The Dark Side of Telaprevir

In the spring of 2011, the arrival of telaprevir (Incivek) on the market seemed to be a big win for the Hepatitis C community. Approved by the FDA to treat Hepatitis C in unison with interferon and ribavirin, telaprevir appeared to improve treatment success rates in a shorter period of time without adding any substantial safety concerns. However, it was just a matter of time before the safety profile of telaprevir showed its true colors.
Developing new drugs for a hard-to-treat illness like chronic Hepatitis C is far from a simple process:
- Experiments and analysis suggest potential new drugs.
- An educated hypothesis is made.
- Millions of dollars in research and development back the hypothesis.
- Data is collected and analyzed.
- If proven safe and effective, the task of getting the drug approved and available to the public begins.
The drug development process typically takes many years, sometimes a decade or more, until improved medications become available to the public. Chronic Hepatitis C is a prime candidate for getting through these steps a bit quicker than usual. This is because Hepatitis C is:
- Very prevalent – over four million infected Americans, about 150 million worldwide.
- Precarious – can lead to fatal illnesses like cirrhosis and liver cancer.
- Stubborn – very hard to treat; before telaprevir and the other protease inhibitor became available, Hepatitis C treatment success rates hovered around 50 percent.
In 2005, Vertex Pharmaceuticals was granted Fast Track designation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for telaprevir. In mid-2010, as part of the Fast Track designation, Vertex began to submit completed sections of the new drug application for review by the FDA on a rolling basis rather than wait until every section of the application was complete. Although telaprevir was fast-tracked, the standard safety evaluations were not rushed. Unfortunately, the side effects of any potent drug may not be thoroughly vetted for quite some time after it is on the market.
Today, telaprevir is still used as a component of Hepatitis C therapy for qualifying individuals. In combination with peg-interferon and ribavirin, telaprevir is indicated for the treatment of chronic genotype 1 Hepatitis C virus infection in adults with compensated liver disease, including cirrhosis, who are treatment-naive or who already have received interferon-based medications. Telaprevir is associated with some disturbing side effects, including:
- Nausea/vomiting
- Change in ability to taste
- Rash/blisters
- Skin or mouth sores
- Itching
- Red, swollen, itchy or teary eyes
- Hemorrhoids
- Discomfort, burning, or itching around the anus
- Dizziness/shortness of breath
- Tiredness/weakness
According to Vertex Pharmaceuticals, less than 1 percent of patients receiving telaprevir combination treatment experienced a serious skin reaction in Phase 3 clinical trials. All were hospitalized, and all recovered. Despite the encouraging data collected from intensive safety trials before the drug became available, telaprevir is now known to be capable of causing serious or life-threatening skin reactions.
Over a year and a half after being approved by the FDA, the label for telaprevir was amended in December of 2012 to contain a black box warning about the risk for serious and sometimes fatal skin reactions. According to this relatively recent label change, patients must stop taking telaprevir along with its partner drugs peg-interferon and ribavirin if they experience a serious skin reaction – particularly a rash with systemic symptoms, or a progressive severe rash.
The boxed warning states that patients receiving telaprevir in combination treatment have experienced skins reactions that include these severe conditions:
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
- Toxic epidermal necrolysis
The fatal cases occurred in patients who continued to take the drug after developing a progressive rash and systemic symptoms.
The worst-case outcomes from telaprevir side effects are horrendous, but relatively rare. Nonetheless, the common side effects known to accompany telaprevir use are severe enough to significantly impair one’s quality of life.
Rarely does a potent drug have a sparkling clean safety record. Choosing whether or not to begin a rigorous drug treatment program often involves choosing the lesser evil. In the case of chronic Hepatitis C, that choice might be between severe liver disease and telaprevir’s side effects. If choosing combination therapy with telaprevir is your best option, make sure you are fully informed of its side effects – so that you can make adjustments to your treatment regimen if necessary.
References:, Vertex Completes New Drug Application for Telaprevir for Hepatitis C, Retrieved April 21, 2013, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, 2013., FDA Approves Incivek for Hepatitis C, Retrieved April 21, 2013, US Department of Health and Human Services, 2013., Telaprevir Linked to Potentially Fatal Skin Reaction, Robert Lowes, Retrieved April 19, 2013, WebMD, LLC, 2013., Telaprevir, Retrieved April 19, 2013, AHFS Consumer Medication Information, 2013., Incivek (telaprevir), Retrieved April 19, 2013, RxList, Inc., 2013.
I had every listed side-effect, but no fatal skin reactions (obviously). Triple with Telaprevir was NO fun, but I no longer have HCV as a result, and it was absolutely worth it to get my life back.
If I was making the treatment decisions TODAY, I think I would wait for the newer drugs on the market IF I had that option. The easier the treatment is, the easier it is to get through it. 🙂
I also did the triple therapy with Telaprevir; the side effects were really horrendous…but I made it through treamtment. Now 30 days out from treatment….so far HCV undetectable…I pray it remains that way!
I began treatment a week ago but I’m now watching too many you tube videos about the treatment.I have had some itchy skin similar to heat rash so I started Googling which led to crying which led to me seeing your comment & feeling hope so thank you! Any other advice?
I was one of the first to take this treatment. (I finished it in January of 2012. I cleared the virus and I am still virus free (yesssssss!)). I had all the information before I began treatment so I knew that 1) If the rash I developed in the 1st week of treatment got to the point that it covered 50% of my body, I would stop taking the Incevik, and 2) That the best way to treat the rash is with antihistamines ( Benadril, Clariton, etc.) (Cortizone, prednisone, or similar anti-inflammatories meds seemed to make things worse for patients in the early trials and luckily I knew this.) I ended up in the hospital at week 11 with severe anemia. I had 2 blood transfusions, and the rash was getting worse. Halfway through week 11 and against medical advice, I stopped taking the Incivek! I did this of my own accord, but I know that I did the right thing. I had the systemic rash and who knows what would have happened had I not stopped. I was able to finish the treatment by reducing my Riba and now I am clear clear CLEAR!
My advice to anyone taking these meds? Don’t take anti-rejection / anti-inflammatories for the rash! Take charge of your own case and if your rash exceeds 50% of your skin . . . STOP THE INCIVEK AND PERHAPS THE REST OF IT TOO!
I did triple with Telaprevir and let me tell you that it was GOD AWFUL!! I had all of the “disturbing” side effects that were listed in this article and the effects of stopping the drug almost drove me mad!! If I knew then what I know now…I would never have done it.
I had the sides too, but as long as I knew they were side effects I just dealt with them and spent many a day laying on the couch. Been virus free for over a year and tx was one of those best and worse times of my life, the best coming when they said I was virus free and could quit after week 24 and not have to do another 24. Hang in there people, and good luck to all.
I had so looked forward to the approval of this drug and got one of the first prescriptions. I made it six weeks before I landed in the hospital with serious skin issues and fevers (due to the skin issues) for over a week. I urge you, Crystal, if you experience any rash which is more than what the typical ribavirin rash was, to talk to your doctor immediately. I am so glad to see that several of you have cleared the virus because I know how difficult this protocol was, and how you suffered to get through it. Looking forward to the next new thing and I’ll be among the first in line for that!
I went through the same – I developed severe rash or 50% of my body and went to my Dr. he did not hospitalize me the next day I tried to commit suicide. This is a dangerous drug
I also did the above triple Tx and went the full 48 weeks. The first 3 months – what a trail ride, after that it was a little better. But I have cleared – 2 month out from ending x. This was my 3rd go around with Treatment. and did not clear back in 2001 or 2003. so went the full 48 weeks. Had all the side effects also – Yes a lot of time spent on the couch. Just a hint on the itching – Try the cetaphil CREAM – not lotion and that sure helps with the itching. Put it on when you are still damp from a shower. Would also recommend to try a anti-depressant. Made life easier for me and my family – I was not hanging from the ceiling from my claws after I started it
i have had a transplant but still have hep c ,hopefully i csn get cured if something new comes down the pike,
There is a clinical trial NCT 01687270 for post transplant people
I am in same position, stage three fibrosses. Nine years out of transplant. Waiting for safe treatment , have read lately about a single oral pill being developed. Has anyone heard or have any information
Check out the University of Colorado hospital. I was successfully treated there with the new drug Incivek.
I am waiting for the oral treatment also….just keep in touch with Liver newsletter, they seem to know what is going on, I am just concerned over susquestial cut backs that may slow down these tests for us…I have been treating holistically myself waiting 5 yrs…my viral count was 7mil now was 1,490mil and just last month 3,690mil…2009 biopsy showed stage 3 bridging fibrosis…go next week for another…I feel energetic , small itching. clear eyes, skin, soar side now and then. eat veggies, fruit, no meat but too much sugar…love cookies…I make my own wheat products, high fiber, actually for 60yrs old I mostly feel fine…this is consuming and don’t feel like doing alot but I do anyway….
Im hcv geno 1 and have portal hypertension oesophageal varices ascites and gastritis awaiting liver transplant had standard tx in 2010 non responder after 12 wks tx stopped.Also awaiting to hear about the all oral pill being produced so my tx on the hep c can begin after my surgery.Best Wishes All.
I have a friend who it post-transplant and taking triple therapy, was virus three after 12 weeks and is now completing the course. So treatment is available now and can succeed.
I also had a transplant 3 years ago and the hepatitis came back. This November my Dr. at the University of Colorado put in a research group doing the new drug Incivek along with interferon and ribavirin . The second week of treament I cleared the virus and have remained clear since it ended in Jan. This Dr. has worked on tweaking these meds to increase the effectivness and drecrease the side effects.
Don’t give up. I took this treatment and only had the itching, shortness of breath and weakness. I worked the entire time. Weekends were for resting and taking it easy. I cleared the virus and I’m still clear after a year. I don’t think it affects everyone the same so it might be different for you. It’s worth a try. I’ve had Hep C, genotype 1 since I was 15 and had a blood transfusion after a car accident. I am now 58. I feel wonderful.
viral load means nothing unless you are in treatment. ask your docs
Viral load can be a reason to start treatment. It and biopsies together give an idea of what severity your disease. It measures the amount of virus in your blood.
I have never heard that and I went to med school and asked my own doctor. He never heard it either. Degree of liver damage is the determinant.
I got Hepatitis C in 1978, diagnosed in 1998, took 1st treatment in 1999, viral load apprx. 10,000 with fibrosis; I did 2nd tx in 2005 with similar viral load and still fibrosis. Neither worked – did them both a year long. I was being tested each year after, not much change. One appointment in 2011 I was told I had cirrhosis (end stage) and count was 4 million+. Slowly getting weaker, etc. My doctor can’t tell me how long, liver disease can take years, decades before dying. It also can speed right up at points, stress is a huge reason it becomes active or accelerates. Make preparations (life ins., etc.) that needs to be done. Then go on and ENJOY LIFE every day.
I am trying to enjoy life but this is consuming and with every Dr visit I get discouraging news yet I feel good…I feel like I am going to die any time now when I leave the office, been making plans for check out…thank God I know the Lord and believe Christians don’t die they just relocate … but I still am not ready
I take comfort with the slow nature of Hep C. Obviously some patients have tragic and rapidly-deteriorating experience with this disease; but most patients live for decades.
I am age 61 and have had Hep C for three decades. But I feel good and am largely asymptomatic. I need to loose much weight; but I walk a lot, don’t smoke and now average just one drink per month.
Even at this stage, my gastroenterologist agrees that WITHOUT treatment, my life is most likely to end due to heart disease more than fifteen years in the future.
Just because you have Hepatitis doesn’t mean make it certain that you will die from it. Look both ways when crossing the street, don’t smoke, get exercise and hug your kids.
dont understand why everyone keeps saying viral doesn’t matter …if there is NO virus the count would be 0 and if you have the virus the more the worst, I would think…I have had Hep C for 20yr and my viral was 7mil now approx 4mil I would love to have 33,000 stage 3
Internal meds doctor years ago told me that the viral load LEVEL doesn’t matter much. Zero viral load is good. One million is bad but four million isn’t four times worse than one. Also the numbers vary from month to month and test to test.
My understanding is that the testing is like a switch. You either have the virus (not good) or don’t have the it (obviously good).
Of course if you have a doctorate in infectious diseases the situation is a bit more subtle.
I have chronic Hep C and have been treated twice. Disease responded but never went to zero. Other than that, I let the specialists worry about the exact numbers.
hmmm interesting, I like that 1 or 4 mil isn’t any greater … thank you…I get excited when my counts go down as they have over last 5 years…but only to go up this test…thank you
Viral load has no correlation to liver damage.Some with low viral load have massive liver damage and vice versa. The test can detect as low as 40 singular viruses. I’ve seen ranges from 300,000 t0 5 million.
I had issues with this drug, although I was not hospitalized. A year & 1/2 later, I still have lingering issues, although much less severe. I did a 3-month trearment & relapsed almost immediately after stopping the Incivek.
Yes, I know the side affects well, and thankfully, once the Incivek was done, the other 2 meds were easier to deal with. I am 8 months past treatment, virus undetectable still, and the likelihood of the virus re-occuring are minimal. Glad I did it – even though I know there will be new drugs eventually. I watched the 90s with riba/interferon and said no, not until there is a better chance for cure. Incivek was my ticket – – and I am not sorry that is was my choice, even with the difficult passage.
I have had C for over 25 years. been interferon/rib 6X. 14 biopsies. I thought this was the miracle i had been waiting for. the 1st month on Vertex i was Hep C free on the viral count. I went the full 6 months with very bad itching and gain a lot of weight from the fat diet. also had shortness of breath. after finishing the treatment, my 3 month checkup said the C was back with a vengence. Back to square 1!
I took the Incivek with the other traditional 2 meds. About 8 days out from completing the Incivek, I had to stop due to bad rashes and severe itching. When I came off, it got better. I do believe though the Incivek is what made me viral free. I have been viral free for nearly a year. I received blood after childbirth in 1974 and had carried the virus for over 37 years. I had no idea until I gave blood in 2011. My liver had very little damage when I had a biopsy in late 2011. I think because I don’t drink or smoke and lead a healthy lifestyle my Hep C didn’t get worse over the years. Would I do it again? Yes, because I was cured because of the medication. Being sick is not easy, but I see many people going through diseases much worse than Hep C. I had a great support system that consisted of fervent prayer to the Good Lord. Thank you Lord for my cure.
I have been living with Hep ‘C’ since I was diagnosed around 1995? Since I have NO symptoms and not a big drinker or an IV user, I am not sure how I contacted this disease? But, I am not ready or wiling to go for this or any cure so far on the market. I can get FREE treatment thru the VA Hospital which monitor my liver 2x a yr. I have know people who have taken the original cure and this newer one and some were cured and others relapsed after 3-6 mos. All said it was hard on their bodies! The latest medications have a “high cure” rate but like this article says, it takes time for the drugs to show their (bad) side effects, which can be even worse than the Hep ‘C’ itself. I do not know if I will ever take treatment for my Hep ‘C’. I am 72 yrs. old now and since I have no major symptoms, I am reluctant to do anything.
I am in a very similar boat… however, I had recently taken a statin drug and
my liver, for the first time ever, had high liver enzyme levels… “really”
high. So now I am looking into non-invasive test to determine the “exact” state
of my liver. Normal MRI and color sonogram come back “normal… but I need the
MRE type of MRI to determine liver density…. I do all of this out of pocket…
I am 65, living in China without insurance. I use Traditional Chinese Medicine
and have a “super” healthy life style with TaiChi every day as well as an ultra
pure diet… having no insurance forces me to take uncommonly good care of
myself… so far, so good… maybe…
Drinking does not cause Hepatitis C, makes it worse usually. IV use is not a huge part of the Hep C being spread. You almost definitely got it from being in the military before “universal precautions” were in effect, when the military used the same “gun” to vaccinate person after person, one after the other. Another huge cause of Hepatitis C is being a baby boomer and you’re very close to that (born 1945-1965).
wow, 72 fantastic, I hope I make it to 72…I am 60, I too am not going to jump through the hoop…not ready , I feel OK and mostly just lazy alot…I thank God for the change of diet I have and the more healthy attempts I have changed to get where I am with this thing…I could not even get out of bed 6 years I travel every three months to go see my grandkids, retired to take care of myself and wait for better meds to help us out
But, as a VA RN, know friends were turned down for meds they needed, because they were “non formulary” or had to be ordered by the hematologist in the specialty clinic or simply the outside levels, “did not meet the VA criteria”, they cannot/and will not keep up with the latest private sector recommendations.
And I wasn’t a drinker, smoker, IV drug user, just a casualty of a veteran with this horrible disease.
I ‘ve was diagnosed 1995 i haven‘t taken anything, i just trust Lord Jesus. I know what some of you are thinking , and that’s ok. Nineteen yrs. For me i come to terms with my life, it’s by faith i am willing to take , until my God prompts me to do something different. I have confidence in my Lord. Waiting for his timing, not mine. I know what some of you are thinking maybe this is suicidal, stupid, again you are entitled to your opinons.
My son was actually involved in the clinical trial of Teleprevir. He was in the final phase of the trial to determine whether a 2x per day dose was as effective as the 3x per day dose. He completed treatment in 24 weeks, and based on the reports that we were just able to get recently, he was actually virus free after 4 weeks.
However, although he finished his treatment over a year and a half ago, he is continuing to experience the side effects that he experienced during the actual treatment period. Mainly terrible fatigue, itching and gastric upset, and of course the depression that comes from being so fatigued all the time.
Hepatitis C itself causes depression they recently found. Anybody with Hep C and definitely anybody on treatment should ask their doctor about an anti-depressant.
The fatigue is crushing me after a year since completing the triple therapy (telaprevir). I take Kratom and it helps with pain and fatigue.
I started triple therapy 8/20/12 and finished 2/2/13. My side effects were pretty tough but I was able to work part time and it helped. I have been feeling my heart flutter and have a echo cardiogram and stress test tomorrow. The meds are hard on your heart because of the anemia…it has to work harder. I’m a 59 year old female, non drinker/user, Genotype 1A, Fibrosis at ZERO. 6 weeks post treatment the dragon was not detected.
What about African America as far case studies are side affects?
Any data?
Im African American and tried the triple x. I was only able to do four weeks. I was Soooooooo sick. i thought i was headed to the grave. My thinking was becoming weird . It did come close to clearing the virus. Biopsy showed that i went from stage
3 to stage 1. Thank God for that
Yeah, I can give you my own data. I am African American. It made me bonkers! I like plants, and I would be fooling around with my flower pots in the middle of the night until the sun came up and then some more! Lol. The itching felt like an evil, dark, angry entity was at work under my skin! My doctor gave me prednisone for it, and it worked! I’m a year beyond the triple therapy(telaprevir), and still no virus detected!!! I can’t believe it sometimes. It was hard hard hard. That said, it was worth it. I would do it again for sure, but pray I won’t have to. Oh, I met the fat requirement by drinking the [high-octane] boost. That’s not what it’s labeled as but you get the gist. I reiterate the prednisone is what made it possible for me to compile the telaprevir portion of the treatment.
Never stop fighting.
I completed the triple therapy and went the full 48 weeks and after my one year blood test was still undetectable on my viral load, this was amazing to me as I also had to go to an infusion clinic to get three nupegen injections every week, which my insurance refused to pay for, thank God for medicare, as these injections for some reason were six thousand dollars apiece. This was my third series of treatments for my gene type 1 and I am very grateful to the staff of the infusion clinic and my gastroentraologist. I also exercised twice a day riding fifteen miles in the morning and fifteen after supper on my recumbent bicycle working up a good sweat each time, my doctor said this really helped get the treatment working. It was very hard at times but well worth the effort.
Telaprevir killed my hep c virus and I remain free of the virus. That said, it was a hellish experience for the first three, four weeks or so. At least two of the six people in my “group” ended up in the hospital. I did not but was advised to go at least once. I did not experience the rash across my body. The worst part was the feeling that the stuff was burning its way through my body like battery acid. Going to the toilet was agony. (Try butt paste.) I could barely make it up the stairs. Retching, anemia (very hard to breathe), weird thoughts, no focus whatsoever. I know pain, having severed my Achilles tendon in an accident. The Telaprevir experience was serious pain in the first weeks. Every chance I had, I told the doctor to be very careful about who he gave this treatment to. The need to take all that fat was disgusting, and I recommend doing your research (before starting the drug) as to the most efficient ways to do that with a variety of foods. All that said, I found a way to live with the drug, the first weeks were the worst by far, and I came out of it hep c free where two previous failed treatments had failed.
all what fat….never heard of that part before….foods to eat while you are on treatment?
You should take in 20 gr of fat with this, and this helps the medication get to the live and work better. I used 1 Tbl of olive oil, and it was tough, but I cleared after 1 month continued this until my dr said I could stop, (Thank goodness), but the itching and rash, felt like I had been rolling in fiberglass, appetite is still poor, fatigue still present finished my meds about 2 weeks ago, still fatigued, hopefully when I see my dr in about 2 weeks I will be clear.
And as a RN, I thought I could do this treatment living alone, but in looking back, those drugs gave me so much confusion, dizziness, itching, rash, ataxia, (fell down the stairs 3 time, I would try it with the help of a friend that can at least be there during this time.
This is actually reassuring to me. I did combination treatment in 2000/2001 and then tried the next version in 2004. I am on a waiting list for Telaprevir combination treatment.
My experience both times was that the first week was like having extreme influenza with aches, chills and shivers but it never got worst than that. Other things came along such as weird hair growth and irritability. But after making it thru the first week or two, it was simply a long slog to the end.
I bounced back quite fast after my treatments. My first treatment finished on Sept 8, 2001. I woke up on the morning of Sept 11th feeling like a million bucks. Of course that good mood disappeared fast when I checked the TV news one last time before heading off to work…
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis can happen with ANY medication. Once again, the importance of working with your healthcare provider and being a responsible advocate for yourself (or your loved one) is quite apparent.
I was hospitalized in critical condition 4 mos. after beginning triple Tx treatment. My red blood cell count was 4 (it should be 12). So be sure you are paying attention to your blood work, in case your Dr. isn’t!!! I wish I had known that when in was being treated. Good news: a yr. after treatment the virus is still non-detectable.
My mother did the triple medication with Boceprevir or Victrelis, after the first 3month the virus was undetected. But at the week 46,the virus was detected. She was so depply sad afterr all the crazy side effect she had been through. Almost every month she was hospitalized. Even afterr stop the medication she stil experience the side effect and been hospitalized again and again..2people from her group was faiiled after the first 3month and so diid my mother affer 48wks of treatment. This really makes us feel frustated..after almost 18yrs with pegintron & my Mother is 65yrs old. I don’t think she would try for new medication next year.
In 1997 my mother was diagnosed Hep c genotype 1a, since then she was on Pegintron+ Rebetol. Last year she try the new treatment with Boceprevir/ Victrelis combined with pegintron+rebetol/ribavirin. I guess teleprevir not available in Asia region. After the first 3month the viral was undetected, and my mother experience all the crazy side effect: depression,anger,feel like someting burn in the body, skin rashed,anemia,and she almost end up in hospital every month,and all the pain from the medication made her want to give up,but we always encourage her. The virus was still undetected until one day in week 46 when she almost finished the treatment…the virus was was so shocking..make her so frustated, after all that she had been trough…was nothing. Even after stop the treatment..she can still fell the side effect and end up in hospital again. Now her blood pressure always high. Is there anyone experience like this??
I did the triple treatment with Telaprevir. Got the rash so bad I was taken off at about 9.5 weeks. I know this thread is geting long in the tooth but I just started Harvoni today! This will be my third go round, and I had to tell someone.
All clear!