clear. Thank you for all info you have given me. I will keep all info on India you sent me. You never know!!!
            Your hep c friend, Margot

          • trotter says:

            Fibrosis can be helped before medicine and ridding yourself of hepatitis. When u have fibrosis, your body has the possibility of lowering your fibrosis.

          • Brandi Layne Terrazas says:

            I’m about to start taking Epclusa tomorrow I received it today. I’m being charged ( my insurance) 1,000 per ? equal to almost 90,000 for3 month treatment. I’m glad you had0 side effects I’m geno type 2B. So Harvoni wasn’t an option for me. I pray this works!!

          • Diana E Saenz says:

            Keep in mind that the price of Harvoni in India has dropped to about $300.00 but I don’t know if Beacon supplies Harvoni. They may very well be selling it, but if you decide to go that route, I would talk to Beacon for a recommendation, and if you still have confidence in tradition journalism, here is an article from the highly reputable The Guardian. Reading articles such as these is how I started my search for a reputable pharmacy in India and finally decided on trying Beacon Pharm.

            American Pharmaceuticals have partnered with Indian Pharmaceuticals because they did the math. With India’s huge population and HepC running rampid there, American companies figured by cutting the price to in my case from $74k to $850, they still stood to profit $3 Billion. They knew Indian citizens except for the very rich would never be able to pay their bloated prices so they opted for $3 billion. In the US they made over $50 billion. Your doctor is not protecting you as much as he is protecting himself from possible lawsuits.


            So a $48K monthly co-pay is completely outrageous. I firmly believe that we are the directors of our own health; we must be PROACTIVE in our own health, and should never accept the advice of only one doctor when making life-saving and financially-damaging decisions.

          • MER 1949 says:

            Hi Diane Well I am on wk 5 of Harvoni and got call today I cleared virus. My liver enzymes are totally normal Ast went from 96 to 26 My Alt went from 167 to 34. I am so pleased. The itching from Harvoni also went away. In surance and Patatient access network covered entire cost of treatment. I do have finish the whole 12 wks. Margot

  • David says:

    Pharmaceutical companies based their 95% success rate on achieving SVR at 12 weeks post treatment, which really counts for nothing!! To claim 95% success would be if people were SVR negative 3 to 5 years post treatment, then we could call it a cure! Another thing to consider is the fact that most people treated with those new wonder drugs are still suffering side affects 2 and 3 years post treatment, and in some cases it actually accelerated the development of liver cancer due to the use of those “wonder” drugs, so think twice before you allow a doctor to turn you into a guinea pig. Ask questions like, 1, would the chronic fatigue will go away? 2, will the insomnia go away? 3, will the foggy brain go away? 3,will the never stopping Tinnitus go away? 4,will the depression stop? 5, will the joint pains and arthritis will go away? and so on. So, when you first find a pharmaceutical company that can guaranty that, and a specialist doctor who will confirm that, only then consider using those “wonder” drugs. don’t ever forget that people were treated with Interferon for years… Interferon is a poison!! I wouldn’t let my dog use it let alone a human being!! At the moment doctors just don’t know what works, what will cure you, so they say try this and lets see what happens, lets see how that works, which translates to turning human beings into guinea pigs!! Do you want to become a guinea pig?…it’s up to you. And one last but most important thing, pharmaceutical companies never released any “percentage rates” of how many people died or committed suicide during treatment… I wonder why?…and so should you!!

    • Nici Roush says:

      I had the European genotype. I was one of the fortunate ones. Six months of Peg-Intron (Pegasys/Interferon) and Doctor wrote “A true cure” across my papers! Many wanted to argue that point. But 14 years later I am still SVR.
      I prepared for the worst. I actually had Hepatic Encephalopathy and was very ill, alone with a six year old! I had no hair loss, no nausea, nothing but extreme fatigue which I was used to. After three months the virus was undetectable!
      I realize I’m one of the lucky ones.

    • Jann@CameliaCottage says:

      Hi David, Clinical Studies are critical before reliant drug to the public. It’s people that undertake these Clinical Studies. Without some very brave people in this world, no drugs would be released for any treatment of every kind. You call these brave people “Guinea Pigs” which I personally believe is belittling all those who have been before us. I have been on Interferon & Ribaviran which was a nightmare. After about 20 weeks in this combination I was admitted to hospital via Ambulance to Emergency as I had no control over my body & was barely able to speak. After the doctors consulted with other doctors in the UK it became very clear that I was having the very rare & very worst side effect possible. My major organs were shutting down. I was one of those “Guinea pigs”, as you put it. That was 9 years ago.
      With great trepidation I commenced Daklinza, Sovaldi and 1000mg of Ribavirin almost 3 weeks ago and for 24 weeks. I’m not a part of this Clinical Study and I’m eternally grateful to those who were. I’ve cirrhosis & a very strong Christian Faith, and I believe healing can come “if we ask and truly believe”
      I’m sure you didn’t mean to belittle those who have been “Guinea pigs” but without then, all the people who are now SVR would not be.
      I have side effects, many in fact, but knowing the end result will very likely be a “cure”, these side effects are all very bearable. “ask and it shall be given@

    • Diana E Saenz says:

      Dave, You are absolutely right about clinical studies. I worked in Medical Device/Pharmaceuticals as a Regulatory Specialist and am very aware of how long studies are done. The REAL studies occur when the drug or medical device is sold and the companies start getting feedback from actual users–or rather their doctors. There is no way that companies can guarantee the efficacy of a drug until years into its use. The problem with HepC drugs is that they have evolved quickly in the past 10 years, and a new drug has emerged each year, mostly better than the last and with less and less side effects, so you’re not going to get any absolute information on success and which is the safest drug. We are the lab rats so to speak.

      Furthermore, in the process of these earlier drugs scientists have gathered critical knowledge on how HepC works and that it can be a tricky illness to clobber.

    • Kris Spicer Marbaugh says:

      These have been my exact thoughts. I was diagnosed with Hep C 14 yrs ago. My levels have slightly risen every year, seen through blood tests. My medical dr. has always pushed me to have the treatment. Even to the point of trying to make me feel guilty–“Don’t you want to live to see your grandson graduate?” Really??? I research Interferon when I was first diagnosed. You are right. I wouldn’t give that to a dog. I chose not to do this treatment that lasts for an entire year. I chose not to be sick as though I were on chemo, lose my hair, etc. Then to only have a 50% chance to work?? Nada! Last year I went to the surgeon that removed my gall bladder and asked him about my levels. He did a blood test and told me the results were nothing to be concerned about. BTW, he did tell me my liver looked good when he did my surgery. I highly trust this man I’ve known for 18 yrs. He is an outstanding person and so is his wife. He actually prayed with me in his office before I left. I have my next appointment at the gastroenterologist next week. His nurse is pushing me to have treatment so I can be “cured”. NO ONE knows the what these drugs can do to you if you take. Yes, you may not have side effects now. But what about later on down the road? They give these drugs to people so they can have statistics of the results. How else would anyone know? Every body is different. No two bodies will have the same results. I’ll take my chances.

  • Soh Sunny says:

    Direct Acting Antivirals under brand names of Harvoni, Sovaldi, Epclusa, and Dalkinza have been very efficient for the treatment of Hep C. In fact the Indian generic market has helped over 12 million people of over 120 low and middle income countries to fight this disease. Countries of South Asia are hoping to be Hep C free by the year 2020.

    • Mir Ahmed Ali says:

      Hope is there GOD Bless you

    • alGrande57 says:

      after getting tired of fighting with blue cross for treatment, I came across an article written by Phillip Smith on ALTERNET. He too, had Hep C and opted for generic Harvoni from India that he bought for $1500. It cured him. Long story short, I too bought the meds from India from a pharmacy called CARE EXIM. It cost me $1000. I am currently 30 pills into the 84 day treatment

      • Soh Sunny says:

        Great to know you used our service, please keep us updated on your treatment, we hope to hear as always great news of recovery, best wishes!

        • alGrande57 says:

          Thank you. Are you part of care exim?

          • Soh Sunny says:

            Yes! Care Exim, Sunny Pharma are subsidiaries of Soul of Healing a nonprofit that provides access to affordable treatment for Hep C.

          • alGrande57 says:

            I have a question for you. I am 3 years removed from stage 4 cancer treatment, thankfully i”m cancer-free now. I wanted to wait until I achieved that status before starting on Harvoni. I will finish in 2 months. Do you possibly know where I can get the Hep C SVR Quantitive test when I am finished? I live in south florida, any info is much appreciated! thanks again Soh Sunny

          • Soh Sunny says:

            Once you are done please contact your doctor to arrange for your tests. If you do not have coverage and the rates for the tests are high then use this following resource page to find out more information
            We hope to hear some great news once you are done with the course of your treatment.

          • alGrande57 says:

            thank you very much, i appreciate you taking the time for the info! ..Peace

          • Silvia Price says:

            Please be aware that DAA’s can reactivate cancers.

          • alGrande57 says:

            What are DAA’s Silvia?

          • trotter says:

            That idea came up in one clinical study, as a question. It was later researched by the CDC and found that the DAAs do NOT activate cancers.

      • Aaron says:

        That’s so awesome you were able to get it at an affordable price. We battled back & forth for years with insurance when there was only interferon. I was 18/19 y.o. then when I was diagnosed. It wasn’t until 17 years later with Obamacare when I got Medicare, by then Harvoni had come out & the company said “it’ll be $364,000, how would you like to pay for that”? Thankfully I had an awesome Indian doctor / liver specialist at the University of Wisconsin & the thanks to the ACA (Obamacare) I not only got approved but I didn’t have to pay a dime. This was last summer (2016) and have had negative blood work, meaning hep c free/no trace since.

  • zenseekercu says:

    “With adherence to lifestyle choices that promote liver health, both cirrhosis and fibrosis have shown the capability of reversing after achieving SVR.”

    My doctor told me that there is no reversing cirrhosis. I am in SVR after treatment with Olysia and Sovosbuvir in early 2014. I was told I have a very mild cirrhosis (14.3 on Fibroscan); my doctor said I will show improvement, but he said once you have cirrhosis, you just have it. He compared it to a scar on your skin; once it’s there, it may fade a bit, but you will always have it. I was also told I could have an “occasional” beer if I wished, but I choose not to do so. I went through 12 years of hell with the Interferon/Rivavirin treatments (4 attempts), and choose to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I don’t ever want to have to go through anything like that again.

    As far as the “wonder” drugs, it’s up to you as to whether you choose to use them or not. I was very pleased with my drug combo. I only had a mild headache, on occasion, and I actually started feeling BETTER towards the end of the drug therapy, as it killed off the virus.

  • Danny says:

    I read some years ago in one these comments that you cannot be completely cured without a bone marrow transplant, same as other diseases in the blood.

  • trotter says:

    This is a msg. to Hepatitis Central:

    Please send me written proof telling that Cirrhosis may be reversed.

    I monitor numerous articles in newsletters from medical institutions. And everywhere I read, it’s been repeated that Cirrhosis can not be reversed.

    Even after treatment and remission, people w/Cirrhosis need to get an ultrasound and bloodwork done to make sure Liver Cancer is not coming around.

  • trotter says:

    EVERYONE: this site is good for getting some data out there on Hep C.
    But, this site sells pharmaceuticals and advertises things supposed to help Hep C.
    Look for other places to back up anything here.

  • alGrande57 says:

    thank you

  • Bucky Buckaroo says:

    I humbly type my jaded thoughts about getting giddy over the insurance companies paying for treatment. Although I had no choice in the matter and had to get my meds from India out of pocket, I now really wish everyone that can afford 1000 dollars, just bypass the insurance companies completely. I realize that if I wasn’t denied treatment that I would have been giddy that my insurance was going to cover it, but in hindsight, it just supports the exorbitant price of these meds. It’s kind of like eating fast food and complaining about the lack of healthy eating establishments. Nothing will change by bitching and complaining. Only money changes corporate greed and their practices.–PERIOD!!

  • Bucky Buckaroo says:

    BTW–The best thing you can ever do for fibrosis (if your health allows it), is to juice/water fast the first part of your day, drinking lots of water and green juice. You might feel like hell at first, but as soon as possible start exercising. I’ve had Hep C over 30 years and at one time yellow. LOL

  • Greg Paul Leo says:

    God bless Dr. JATTO for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of

    Hepatitis C since 2013 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i

    needed to get the Hepatitis out of my system, I searched about some possible

    cure for Hepatitis and then i saw a comment about Dr. JATTO, how he cured

    HERPES,DIABETES,HIV,EX_LOVER BACK and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I

    contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the

    remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through DHL COURIER SPEED

    POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 4 days later i was cured

    from Hepatitis, Dr. JATTO truly you are great, do you need his help also?

    Kindly contact him through.


    Whatsapp= +2349056539383.


  • Greg Paul Leo says:

    God bless Dr. JATTO for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of

    Hepatitis C since 2013 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i

    needed to get the Hepatitis out of my system, I searched about some possible

    cure for Hepatitis and then i saw a comment about Dr. JATTO, how he cured

    HERPES,DIABETES,HIV,EX_LOVER BACK and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I

    contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the

    remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through DHL COURIER SPEED

    POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 4 days later i was cured

    from Hepatitis, Dr. JATTO truly you are great, do you need his help also?

    Kindly contact him through.


    Whatsapp= +2349056539383.


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